What does it mean when you dream that you have a baby polar bear as a pet?

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  1. pinetreehugger profile image60
    pinetreehuggerposted 13 years ago

    What does it mean when you dream that you have a baby polar bear as a pet?

  2. yankeeintexas profile image59
    yankeeintexasposted 13 years ago

    Be careful about trying to interpret dream! Many dream are from your  subconscious and really have no meaning to them. Your polar bear dream might be a result many different interacts, and thought that you have had recently!

  3. peterxdunn profile image61
    peterxdunnposted 13 years ago

    I too think dreams are just memory dumps that our brains perform whilst we sleep.

    However, if your dream was to have any significance it might mean that you have bitten off more  - taken on more responsibility - than you can chew.

    Baby polar bears tend to grow-up to be very large daddy/mummy polar bears. Keeping such a large animal fed might well cost you an arm and a leg - literally. After it has eaten you out of house and home it might then eat you.

  4. skisy profile image71
    skisyposted 13 years ago

    It means your subconscious thinks you should move to the Arctic. =p

    Honestly, I don't know though, especially as I don't know your specific circumstances, though I imagine something you did that day or were thinking about put an idea in your head which somehow prompted you to think of something like that...or not at all, it could be for absolutely no reason at all that you thought of that. No-one really fully understands the dream process, many describe dreaming as reflections of your subconscious and others as messages for God.

    However if a meaning is not clear (and even when it appears to be) take caution in reading into it.

  5. DanuckInUSA profile image60
    DanuckInUSAposted 13 years ago

    No more klondike bars before bed is what that means.

  6. SPIRIT n TRUTH profile image64
    SPIRIT n TRUTHposted 13 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this and seeking answers and wisdom and knowledge.

    Typically dreams are metaphoric, specifically functionally metaphoric, meaning that the function of what you dream about is a metaphor for your life or something in your life. Example, I was given a dream where I found my glasses and put them back on, this was a picture of me gaining my vision back, and that is what has happened and what I have experienced, shortly after that dream happened (other examples are money can represent something that is treasure or currency, a bad guy/wolf or something can represent an enemy, wall can symbolized a barrier, a knee or elbow can be flexibility, a foot can be your walk/movement in life, etc.). Or, sometimes they can be literal. Example I dreamed I moved my clothes from a basement into a room at the top of the stairs, and that's exactly what happened like a month later, I moved from my friends/mentors' basement to a room at the top of the stairs in the house.

    Therefore, looking at your dream, having a baby polar bear as a pet, what is the function of a pet, and a baby/polar bear? A pet is something people have for enjoyment, companionship, entertainment, usefulness, and more. A polar bear is a large white bear found in cold climates (or the zoo : ), and a bear is large strong wild animal yet that can be tamed. A baby is small, young, immature version or state of something that it starts in before it grows into an adult/mature. So, I see from this, (without knowing exactly what happened to the bear, you, etc. in the dream) that your dream indicates that there's something in your life is a help, a companion, an enjoyment, etc. that is in an early stage in it's life, that is strong, powerful and wild yet tameable and amiable (desirable) and can be friendly. This could either mean that you will have something in your life in the future, have had something like this in the past, or do have it in the present and is showing you what it is is like, knowing only this much.

    Hope this is understandable and helpful. And for more information there's a pdf on Mark Virler's website www.cwgministries.org under> free resources under > how to interpret your dreams, and Job 33 in the Bible/Word of God shows the purposes God gives us dreams for. Grace and peace.

    1. Alp Derme profile image54
      Alp Dermeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I saw new born polar bear and held on my arm i don't know why but she has  a real baby face and  beautiful ; i was experiencing similar feeling when i held my daughter for the first time ..I was  shouting how beautiful baby


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