I heard a lot of Ghost stories in my home town & if Ghost exists why can't every

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  1. DANIELPRASANNA profile image68
    DANIELPRASANNAposted 13 years ago

    I heard a lot of Ghost stories in my home town & if Ghost exists why can't everybody see them?

    Hi, First of all Thank-you so much, for the interesting hub.I don't know whether Ghosts exist or not, because I never saw one.If they exist, what would have been happened to Adolf Hitler, who massacred 6 million Jews & 5 million other Nationalities.If one Ghost would have appeared, each night he would have not slept for his life time.I am from Jaffna Sri-Lanka.I know the consequences of the war, though we are lucky enough to escape & live peacefully in another place.

  2. TMApsey profile image77
    TMApseyposted 13 years ago

    Some people are more open to seeing the paranormal than others. There is NOTHING evil inside you, so don't worry about that! That's crazy! I have heard of so many good people having paranormal experinces, and to say that it is because of some evil inside of you is perposterous!

  3. Roy Perrin profile image60
    Roy Perrinposted 13 years ago

    Some quick "definitions" to help understand things.  "Paranormal" simply means something unexplained or unexplainable.  "Ghost" is a word that while it has a specific meaning, actually gets used to describe any sort of unexplainable occurence whether a visable one or one that is only felt or measured by various devices (such as an EMF detector or recording devices). 
    Typically, most people who experience paranormal things do so because they expect to.  Whenever you go into a situation with preconceived notions about what to expect, you will usually not be disappointed.  The same could be said for racism or any time when you look for certain things to be there whether they are or not.
    Another opinion is that there is a spiritual "parallel" world where we sometimes see things, where we get glimpses of what is happening in the spiritual realm.  They visions (for lack of a better term) is usually angels and demons, though some would say that it it may be the perverbial pergatory where spirits await judgment day.
    You bring up a great point about how many ghosts there would be based on how many people have died.  With the millions dying at any given time and the billions throughout history, why aren't there ghosts everywhere for everyone to see?  Why is it still a debatable topic?  I don't think that ghosts are what we think they are.  I lean toward the angels and demons idea myself, but can conceive of the purgatory idea as well. 
    I don't know if this answer helps you or not, but it's what I think about it all.  Take care and don't forget that you will see what you expect to see.

  4. profile image48
    iamongodssideposted 12 years ago

    First off, There are no such thing as ghost. People say that there are such things as ghost because the people who have died would remain on earth because they cannot find the light or something. They are not ghosts. People who die do not remain on earth as a spirit. But what i can tell you is that these invisable spirits happen to be demons or angels who took the form of the deaseased person. Im not sure if this is true but if the spirit that took the form of the person who has died is a demon, then the deaseased person is probably going to hell. But if its a angel then the person is in heaven. But like i said there is no one on this earth that remains here as a spirit. And we cant see spirits because Spirits are immoratal, but we humans are not.


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