How many of you stand for change? Exactly what changes do you endeavour to bring

  1. keepitnatural profile image61
    keepitnaturalposted 12 years ago

    How many of you stand for change? Exactly what changes do you endeavour to bring about?

  2. 34th Bomb Group profile image59
    34th Bomb Groupposted 12 years ago

    Don't LIE!
    While I don't think that's such a difficult thing to do - or not do depending on your ability to answer a simple question - it's apparently impossible for these crackers, on both sides of the aisle, to commit to it.
    I'm in New York 26th, and you haven't seen anything like it vis a vis nasty, bitter, over-the-top advertisements by both major candidates. Then there are the robocalls. At least 7-10 per day as we approached today's election.
    But...considering we lost our Congressman after he was found to be posting his naked chest to a Craig's List buddy, I guess we need to be shot between the eyes before we can understand anything.

  3. zduckman profile image60
    zduckmanposted 12 years ago

    I was afraid that Obama might jst be a politicak Trojan horese...and it appears I was right.It is not possible for one person to change the course of government. The president is after all ...just a pawn the captain aboard a large ocean going vessel, it takes time to change a coarse which has momentum.

    We need a system overhaul. What amazes me is that we are watching people throughout the world rise up and demand their rights....and we cheer them on ....sedated by our televisions, and distracted by the media. It seems most don't realize the the U.S. now ranks at around the 10th freest countries in the world. Our civil liberties have been stripped away from us as we endure higher and higher rates of employment and inflation.....all while the corporations get richer and richer.

    We are the only industrialized nation that does not have Universal Health Care.....and if you believe the private system is better....then you have been brainwashed. We pay the highest price for heal;th care...yet have the 3rd highest infant mortality rate.....One of my parents was killed by mal-practice...and the other one had two close calls....That is a HORRIBLE track record.

    We are also the only industrialized nation that does not permit the farming of Industrial Hemp(not pot) . This too is due to successful brainwashing by greedy corporations that are getting rich from the ban.

    It is my life goal to see Hemp legalized for american farmers and to see health car for the people ...not for the profit of Big Pharm, and HMOs.


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