If God asked you to play the role of a demon would you?

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  1. Darrell Roberts profile image72
    Darrell Robertsposted 11 years ago

    If God asked you to play the role of a demon would you?

    I was told we came from the spiritual word and we chose to be here to learn how to please God.  My question is if you were in the spiritual world with God and it really was God you were asked to come to this planet to play the role of a demon would you. In addition, God specifically said this would be pleasing because that is what the planet needed. Would you do it to please God?

  2. vrbmft profile image75
    vrbmftposted 11 years ago

    It is an interesting question, intriguing to me in terms of the framework from which the question comes.  The assumption that God is narcissistic and needs everyone to please Godself or God will punish them in kind.  Talionic in thinking.  Thank God, I do not experience or believe in this kind of God.  This is the kind of mind set that allows us to continue to send our sons and daughters to be sacrificed in war.
    There is so much more to God and spirituality than pleasing anyone.

    We see a model of God's relationship to his creation in a healthy love relationship and when you are in a love relationship, you go far beyond any kind of evil or any kind of self centeredness.

  3. eapratte profile image60
    eapratteposted 11 years ago

    It depends. If I knew more about myself, reality, and life in the spiritual world, I might have a different perspective about what sort of role I want to have in the world vs. my perspective now. I don't know how the spiritual world is really, nor who I am/would be over there, so I can't say what my hypothetical self would do in this hypothetical situation. I guess I also wonder by what sort of God are we being asked? Everyone has their own conception of God, what his/her personality is, etc. I don't trust a jealous God, a God I should fear, nor a God who is asking to be pleased. This God's concern seems to be on Him, not really about humanity. I would be inclined to say no.

  4. Agantum profile image60
    Agantumposted 11 years ago

    Lets accept that you are in the spiritual world and God speaks to you,

    "You are in my spiritual world and you can hear me speak to you.  How would you like to leave this place where you can see and hear me and go to a place where you can't see or hear me and learn how to please me."

      "Oh, and I would like you play the role of a demon, because even though I made this planet the way I want it to be, now I think the planet needs a demon."

    So Darrell, I just need to know a few more things before I can answer this question.

    Why didn't you ask him why you couldn't learn how to please him in the spirit world?

    How were you going to know if you were doing it right on the planet here if you couldn't see or hear him anymore?

    If he made the planet the way he liked it, why does he want some demon to change it?

    If now he wants the planet changed, then I really wish you had asked him why he just didn't make it the way that he liked to start with? ( He is god afterall.)

    And you really should have asked him what sort of demon?  Water demon, fire demon, earth demon, air demon, slug demon, crumbs the pidgeons are about to pick up demon, making cars run out of petrol on the freeway demon, making icecreams fall off cones on a summers day demon or asking questions on hubpages demon?

    Lastly Darrell,  do you really think that your god wants you to be a demon on the planet.  Isn't it possible that it is the great liar pretending to be god and not god at all.  If somehow you managed to get sent to the planet by the bad guy trying to trick you, turn the tables on him.  Instead of playing demon for this liar, do something positive for god and and be an angel on the planet, maybe you will find a reward other than returning to the pits of hell when you are finished with .

    (a few suggestions for angels are - angel of giving directions,  angel of wishing a nice day and be an angel and make us a coffee.)

  5. KutterHighway profile image58
    KutterHighwayposted 11 years ago

    He did..I said "No, I don't believe in you." He walked off grumbling about having to accept Pat Robertson's offer.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image72
      Darrell Robertsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for having a sense of humor smile

  6. kmaskreations profile image57
    kmaskreationsposted 11 years ago

    God does not ask us to sin.  God would not be capable of asking such a question.  How strange to even invent this idea!   Read his Word, the Holy Bible, and get to know him.  Do you know the definition of blasphemy?

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image72
      Darrell Robertsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I thought if God was all powerful He could be capable of anything smile

    2. kmaskreations profile image57
      kmaskreationsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Read scripture...God CANNOT sin.  This is the one thing he is incapable of.

    3. andrew savage profile image58
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He does not speak sin, he erases it. While his abilities precede and surpass those of this world, there is no place that he is not able to reach his arm through to pull you out.

  7. Darrell Roberts profile image72
    Darrell Robertsposted 11 years ago

    Thanks for the responses.  What was on my mind was that if God is indeed all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere, then why is there so much pain in this world.  Is it possible that God sanctions the activities of "demons", and if so why?  If God was all powerful and wanted total peace and happines for all, would it not be that way?

    1. andrew savage profile image58
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I would have to fast or obstain somehow to figure these questions out.
      I think of his divine authority as a type of instrument that needs appropriate calibrations, undoubtedly the more we ignore him the further out of contact we become.

  8. andrew savage profile image58
    andrew savageposted 11 years ago

    No I would not play the role of a demon because that would entail surrendering one's conscience and consciousness.

    Although there is always the possibility of becoming an angel through the flesh of Man to test the people of whatever planet the father dispatches you to so. Such a dispatchment would likely be due to conducting an inquiry and investigation of sorts prior to the rest of the choirs arriving to such a planet as this one. 

    Furthermore, the one you refer to as "G-D" never calls himself (or herself) "g-d," and he does not need to be pleased by mortality or mortals. From my vantage point I see that one of the roles he fulfills is the re-engineering of demons so that they become angels. This perhaps begins upon them recovering their sentience and conscience.

    I have questions to leave you with:
    Why do you think he would turn someone into a demon?
    Why do you think he desires to be pleased?
    Would you ever offer burnt offerings to please your deity, and what types of burnt offerings would you provide?


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