What would you think if aliens came to earth and proved that they created human

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  1. Darrell Roberts profile image69
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    What would you think if aliens came to earth and proved that they created human life?

    I just watched the movie Prometheus recently.  I just wanted to know what people thought.  If God came and proved Himself to atheists they may change their opinion.  What would religious people do if the aliens came and proved they created human kind and were watching us over the years?

  2. IDONO profile image61
    IDONOposted 12 years ago

    I would say, " Thanks guys, but you better try again cause you didn't do so good on the first try."
         Hagred would say," Bring more space treats!"

  3. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    This scenario may well be authentic that we were genetically engineered by what we call extraterrestrials, and that they may have acted as angels or entities from the Creator of all in giving us our way of life. It is my belief that it would make no difference whether we were influenced by ETs or that we are created as many believe, by the Grand Creator of all. To me, it is one and the same. Native Americans, Asians,Middle Easterners, Europeans and Immigrants to the United States have all chosen their individual religions and beliefs. Those that do not have belief in a Creator or God, are free to make this choice. When realized, that there was a real source of all creation, whether it is seen by various religions as their own or in another form, I believe that most people in the world will accept the fact that we all were indeed given life by a grand and benevolent entity or entities and it will not create chaos or great confusion. Many native people of various countries already believe and have recorded these events on walls and tablets around the globe.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image82
    M. T. Dremerposted 12 years ago

    I think, from a scientific standpoint, alien contact would jump us forward considerably. It would call into question a lot of what we think we know. Personally, I feel like that forced enlightenment would actually be good for our world which, lets face it, is a little arrogant. My biggest concern, however, is that this alien contact will be hostile in nature. And it's not just from them; our species has a history of racial intolerance. I can't even imagine how untrustworthy we would be of aliens on our planet.

  5. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    it would be what i have always believed. my son and i were talking about this very thing yesterday and we both agree. the god thing is beyond absurd but aliens creating us as an experiment makes sense. start out with almost nothing and then see how evolution effects everything.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image69
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting, the next question I would ask is who/what would have created the aliens?  Is there a possibility that there is such a powerful intelligent foce that it could creat infinite species of life located in different parts of the universe

    2. whonunuwho profile image52
      whonunuwhoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good question, Darrell

    3. nightwork4 profile image60
      nightwork4posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      like the universe, nothing created life other then an occurance of circumstances that caused certain elements to meet. there is no reason to believe in a creator any more then believing in santa.who created the powerful intelligence?

  6. Elderberry Arts profile image93
    Elderberry Artsposted 12 years ago

    I don't believe in a god but I have always wondered about this idea. Why couldn't it be true, after all? I read a book that supported the idea several years ago. I agree with M.T Dremer though, I think we'd do what humans too often do and act now, think later. Why do so many people automatically assume that aliens would come here to hurt us? If they wanted to do that are really are more advanced surely they would of done it by now?
    If aliens come, I wanna go home with them lol

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image69
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you, I think that if aliens whated to harm us they would have done so already. I think that mans fear gets the best of us too many times.

  7. ftclick profile image56
    ftclickposted 12 years ago

    well, you have history from ancient ruins, dated geological carvings, commercial and military pilots.
    It would be interesting. I kind of thought heaven is where the aliens are in the outer heavens and they live in peace. No need for external stimuli.

  8. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    I think it would sure mess up a lot of religious beliefs here on earth!  I don't think people would know what to do, but quite possibly they'd start praying to the Aliens!!

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image69
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      LOL. I agree the religious traditions would take a huge hit.Then can you imagine how people would feel about all the fighthing that was done in "Gods" name.

  9. sr994 profile image60
    sr994posted 12 years ago

    i believe aliens live among us. i believe god creates everything. Aliens did create some life forms. I am not sure i believe human life was created by aliens


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