Have you ever experienced the supernatural?

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  1. ambercita04 profile image70
    ambercita04posted 11 years ago

    Have you ever experienced the supernatural?

    Last night I awoke after hearing a "hissing, slithery" voice. I don't know what "it" said, but I got an erry feeling that it was evil. Lately, my son and I have been praying for some things in our life and a person in our life that aren't so good. I was wondering if anyone has ever felt the ressence of "evil" in their room when dealing with prayer and the supernatural? I know I have experienced stuff like this before when I was much younger and also again in high school. But this is the first time I have since becoming an adult and truly seeking God.

  2. Mary Phelan profile image87
    Mary Phelanposted 11 years ago

    No, but I know many people who have. There must be an underlying cause to all of this. I am writing a follow-up piece soon to my previous hub Dark Matters: The Search for Supernature.

    1. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The adversary is ALWAYS fighting back....Always! Mary Phelan, you want some serious fodder for your "search"... I've got about 20 people who have dropped and puked UNDER MY HANDS, who would be more than happy to tell you THEIR stories!

  3. cryptid profile image87
    cryptidposted 11 years ago

    I had an experience like that many years ago, and similar to your experience it was during a time when I was experimenting with prayer and meditation. In my case the voice was harsh, and seemed to be in another language.  I don't know what it said, but I got the feeling it wasn't something nice. 

    It's so hard to know if these experiences are real or just the product of the amazing human mind.  I tend to mentally note these kinds of things without putting too much weight on them either way.  On the other hand I've known people who have completely shifted their life perspective due to perceived spiritual experiences.  I guess the most important thing is what you believe.

    1. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was sleeping when this voice woke me. I felt an evil pressence. It also seemed to be in a different language. I prayed and went back to sleep. My deepest fear is that it comes after my son. I pray God keeps him safe every night.

    2. cryptid profile image87
      cryptidposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't worry too much just yet.  Just be sure to keep an open line of communication with your son and let him know he needs come to you and describe any strange occurrences or people he sees in your home . . . without scaring him of course.

    3. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Amber, if this persists... Please, let me know...

    4. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Unfortunately, my son is only 16 months old... so talking isn't quite his forte yet.. but thanks!

    5. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have been "called" to the ministry that I do... I would not recommend delving into the Supernatural on a whim. I keep MOST of my experiences to myself. 1.) I will NOT mention their names again  2.) most people don't believe me! Which is just fine..

  4. Roger Crigger profile image61
    Roger Criggerposted 11 years ago

          I will go so far as to say that there has never been ONE moment in ANYONE'S life when they were NOT "experiencing the supernatural!" There are Myriads upon myriads of entities around us 24/7. Both Good and bad. Living among, around and often "within" us. Actually, as a faith filled, believer of God and Jesus as your own personal savior...You have the Holy Spirit, "within" you, so in that sense, you yourself ARE supernatural. For those who are not Christian, not, filled with the Holy Spirit, they are still CONSTANTLY surrounded by entities of all sorts. Same time, same place...Different dimension! Now... You said that you are "Truly seeking God." God, is not the only "supernatural being" who KNOWS THAT, and the adversary will do everything in his power to keep you from God. His very purpose for being is to TRY to keep us separate from our Father in heaven, (Who, by the way, created you...in HIS image) and loves you more than you can even imagine or understand. Now... Having said that, FEAR THEM NOT!!!! They have no power, no authority, when YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! One of my own personal callings is, believe it or not, driving Demons out of people in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS! It's hard for me to say that, because most people think I'm crazy when I do, however, the people who end up, back in there own mind, after dropping and puking under the anointing and power of GOD IN ME... Have no problem believing that THAT just happened! I originally opened up my HUB page just now, because I was going to write about the last young man that God used my wife and I to deliver 6 or 7 demons out of and I see your question....Yes! I have experienced the supernatural...and ....So have you...Fear them not! Don't taunt them and don't try to fight them in your own power and ability, (your flesh), but rather... let God handle them, pray against them in Jesus name, as a child of God, then... Don't give them a second thought! If you need help...Ever...First, trust the Lord. If it persists, (which it likely will not, once it see's that it's really just pushing you closer to God) Don't hesitate...To look me up. Realize that God is THE ONLY POWER AND FINAL AUTHORITY!

    1. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have had supernatural experiences all my life. I know that there is a battle going on between God and Satan behind the scenes as we live in our time confined world. Prayer is where I find peace and I think Satan is fighting back. Thanks you.

    2. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Adversary is ALWAYS fighting back... It's the reason they AND YOU...Are here! I have "Dark matters" walk through my house on a fairly consistent basis.... They hate me... and there's NOTHING they can do about it.... God IN me... They HATE me!

    3. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was taking a class in college called demons and angels. I missed a class and had to view the powerpoint online. When I was in the library doing so, the screen turned to Satan's face and I couldn't leave it. They had to pull the plug to shut it down

    4. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah...He's flashy! Still and always trying to convince us that HE IS THE POWER! Be careful tho sister, until You know that you know...WHO YOU ARE! Took me years before I stopped suffering retaliation! GOD must be, the ONE who speaks!

    5. profile image0
      Andre Sanchezposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is no war between God and Satan. The war is between different sets of angels, led by Michael and Satan. Angel means messenger. The war is for the ear of man. It would be nonsense for anyone to fight God as such, God is the only power there is.

    6. CoauthorU profile image74
      CoauthorUposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Amplified Bible... Jesus is describing John the Baptist to His disciples. Please take special note of verse 11 and 12

      9 But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and one [[b]out of the common, more eminent, more remarkable, and] [c

  5. profile image0
    Andre Sanchezposted 11 years ago

    I know what you mean by the word supernatural but remember, all things that exist are by definition natural, they are just not always clearly understood. The hissing sound is typical of the state bordering on sleep, if you could remain consciously awake while bordering on the state, you will hear it as pure vibration or as voices. Regarding its evil nature, I recall someone telling me of a mystical dream he had. He was falling from the sky and when he hit the ground he just kept falling. The presence of evil grew stronger and he knew he would meet the devil if he kept falling. Eventually he hit the bottom and looked into a pool of water and behold, there it was, his own face. The kingdom of God is within you; the war of the angels therefore, is within you, and the devil that is cast to the earth is cast from within you.

    1. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      First of all, you can't not serve more than one master therefore you can't have boh God and Satan within you. Second, angels do not go into you, demons do and only to those that are not under God's lordship.

    2. profile image0
      Andre Sanchezposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Demons are angels. They don't "go into you" because they have always been within you. Angels are inhabitants of God's Kingdom, which is within you. Everyone is under God's lordship. Isaiah 45:5 "I am the Lord and besides me there is no other."

    3. ambercita04 profile image70
      ambercita04posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think we will have to agree to disagree because your theology is not correct according to what I believe Scripture is saying.

    4. Roger Crigger profile image61
      Roger Criggerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Demons can and do Go INTO people and it is not "Angels" that Go INTO you, they are ministering Spirit's that the Lord has assigned for there own purpose according to HIS WILL,What He puts "In" you, is HIS Holy Spirit. Wish I had room to add scripture

    5. profile image0
      Andre Sanchezposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      God doesn't put anything in you other than himself. Christ means anointed which means covered with semen (look it up). God is all and his seed, which contains himself, was placed in your skull, Golgotha. This is how all are saved, by impregnation.


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