What if it were God's will for a person to live in the prison system?

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  1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 11 years ago

    What if it were God's will for a person to live in the prison system?

    What good will God give in that kind of situation?

  2. CMHypno profile image84
    CMHypnoposted 11 years ago

    Can't honestly see why any deity would want someone to live in a prison.  Maybe some souls make a decision that they want to experience a life of incarceration, but saying it's 'god's will' sounds a bit arbitrary, even a bit medieval. I think the world needs to leave behind the idea of a punitive god, chastising his flock from on high

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you know what prison life is all about?  Some people who live outside of prison lives such a life as being in one.  Look at the suffrage of women, it's been like a prison.  Why would God allow that?

  3. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 11 years ago

    Very interesting question, But there is an answer,From God's word, Romans13:1 says " Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority accept by God,The existing Authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God, verse 2 says he that opposes the authority has taken a stand against God, and those who have taken a stand against it will receive Judgement  to themselfs. Verse 4 says it is God's minister to you for your good.

    The scriptures makes it very clear God Almighty allows the Authority to stand in place .as a service to human society.

    Even though it is ran by imperfect humans ,and we might not be happy at how they do their Jobs ,He is allowing them to do theirs.

    And remember the bible is used in the court of law.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Aside from Paul's teaching, Jesus went and got those who were in hell out.  He did not punish them further and I believe they went to heaven.  So who are we to judge the methods God uses to get us to see him the way that only he wants us to see him?

    2. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The word hell in hebrew is  a persons grave , Jesus himself said no man has ascended to heaven even after John the Baptist had been beheaded or killed. So where did John go ,he is sleeping in death ,until waken, at John 5:28-29 the ressurection .

    3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Whatever.  All sinners are to be forgiven--so says Jesus...not Paul, but Jesus s who I follow.

  4. kess profile image60
    kessposted 11 years ago

    We can begin by determining by how one determines the will of God...
    To me God wills anything a man will do.. so in your or any real scenario, the answer it is God will.

    The Good of the situation is determined by the person within the situation.

    The prison might represent limitations for you in doing what consider as good.
    But being outside of the prison also represent limitation to achieve other things also considered as good (even if it is by another)

    The person within the system sees the freedom to do what they see as good within the system.

    The good that God has given is the one seen by the person.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You and yes God will use any person for his good and to help those go through rough things to get them to change and learn.  I believe that you are on the right track.  Remember Jesus went and got all those who were in hell out.

    2. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To LG . We have to recognize yes there is injustice in this world ,and there may be people accused of things they did not do, Just as the almighty God in Hebrew (YHWH ) has been accused of all the wrong in the world. Yet the truth will set many free!

    3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      God/Satan/Jesus are all the same in this world.  They are all Within each of us.  The only ones who are "Almighty" are the ones working from EGO.  Yes even those in jail have a purpose bcz Paul said there is a purpose for everything and a time too.

  5. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    Not really much of a god is it?
    Probably the same one who thought up parasites, Elephantiasis and the like then gave it to innocent children so they can experience hell before they die.
    Certainly not any kind of god I want any part of.
    But god doesn't put people in prisons, they usually put themselves there.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It has been my experience of one that I know who did not put themselves there.  What about all those people?  Should we lump them all in with all the other murderers and nasty criminals too?

    2. Borsia profile image39
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Without the case history I have no answers for you.
      Most people who end up in prison are guilty, there are a few who aren't. Hopefully they will be cleared. There are many flaws in the Justice system for sure. I don't see this as the work of a god.

    3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have NO IDEA why your comment came up with this:  This comment is currently awaiting moderation.

    4. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To Borsia truly I see your point ,But as I notice you said god ,yes there are many gods, even the bible speaks of many who people give power to, one main one is known satan, but he comes in many god names.there is truly a good God who has been blamed

  6. stanwshura profile image70
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    This and myriad other circumstances and strife, coupled with a so-called merciful and loving God in scripture - a man-made text and compilation of INTERPRETATIONS of their "perception" (or illusion) of God's word is why I struggle so very hard to believe.

    If it were God's will, then He is evil - and that is a contradiction and nullifies His existence.  If His plan includes unending suffering, then there is no hell because we humans would never fairly endure such agony and unfairness in a holy world, and as such can NOT be punished.

    So - I do not believe it to be His plan if He even is.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      See my comment to JThomp42.

    2. stanwshura profile image70
      stanwshuraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Almighty, as I imagine Him/Her to be, has the power to make H(is) intentions so.  God being God, they must be good.  Strife and suffering do not fit that paradigm.  I know the puppet analolgy all too well so...    Alas, another answer, please.

    3. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To Stan, There is nothing different then what has been explain in God's word but many have their own interpretation of what is said and meant ,Example life and death is a fact , can not be denied, the source that explains it is the same no change.

    4. stanwshura profile image70
      stanwshuraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Bible IS man's imperfect interpretation.  That we all die is a fact anyone over 8 can grasp.  I am unimpressed that this supposedly holy text maybe got it right.  For now.  Look into space-time, quantum mechanics,  and S. Hawking for more.

    5. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't put much into Hawkings stuff either.  All our answers are within us, we just need to ask....law of attraction.

  7. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    God's will is not for anyone to suffer. We are born into free will and we make our own choices. As far as disease, famine, etc. this is the making of men. Man has ruined what God made perfect by polluting the soil, the water we drink, the air we breathe. Look at the statistics of cancer for example. See how they have risen since man has been destroying the world.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Who says they are suffering?  Man destroy world--where do the good things come into play or are they just ignored?  GOD/ENERGY was/is the constant.  There will always be consequences to both good and bad.  Good intentions don't always brng good back.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have no idea what you are saying Lady. I'm lost??

    3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why do many religious people harp on what man has done to destroy the earth?  What about all the GOOD things we have done to save it and why are they being ignored.  That's the point.  What if there are Angels Unawares in prison?

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not want to debate this. So, wishing you a very blessed day Lady.

    5. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What are we debating?

    6. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      the vindication of God Almighty Name (YHWH ) Why ! The truth about him ,Because from the beginning of the first human pair he gave them paradise, he loved them, but what of there love for him? Satan tested it for his purpose ,they called God a liar ,

  8. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 11 years ago

    Now that I got some answers, I will tell you why I asked this.  I have been writing a friend's memoirs about his life in the Prison system.  I am trying to uplift his because that is what I do.  I believe there is a purpose to everything and everyone on this earth.  This friend has anger issues and I sent him some books to help him and I can see that he is going through the steps in them by his personal letters and in his stories that I am typing on-line for him.  He wants to help me make some money with my writing and has now become my editor.  He can't charge me for this but in the future I will help him with this because he will not be able to have access to the internet.  When I started typing his stories I began to have a different idea about what prison life was like. He has a purpose of being there, even if he can't see it..I can.  There have also been people who have been in prison that are famous now after they were released.  I say do not judge anyone for their circumstances because you don't know if God or whomever is working through these people.  I am also getting him to "plant seeds of thoughts" to others he is incarcerated with.  At first no one can see what fruits, if any, they will bear.  His story is here:  http://myperfectlifeinprison.blogspot.c … emoir.html
    The link for you to see who and what they became after prison is:  http://guyism.com/celebrities/celebriti … amous.html
    I wish to educate some people with this information.  A side note:  Jesus went to a friends house as someone else and then he told them that they did not recognize him and treated him differently....Angel's Unawares and treat everyone with the respect that they deserve.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To Lady G
      I think it is a wonderful thing to write ,and show personal interest in a person who is incarcerated , the best help is the one who can help him in or out, matter where he standing in time , rather you are there or not God Almighty will.

    2. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well I thought that he was out of jail for a long time and couldn't find him but for the last 6 mos we have been corresponding.  Yes God is Within him.  I can't help him where his location is as he is in a state far from me.

  9. Hendrika profile image81
    Hendrikaposted 11 years ago

    I do not think it could ever be God's will for someone to be in prison except for their Christian beliefs. That does not say God cannot use the circumstances for the good of that person and the other prisoners.

  10. Darrell Roberts profile image69
    Darrell Robertsposted 11 years ago

    If it were God's will for a person to live in the prison system, and God is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere, then that person would live in the prison system.   That person would not have a choice as to where they would live, but they would have some what of a choice as to how they live in a tough situation.

    One could argue that this planet itself is a prison because there is a considerable amount of misery and suffering, quarrelling, diseases, pain, hate, physical and mental limitation etc.  But we are here doing the best we can to improve on the situation.  Doing the best we can to develop as spiritual beings so we are able to make it out of this world and go to the heavenly realms. 

    The good will that God would give in that situation is the good will a person could see relative to the situation.  What I mean is as bad as the prison system is, I could think up situations multiple time worse. I also could think up situations multiple times better, so it would depend on where a person would want to focus their mind.

    Best wishes smile


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