Why do people ask God related questions if they already have an answer?

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  1. BumblelyBee profile image60
    BumblelyBeeposted 10 years ago

    Why do people ask God related questions if they already have an answer?

    I see a lot of questions, not only in HubPages but also around the web about science related topics like evolution or if you believe this why don't you believe in God? Then when someone provides an answer, even when this answer doesn't attempt to disprove religions they reply with something on the lines of "well your wrong (insert statement not related to the answer)". My question is, if people are not prepared to listen to what someone has to say why do they ask in the first place unless all they wanted to do was to argue? I mean you don't have to believe everyone but listening is respectful.

  2. profile image0
    Richie Alburoposted 10 years ago

    No one is absolutely of everything about God, they claimed they knew but more often they don't. The only way to knew it is through Holy Spirit. Every hidden God's secret will be revealed and His purpose.
    Some learn more from others points of view and some are self righteous and stand not to be corrected. How can one be possibly argue about God when they are all working for God? And How come they both claimed to know about God and yet argue?

  3. Baby-Boomer-58 profile image71
    Baby-Boomer-58posted 10 years ago

    I showed an interest in a forum thread that asked a God-related question. The response I received convinced me not to bother responding to any more in the future. http://ladyfiddler.hubpages.com/questio … e-the-wind

    As some hubbers quite rightly noticed, I am not actually a 'non-believer' ... yet the more encounters I have with people who claim to be 'Godly' but behave rudely and in a fashion that makes me want to cringe, the more my faith is shaken.

    I enjoy discussions with people who are willing to question and seek answers ... but there is nothing learned and no progress made if one simply shouts over the top of others.

    Like you, BumblelyBee, I believe if they don't want to listen to the answers, they shouldn't ask questions.

    I'd rather see some people on a soapbox (so I can decide whether or not to stop and listen) instead of them asking a question - and tricking me into becoming a target.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    A lot of people love to stir up debate and have arguments. One of the best ways to initiate one is by asking religious and political questions that "choose a side" on an issue.
    It's an invitation to solicit opposing views for the sake of argument.
    At the end of the day it's a waste of time and energy to get all "fired up" because most people have already made up their minds that they're right! Our ego also keeps us from being "open" to other views.
    Nevertheless some folks find it impossible to resist commenting on questions regarding topics when they strongly oppose the questioner's slant. (Politics, abortion, same sex marriage, Christianity, pre-marital sex, adultery, and immigration). Hot topics!
    However it's one thing to have an heated debate on these topics and another thing to resort to "personal" attacks and insults simply because one disagrees with another on (one) topic. It's ugly to see adults resort to name calling.
    Sometimes it's just best to (agree to disagree) and move on.
    It's highly unlikely that anyone will ever change another's mind in the heat of battle. For some people there always has to be a "right" and "wrong" or a "winner" and "loser" in any disagreement. They can't simply (agree to disagree) and move on.

    1. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I disagree. lol!

    2. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sri T, You're too funny!

    3. profile image0
      Richie Alburoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      For the sake of argument , yes, you are right dashingscorpio and in an argument no one wins both wants to win and outlive one another. The winner walks away because He had controlled his calmness.

  5. getitrite profile image70
    getitriteposted 10 years ago

    I think sometimes the person is just frustrated and angry. Growing up Christian, we were programmed to believe in God at any cost.  That was the directive.  Hence, we HAVE to find a way to support that directive.  But, in most cases, the opposition has provided enough evidence to thoroughly debunk our belief in gods, and all superstitious nonsense...so our last resort is to lash out with a rebellious tantrum to help us soothe the frightening psychological effects of cognitive dissonance.

  6. Theophanes profile image94
    Theophanesposted 10 years ago

    I think there's a lot of reasons.... but I do think one of the biggest is to cover one's own doubt. In other words by declaring the one and absolute truth to be the end all of anything you're making yourself out to look like the best believer EVER, covering all doubts. I mean Job/Joeb has nothing on you, you strange internet troll....

    I think it's also ego-stroking. "Look how many idiots I got to respond!" And to some it may even be a feeble attempt at proselytizing, as if by magic the unbelievers will finally see they're all wrong and always have been and oh look! There's Jesus with welcoming arms! HIIII!

    It's all backwards and fishy if you ask me. I mean if you ask a question just to see others answers, that's probably natural curiosity, but if you ask a question trying to start an all out dog fight that's not normal.... there's something wrong there.

  7. leahgalindo profile image60
    leahgalindoposted 10 years ago

    I think sometimes there's a driven forces inside of us all...call it your sub conscience wink.  So when we ask a question to that we have strong feelings about ourselves and are seeking vindication about those feelings yet get a rebuttal our sub conscience kicks in.  Meaning in the back of our inner thoughts though we want others to validate our own feelings and our own thoughts by asking these questions we are in essence questioning ourselves and our own beliefs so we defend our own original questions.  Yes a long convoluted response to get to an example, but here goes.  Say you are in a room full of people and the dreaded topic of politics come up.  Your friends start talking about something you have personally gone back and forth with, yet not shared with anyone and you make a statement and someone counters you...then you counter back and there then becomes a heated discussion because you find out how you really feel about the topic right there right then at that very moment because you are heated and arguing about something you were on the fence about.  Well religion can be the same way...now I'm not saying people are on the fence of whether or not they believe in God.  I personally believe in God and am a Christian...however what if someone has internal convictions or internal conflicts and its hard for them to share or talk with people about and sub consciously they are seeking that validation.  Like evolution...I know many people who believe in both God and evolution...not my personal thing, but not for me to judge, however I've seen them get in heated debates over this and walk away feeling deflated about evolution...just like the politics topic...sometimes we have to sit back and reflect on ourselves instead of others.

  8. Kylyssa profile image93
    Kylyssaposted 10 years ago

    I think people are seeking to understand something when they ask such questions.  Note that I didn't say they are seeking to understand responses to their questions.  That isn't necessarily the case.

    I think sometimes they are seeking to understand themselves and that maybe they fear that understanding just a little.

    I've been around a lot of lgbt people struggling with their religions until they reach a point where they can accept themselves.  Whether they reach that point of self-acceptance by entirely discarding their religious beliefs or by replacing them with more loving religious beliefs the struggle always seems to be messy. Many are later embarrassed by their actions during that struggle.

    I think any time someone works through cognitive dissonance it can be awkward and look weird and unkind to everyone including the person struggling with it. I grew up in a conservative, non-religious, survivalist home. My struggle with the cognitive dissonance between the conservative beliefs and survivalist paranoia I was taught, my natural empathy, and my interest in science, statistics, and the reality of nature was long and unpleasant. It's hard to live with cognitive dissonance even when the things that just don't match with clear and apparent reality are things people you love utterly and deeply taught you.

    I definitely made an ass of myself plenty of times trying to figure out what was real, right, and kind. I was also often not even aware of my own internal struggle.


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