Black magic potions.. why do people believe in it and why do that do it.

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  1. rexy profile image57
    rexyposted 9 years ago

    Black magic potions.. why do people believe in it and why do that do it....?

    maybe half the world is full of demons.... and maybe half the world do not  believe in it.... but there is a lot of jealousy out there..... and some people do believe in it......

  2. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 9 years ago

    As I stated in an earlier question, magic has its appeal and sounds fun.  However, demons are nothing to mess with, they are real and will lead you down the worst rabbit hole, all the way to hell.  Don't do it.  It's not worth it.

  3. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    Why do people believe in and why do they do it?

    (A preface is this kinda' offers hints toward 'Black' magic firstly then on 'white' if one believes in those. Perhaps that offers morality between good vs. evil.)

    Perhaps the answer to those two questions is Reality? I know, I know not a real answer, yet at question is 'Reality'. One may make the leap to Freud's Reality Principal for understanding. That is the conflict(s), alignments, and questioning between one's "reality of the external world' (Other than self) and the pleasure principal". Thus, now, we must decide between 'Love' and 'Lust' with individualized meanings, coupled meanings, and, too, of those outside.

    When pondering love potions what comes to mind are aphrodisiacs. Those are most usually a 'one - on - one' type of love potion. There are of course 'spell's' supposedly that could be cast too. Are those part of the discussion? Further is the purpose is to alter one's state of mind contrasting reality. Some make connections to the heart and soul too.

    Of course as Lolita pointed out there is the connection to 'evil' no matter how you attribute it or name it. For instance is Rohypnol a love potion? A familiar one used within history dating to its inception is the 'powers' of wine to cause drunkenness with its consequences.

    Love potions historically and within literature is well connected to seduction. To seduce means "attract (someone) to a belief or into a course of action that is inadvisable or foolhardy" while most usually means deceptively. A question is "What of consensual?"

    That leads toward a 'next' possiblity. Can a 'love' potion be used in a congenial and accepted fashion? For instance a wife overtly hands her husband a familiar blue pill - viagra. She has been using 'Addyi'. That is a recently approved medication to enhance a woman's libido.

    Maybe they have enjoyed a half bottle of burgundy wine at that point reclining before dancing flames in a fireplace - a setting for ??. Red wines are said to possess the power of being an aphrodisiac. Aren't those all 'love potions'?

  4. Besarien profile image74
    Besarienposted 9 years ago

    Belief is a strong medicine. Whatever you believe to be true has power over you. If you believe that God is on your side, you can fight off all sorts of maladies, If you know you are cursed by God, your body, your life in general, will make it so.

  5. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    Whether it's black magic, white magic, love potions, telepathy, various spells and incantations, witchcraft, or Jedi mind tricks...
    People have always looked for a "secret way" to get other people do what (they) want to them to do!
    There are tons of recipes for the "engagement chicken" dinner. Supposedly once a girl's boyfriend eats it he'll be propose to her.
    Generally speaking a lot of people don't ask people directly for things they want because they fear rejection. Making subliminal suggestions or finding other ways to influence people seems appealing to them.
    In other instances people seek to use the "law of attraction" to draw to them the things they want simply by imagining having them already.
    The law of attraction does not replace the law of action!

  6. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 9 years ago

    Quantum physisists are telling us how the "reality is stranger than science fiction". Now, if we don't want to accuse them of being "scientifically superstitious", we might as well assume that there are forces around us that no scientist has been able to detect as yet.

    Once I read of a guy who was completely skeptic about voodoo spells; so he gave a permission to his friend to arrange with a voodoo priest "a little physical discomfort" for him at a date that he would not be aware of. After some days had passed, he suddenly got sick like a dog. His friend showed him a piece of paper with that date on it  -  given to him by the voodoo priest.

    Even though much of it may be sheer superstition, there is so much that we don't know, and it's only too easy to dismiss it as nonsense. Being an intellectual adventurer, I don't dismiss the unknown so easily  -  but I don't normally call myself superstitious.

  7. Charlotte Craig profile image61
    Charlotte Craigposted 8 years ago

    They want to control other people. Their lover leaves them and they do not accept it is over so they want to force the lover to return. Selfish and immature and controlling. So no wonder the partner left.


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