Why is the power of force is more powerful than the power of Love?

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  1. Misbah786 profile image81
    Misbah786posted 2 years ago


    We all believe we have one and the same creator, 'the God.' But what is causing this schism? What was it that separated us? What exactly are these boundaries and borders? Who made them? Was it God who drew these dividing lines between us? Was He the one who pushed those borders? And informed us that this site is yours, while the other is mine. No, I don't think He was the one who did it. So who did it? Why is the power of force is more powerful than the power of Love whereas I believe the power of Love should be more powerful than any other power.

    So, how did it happen and why did we do it? Why it is necessary if it is? When we live with animals/pets we fall in love with them as well, so why it is hard to feel the love between humans? However, I'm not sure about any of the answers to the questions I've asked. So all I asked was to elicit thought. "Why?" Why is everything the way it is?

    Can these splitters ever function as connectors or can they only perform as splitters? What do you think? Why does love come to an end at Borders? Is it something God did or something we did?

    When, and how, will the power of love triumph over the power of force?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image78
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I say whatever works, if one holds the belief God is Love, Even an delustion of love is much better than the delusional of fear. For who really knows what love is. Other than love glues all creatures and world stronger together than being apart

      The fear from mass psychosis is more dangerous than any disease or virus or all wars and natural disasters. The thing about fear it is said it's fear is of the unknowns. When people realize the greedy wealthy are showing us their hand so much easier. We know them by exposure to the light. In the Covid world wars Africa is 12 times better than Europe for covid deaths per capita and 6 times less vaccinated.  Covid hates the light biological,  like in Africa and much like the billionaire are exposed to the light of their lies and fear mongering which will end up exposed to the light and lose their power and love to the power of the people which is love and kindness. Take it from a guy who has traveled to 6 continents. The world has been force to come together very rapidly now.  As one for all and all for one, as we are all in the same boat together. Let give Billionaire an island together, so they can enslaved each other.

      1. Misbah786 profile image81
        Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Nice idea to give Billionaires an island together, so they can enslave each other. big_smile

        Yes, God is all Love. Love is the only thing that brings us together. smile

        Unfortunately, people who claim to have that love glue have anti glue formula as well. I really hope people never have to use that anti-glue remedy. Rest assured, everything done with love is excellent and goes well. smile

        Thank you so much for your very kind response!

        Blessings always!!

  2. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 2 years ago

    Misbah, you ask difficult questions. I sure do not have the answers. If God is love (which is what I was taught), the love should reign supreme. I do not see why we cannot have a difference of opinion and still love each other. However, it seems many people want power more than anything else. I wish I had more answers than questions.

    Love and many Blessings to you.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your very kind and sweet comment, Pamela. Yes, Love should reign supreme. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, but we should all strive to perform our roles to the best of our abilities. smile

      Blessings and lots of Love to you!!

      1. Castlepaloma profile image78
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        That's all we can do, is the best each one of us can do.

        1. Misbah786 profile image81
          Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this


  3. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    What happened to you or someone close to you to make your thoughts spin in this direction?

    I suppose this began happening many years ago....maybe with Satan in the Garden of Eden when Eve partake of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.
    Or with Cane & Able....two brothers.

    We say we all believe in one God, yet we think on different wave lengths about his existence & meaning within our lives.

    In my opinion, no one should ever kill another in the name of God.
    God does not want us to hurt each other.

    He wants us to love one another...just like he loves each & everyone of us.

    There are always more questions than answers.  That's a good thing, because it keeps our minds alert and thinking.

    Have a good night's sleep.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      No, Bredz. Nothing happened. I was just thinking who plays the game of dividing us when the source of Love is one. I forgot there's also a Satan. His only job is it to distract and annoy us. May God always keep us on the right path. Ameen!

      Thank you very much for your thoughtful and helpful response smile

      I try to sleep but can't. I believe all of you know about it by now. Lol! God bless you abundantly.

      Blessings and Love! smile


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