What is it about?

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  1. profile image0
    Muldaniaposted 13 years ago

    I am currently very interested in paganism.  Not that I am a pagan, but because it is a new area of interest for me.  I have previously studied many world religions, yet know nothing about paganism.  I have only recently gained an interest, as a result of discovering some beautiful pagan music on Youtube.  If there are any pagans on here, could you share what your beliefs are?  For instance, do pagans have gods, and if so, do all pagans believe in the same gods?  Do you believe in an afterlife, and if so, what form do you believe it takes?

    1. profile image49
      Jesus was a hippoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      England and Ireland was predominantly Pagan before the Romans invaded and killed everone who didnt convert to christianity.

      You could always type "pagan" into wikipedia if you want more information on it.

  2. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    I am a Pagan. It means I live in a world which is an already existing spiritual place as it naturally exists. All things possess feelings the
    apprehension of which is called spirits. Pagans are conservative meaning they don't believe in profit, since there in no profit in nature. Living in a spiritual world, the pagan must be spiritual all the time and not put on a suit on Sundays. Being a pagan is like being inside the mind of God. Everything is of equal importance thus everything is recognized and appreciated all the time. Of course there is what is called neo-pagans which I would guess is more about form than substance.

    1. Druid Dude profile image61
      Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus was a hippo...(no he wasn't, he was a giraffe)

  3. Owl Ka Myst profile image59
    Owl Ka Mystposted 13 years ago

    Pagan by definition will have many meanings. To the Abrahamic religions, all other religions are Pagan. Among others, pagan is an umbrella term for those who are of a nature based spirituality. So there are many kinds of Pagans. Some believe in Gods & Goddesses, some just see these as an archetype and honor them for what they represent.
    Some who are pagans will shun religion, while others embrace it, such as Wicca.
    To be a Pagan can mean many things.
    While I am a Pagan, I did not always use that label. A long time ago, it was because I did not know the word, later, but still long ago, I only avoided it because of the possible judgment and misunderstanding of what a Pagan is. After the Internet and people talking amongst each other who normally would have never conversed, bacau and more 'acceptable' to me to identify with the term 'pagan'.
    What kind of Pagan am I? While I don't like labels because they can be misinterpreted, there needs to be something descriptive; I am a Pantheist with witchy tendencies. Or, more accurately and to my liking, a free form spiritualist.

  4. SayedAthar Husain profile image59
    SayedAthar Husainposted 13 years ago

    Hello Forum, You do not have to go far to find Pagans. You only have to go to India. You will find they are hurling Ghee in the fire - called Hawan. And they are sprinkling cow urine on the assembly to purify the assemblage and work to drench it with beneficences. (This was done in 1945 in Mansa Devi - the temple in Ramnagar during the Kathas)
    Then they slaughtered - gave sacrifice of human - later of goats at the foot of the Kali Devi - the goddess with a sickle in her hand and her tongue protruding out.
    They had a Devi callled Sarswati who sang, but it did not appeal to them and she is in disfavour. Then there was Sita, she was a chaste Devi, but she does not so much appeal to them as the Ganesh with his head of elephant trunk. So that is paganism and it is without any purpose and it is detached from Hinduism.

  5. ananceleste profile image61
    anancelesteposted 12 years ago

    I dont know about others that follow one or many of the pagan schools of thought, but I am the kind of person that knows that the universe and everything in it has its own spirit, its own light. I started looking into paganisinm when I was 12, as you are I was looking for a belief system that would explain and embrace what I found around me. Any pagan will tell you that divinity is subjective to area, culture, tradition and even personal identity. Gods,devas, elemental creatures etc. the spectrum is so broad that I would need 1000 pages to explain. This takes disipline, courage and devotion.I have been studying organized religion since I was very young, and studying paganism and its many colors its a never ending journey. Where I come from this practice is forbiden, so I had to do it on my own and very quietly. I recomend that you take a moment to eveluate how commited you are to find out what being a pagan is all about. Maybe this is a journey that will open your eyes to something that you never expected to find. And truths that will compete with your own understanding of divinity. If you ask a thousand people , you will have a thousand descriptions in your hands. Maybe you are already walking the path and dont know it yet. there are amaizing books,websites and groups to browse. But aproach it with an open heart. Blessed be my friend.

  6. Anjan Bilal profile image53
    Anjan Bilalposted 12 years ago

    I LOVE ONLY ONE GOD.. THE MIGHTY ALLAH (S.W.T) .... all other gods and godesses is nothing in front of his power...


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