Does Catholic Priests condone pedophilia but demonize homosexuality?

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  1. ananceleste profile image61
    anancelesteposted 12 years ago

    I just saw a documentary about how the Catholic Church have dealt with pedophiles in their priesthood for the last 30 years. I was just dumbstruck of how this matter was addressed. Then It hit me. How can they cover up and defend these "men"  but call homosexual people abominations?! It does not make any sense...

    1. Jesus was a hippy profile image59
      Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      religious folk never make sense


  2. Palomides profile image63
    Palomidesposted 12 years ago

    Covering up for someone and defending them is different than condoning their actions.

    Plus, it's a group / club mentality thing.  You protect your own, even if what they've done might be just as bad or worse than those who you reject.

  3. Eric Newland profile image61
    Eric Newlandposted 12 years ago

    It's funny how human nature suddenly becomes an abomination when religious institutions show a bit of it. If someone you cared about and respected were accused of that horrible of a crime would you immediately jump on board with the accusers? Or would you be a bit hesitant, even to the point of being slow to accept evidence?

    Oh, and you might be interested to know that Catholics in general tend to support gay rights much more strongly than Protestants. The clergy less so than the laity, but let me ask you this: When was the last time you saw a Catholic protesting at a funeral? … gay_rights

    "When asked if sexual activity between people of the same sex is sinful, 56 percent said no. That compares to 46 percent of the general population."

    1. ananceleste profile image61
      anancelesteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote this because of an interview of a priest that CONFESSED IN CAMERA, AND IN COURT, that he had molested and raped maybe hundreds of minors in his 40 +  years as a priest in the church. And he provides documents that his bishop knew, even  all the way to Rome.

      And the only thing they did was give him a two week seminar and "counseling" in a Seminary facility. And kept moving him around, that is what facilitated him to reach more kids.

      I am a little shocked here for your interpretation of the matter ,and of your statement;

      "human nature suddenly becomes an abomination when religious institutions show a bit of it. "

      Please tell me you are not referring to pedophilia????

      I don't care if they support gay marriage or gay rights, a grown person has every right to have sex with ANOTHER CONSENTING partner. 

      A Child molesting, mask wearing, pious hypocrite is another. IS ALWAYS AN ABOMINATION....
      I am hurt and sadden to the point of tears for your statement.

      1. Eric Newland profile image61
        Eric Newlandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am referring to the human tendency to hesitate to take action when an accusation is made against a person in authority, who is supposedly worthy of trust.

        I'm not saying it's ok that decisive action was so slow in coming, I'm just saying it's far from a uniquely Catholic problem.

        The statistics imply that the offense rate of priests is comparable to the offense rate of the general public; about 3%. I'm not saying that's good, but a lot of Catholic detractors have turned 3% into the stereotype that virtually all priests are child molesters, which is a blatant and shameless lie.

        1. spartucusjones profile image78
          spartucusjonesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think the big issue is the 3%. I think the big issue is that they cover up the 3% and even relocate the 3% so that they can re-offend. But as you indicate this is not an uniquely Catholic problem. Other organizations have the same accountability.

  4. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    The Catholic Church does not condone this behavior. They are actually very much against it, but it's something that happens. Homosexuality may also happen in the church, we just don't know to what extent. It's human nature unattached to the religion. Priests don't molest kids because they're Catholic. People molest kids because they are child molesters.

  5. Marsei profile image91
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    I am so weary of religion in general.  Seems it's always accompanied by a huge dose of judgment.  Live and let live, I say.  I think the statistics would imply that the number of priests who molest children is a bit more than just a "stuff happens' sort of thing or just "human nature." 

    I have come to identify a certain group of people -- not all religious people, mind you -- who use their religion as a way to feel superior and look down on the rest of us unenlightened ones.  When the issue of "gayness" comes up, they get a certain expression on their faces, mouth fixed as though they've eaten a persimmmon.  I avoid them like the plague.

    When I was a child, it was all about integration and the civil rights movement.  This is the time of gay rights.  In another 50 years, gay right will be accomplished and another issue will be the focus.  This is all to say that you can't stop progress.  You can pontificate, prostheletize, purse your mouth, and be outraged.  There will still be progress.

  6. spartucusjones profile image78
    spartucusjonesposted 12 years ago

    I don't feel the Catholic church condones pedophilia in the sense that they have a policy that it is OK to do so. The church knows it wrong, and there official policy is that it is wrong.

    But covering up the actions of pedophiles, even relocating them to serve another congregation so they can victimize more innocent children is deplorable and in a sense can be viewed as condoning.

    The issue isn't that you have the odd bad apple. If you know someone is a pedophile, you excommunicate them and you cooperate with the legal authorities so that justice can be done. The problem is when you know that certain priest are pedophiles and you turn a blind eye. At that point you now have community responsibility. Of course this just doesn't apply to the Catholic church. This could apply to any religious organization that has been guilty of covering up the actions of known pedophiles.

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not simply religious organizations. Football teams do it, too. But, it seems more heinous when done by people who claim to work for God

      1. spartucusjones profile image78
        spartucusjonesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree any organization that protects child molesters and even facilitates the carrying out of their action is deplorable and should be held accountable for their actions.

        But when you claim to represent God there is a higher degree of hypocrisy. When you condemn certain conduct by your words, but condone by your actions there is also a higher degree of hypocrisy (but the same degree of accountability).

  7. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    I don't think you can say the Catholic church was pro-child abuse, no matter how reluctant they were to actually do something about it. So it isn't really a fair comparison.

    Also the Catholic church does not call gay people abominations.  They very clearly oppose the behavior but have explicit doctrine that the person is not to be shunned just because of their orientation.

    I say this as a very left wing atheist with no particular love for the Catholic church.  But they should be criticized for their actual positions and actions, not exaggerations.


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