What sports did you play when you were younger?

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  1. delmer47 profile image60
    delmer47posted 13 years ago

    What sports did you play when you were younger?

  2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I played little league baseball all through my youth.  I played some high school baseball too.

    I was a runt.  I'm five foot eight or nine inches tall - and usually weigh somewhere between one hundred and forty pounds to one hundred and seventy pounds - so I was never Mr. Prospect, or anything.  I didn't care.  I spent countless hours at home with a bat and tennis balls - throwing them up in front of me and whacking them into the barn.  I had a perfect swing, and I studied the fine points of a fluid baseball swing extensively.

    I have less than great eyesight though.

    The facts of the matter are that I wish there were a men's hardball league around.  I am not so interested in softball.  I want to play BASEBALL still.  I can hit!

    The facts of the matter are this though - I have one strange talent.  I can throw a baseball at FAR greater speeds than most men several inches taller and thirty pounds heaver than me can.  I scare the living daylights out of most anyone foolish enough to play catch with me.

    . . . .everyone has to have at least one odd talent, right?

  3. SillyRedd profile image59
    SillyReddposted 13 years ago

    I played a lot of sports- Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer. I loved them all!

  4. Dexter Yarbrough profile image68
    Dexter Yarbroughposted 13 years ago

    Baseball was my all-time favorite. We use to play almost everyday in the summer. Great times!

  5. Dardia profile image59
    Dardiaposted 13 years ago

    Volleyball, soccer, kickball, gymnastics. I played others but didn't particularly enjoy them as much. My older siblings, especially my brothers hated playing football with us little kids because my mom would not let them play tackle with us.

  6. Miss Paula profile image39
    Miss Paulaposted 13 years ago

    I was in to softball,wasn't very good at it but i liked it.

  7. Daffy Duck profile image62
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago




  8. seicheprey profile image60
    seichepreyposted 13 years ago

    I like this question: football, basketball, soccer, track, crosscountry running, baseball, and wrestling.

  9. mastershops profile image60
    mastershopsposted 13 years ago

    baseball, football, and basketball. Pretty much the traditional three for me.  I played them all until the high school level, and then my interests waned as I became more interested in girls. lol

  10. profile image0
    Joshua526posted 13 years ago

    Patintero. I don't know if it's considered a type of sports but that's what I always play when I was a kid.

  11. chasemillis profile image71
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    Red rover red rover, and of course football, basketball, and baseball. It's un-American to have not played those sports at least once in your life. Literally, that should be a part of getting into the US. After filling all the green card stuff out, they'd be like, "Ok, you're all set, just a few more things: sports. Play each game and learn them. That IS our culture" Pan out, fade

  12. Barbsbitsnpieces profile image84
    Barbsbitsnpiecesposted 13 years ago

    My favorite sports were baseball (softball) and basketball, both of which I excelled in, but I also played tennis and a little golf. If I couldn't play the sport -- football, horse racing, etc. -- I watched it.

  13. supplies expert profile image60
    supplies expertposted 13 years ago

    I played soccer throughout my whole life and even played for my college, but when I was younger I played baseball and was an amazing fielder but I never was that good at hitting. I was short and fast so I would always get walked because my strike zone was tiny and also I always crowded the plate and would get hit by pitches all the time. Once I was on base I was able to steal bases more than anyone else on my team. But I stopped playing baseball once the pitchers threw the ball over 70 mph, it started to hurt a lot more getting hit by pitches to get on base.

  14. sangre profile image95
    sangreposted 13 years ago

    At home all the kids in the neighbour would play tennis on the road. At school, sadly all they were ever interested was basketball for PE. Once we actually did Rugby..  It was raining and freezing that day too.

  15. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 12 years ago

    I participated in everything physical education offered in gym class but I was on the volleyball team.

  16. nabeelplus profile image60
    nabeelplusposted 12 years ago

    i played cricket alot...and still crazy about it

  17. AkaashPrasad profile image55
    AkaashPrasadposted 11 years ago

    I started playing pool when I was in high school. I really liked the game and loved playing it specially the 8-ball pool game.


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