Why is Judo a great self defense tool for women?

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  1. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 12 years ago

    Why is Judo a great self defense tool for women?

    What does it take to learn? How does it improve confidence etc.?

  2. jaybird22 profile image70
    jaybird22posted 12 years ago

    Although I do not know a lot about Judo, I do know about martial arts.  I would think Judo is a great self defense tool for women because it teaches the user techniques that a person can use on people that are bigger, stronger, and heavier than the person using judo.  This is great for women because the average women is out classed physically in any confrontation with a man.  By training on a regular basis, not only will the woman have the techniques to outclass most attacks brought upon them, they will also have confidence in using the techniques.  They will see how the techniques work in a real life situation during training.

  3. gramon1 profile image59
    gramon1posted 12 years ago

    Judo, or any martial art, is a great self defense tool when you really know it. Most martial arts take at least four years to learn at a basic level. Before that, you may be able to use a trick or two and run away as fast as you can. I always tell my students that the best self defense is Run Quan Do. The moment you smell any possibility of danger, get away as fast as you can.
    People often get a false sense of self confidence when they start training in a martial art. As long as you are aware of this, then learning a martial art can be so much more than learning to defend yourself.
    Karate and Kung Fu also have many tripping and trapping techniques that, once dominated, can help you fight without hurting your opponent.

  4. Rick Lenchus profile image60
    Rick Lenchusposted 12 years ago

    Judo will help women to use the weight of their opponent to their best advantage, but it takes time and work.
    The bad part is that Judo is mostly a sport and not used in the streets. It can be used but once a perpetrator wrestles with a woman on the ground, the perps buddies will start kicking her in the head and ribs and beat her with bats and clubs until she is unconscious and robbed or rapped

    Take Judo for confidence and fun
    Take Judo for health and exercise.
    Take MACE for the streets

  5. Lawrence Da-vid profile image60
    Lawrence Da-vidposted 12 years ago

    All women should learn the art of "self defense" up to and including carrying a licensed weapon.  Most women I know....are well educated in the art of gaining assistance from either a 6, 8, or 12 shot handgun.  Martial arts can come into play if and when other measures have been tried.  Ladies should beware and never try to let anyone get that close.  I'm more afraid of a woman with a 38 special in her hand and waiving it all over the place, than a well trained german shepherd that looks at me with "attack" on its mind.

  6. englishwithjohn profile image60
    englishwithjohnposted 12 years ago

    I've trained Brazilian Jiu jitsu for 6 years and it's judo's close cousin. I trained judo as well for 2. Judo and especially BJJ are great for women because in judo women can use their higher hips and lower center gravity to throw a much bigger and taller man with a higher center of gravity. Judo is good for stand up but when you fall down BJJ is what you need. Here you can fight from your back, choke with your legs, their shirt collar, your sleeves etc. and it's designed to not use strength but leverage so you can defeat a bigger stronger opponent. In competiton I've choked out men much bigger than me. Arm locks from the guard position for rape defense is perfect.  You focus on position, escape, sweeping, choking and joint locks. Google or Youtube Emily Kwok a 5'4" BJJ blackbelt that would leave an NFL player drooling on the ground. Krav Maga is also good self defense. It's better to keep distance, mental prepare for real violence with weapons. You kick to groin, gouge the eyes, and attack vulnerable parts, it's  more striking based.  BJJ and Judo are good for when you get grabbed or taken down. Both styles are based on reality. You need to practice a lot and under some stress. Avoid martial arts where you don't practice live sparring, false confidence doesn't help. Pepper spray works great too.  Good luck to you and be sure to find a school that's concerned with Women's self-defense like Gracie Jiu Jitsu or most Krav mags schools. Good luck!

  7. profile image0
    dman15791posted 12 years ago

    I am a man and I do have to say that Judo or anything like it is a good self defense tool for women because some men are "jerks" to say it nicely. The whole testosterone thing makes some men think that they can get what they want when they want it and when that time comes a women needs to be able to defend herself. Its not right but it is factual.


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