Why do some men have long fingernails?

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  1. profile image50
    syed Khalid Masooposted 8 years ago

    In Pakistan, it is a fashion by some bachelors until they get married.

  2. Karishmapall profile image52
    Karishmapallposted 8 years ago

    There was this guy that had a long pinky nail and when i asked why he said because he uses that finger like a guitar pick, if that makes sense? He told me this years ago hence i'm finding it rather difficult to find the right words to say it haha!

  3. profile image52
    Erica Combs43posted 8 years ago

    I assume they like digging in their ears..

  4. Omar Eldamsheety profile image71
    Omar Eldamsheetyposted 8 years ago

    Not every man is a real man ... some men are women and some of them are animals.

  5. Araaz profile image58
    Araazposted 8 years ago

    Exactly..I have noticed this too and honestly,I used to think they are gays.

  6. David Branagan profile image93
    David Branaganposted 8 years ago

    To play guitar! Or some other musical instrument with strings.

  7. ryan-cd profile image59
    ryan-cdposted 7 years ago

    The truth is allot of men are lazy, especially when they are in a relationship or happy being single, they don't feel the need to try as much, and thus they don't groom as much.

    This is probably the crux of it for most men although the other answers do list various specific reasons but they are highly subjective.

  8. alldatmatterz profile image58
    alldatmatterzposted 7 years ago

    You can find your answer here:

  9. saudade profile image56
    saudadeposted 7 years ago

    I really have no idea about people in your area. But i am an Indian and this was a usual sight for me to see my uncles have long nails on the pinkies. It isn't quite popular these days but it was back then. There is an orthodox belief in people from India that it brings wealth and prosperity to them. It also signifies their high- status. And it tends to be the pinky because it is the least used fingernail probably.

  10. Bills Place profile image76
    Bills Placeposted 7 years ago

    There could be many reasons for this. As many have stated, one common thought would be the use of snorting drugs. The long nail allows the person to use it as a scooping tool that's always, well, handy.

    Another use may be they play a stringed instrument, such a guitar. Although, more common for the thumb and pointer nail to be grown out to use as a pick, there are a number of talented people who play differently. It could be beneficial to their playing style.

    Finally, it may even be a trend they like.

  11. Sapan Gupta profile image61
    Sapan Guptaposted 7 years ago

    I work with somebody who has a learning inability. He doesn't enable anybody to cut his fingernails. Along these lines, his fingernails remain long until the point that they sever. The general population saying 'urgh, net', well. We as a whole do net things, I'm certain. A few of us are essentially better at concealing them.

  12. CJ Fontejon profile image61
    CJ Fontejonposted 7 years ago

    I also know someone that has long fingernails on his pinky. I always see him for hygienic purpose (might sound gross) but he uses his long nails to pick his nose or ear.

  13. GoodnewsBassey profile image60
    GoodnewsBasseyposted 7 years ago

    Some Men that have long fingernail maybe is part of their fashion.

  14. Modern Prometheus profile image60
    Modern Prometheusposted 7 years ago

    because some females have really short fingernails..

  15. presentsguy profile image58
    presentsguyposted 7 years ago

    why would someone even be interested in this?)

  16. profile image53
    buybycodeposted 7 years ago

    Because they thought. They would lokk better with long nailo.
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  17. profile image0
    neelamyposted 7 years ago

    I have seen some guitar players with long fingernails. I guess it helps them in playing guitar comfortably.

  18. N Joie profile image56
    N Joieposted 7 years ago

    The men that I know that have longer nails are guitarists. Possibly that is why a male you met had long nails.

  19. profile image49
    Allie Charlesposted 7 years ago

    They get long nails because SOME boys are gross and don't clip their  nails. All the boys I know clip there's, even my boyfriend clips his!!

  20. Guckenberger profile image83
    Guckenbergerposted 7 years ago

    It's just a cultural thing. There are a lot of sub-cultures in the world.

  21. Matchbanker profile image59
    Matchbankerposted 5 years ago

    I have no idea

  22. Vui Nam profile image60
    Vui Namposted 5 years ago

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