enough of the tight pants already

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  1. jahkyse profile image60
    jahkyseposted 14 years ago

    The tighter the pants the more the world has to watchyou fix youself a thousand times a day.

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      haha I agree!
      I hate watching someone tug at their underwear or lack thereof under tight pants.  Or for men to wear 'em so tight and low that their crack shows!  lol

      Sigh.  They do look good on the right frame, though.  I remember the days when I could wear tight clothes.  Ahem....long ago before middle-age spread started creeping up.   Actually a blessing in disguise though.

    2. SkyRaineFlower profile image60
      SkyRaineFlowerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Im over it. I really hate when guys where skinny pants they look like fairies.
      not to mention the mans figure is not that attractive compare to a womans figure. Although I am a woman I want to be fashionable and comfortable and I believe that can be accomplished and that skinny pants don't fit into the equation of comfortable. Really! who wants to see someone wearing pants so tight their ass crack is hanging out or muffin top? OUT OF CONTROL PEOPLE!!!!! I say HELL TO THA NAW!!!

    3. SkyRaineFlower profile image60
      SkyRaineFlowerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      damn! Cagsil you as sassy biatch!
      don't get all butt hurt!

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    What difference does it make? YOU are not the one wearing them. If someone has to adjust themselves, that again isn't your problem, it's theirs. hmm

    1. sofs profile image76
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol

    2. jahkyse profile image60
      jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Then you should'nt have made this your problem if thats the case.......

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Excuse you. I don't have a problem with tight jeans. But, your OP apparently has the problem with other people wearing them. Therefore, again, it isn't my problem and to be honest, it isn't your problem either, unless you are wearing them. If you are not wearing them, but have to see other people wearing them, then try to not pay attention to others who are. It's their problem and not your problem.

        If I choose to buy a pair of tight jeans, then that is a decision/choice I have to live with. It shouldn't have anything to do with someone else nor should it be a problem of someone else.

        Your reply to my post made no sense. wink

        1. theherbivorehippi profile image65
          theherbivorehippiposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        2. jahkyse profile image60
          jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          you seem to still have a problem

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Well, why don't you tell me how or why YOU have a problem. It's ironic that you seem to think I have a problem, and dismiss the entire fact that I've mentioned twice in two post that I do not have a problem with them.

            And, while you're at it, please explain how you understood my posts to mean that I have a problem or still have a problem?

            You don't like them, then don't buy them for yourself. Other than that, stay out of other people's life. wink

  3. theherbivorehippi profile image65
    theherbivorehippiposted 14 years ago

    What's wrong with tight pants?

  4. brimancandy profile image76
    brimancandyposted 14 years ago

    Tight pants? If you want to complain about pants, go after the baggy pants crowd, and the kids who have the waist of their jeans belted just above their knees, with their nasty boxershorts exposed to the world. lets get rid of that first!

    The problem is the fashion industry is only keeping the fad going by only selling over-sized pants that nobody wants to wear. One reason why Walmart is doing so well, is because they are still selling the clothing stock they had in the 1980's.

    But if you are talking about women, I would say the worst is those low riding hip huggers. If I wanted to see your nasty thongs on any given day, I would ask. But, lucky for me, I would never do that.
    Or, have to worry about it.

    1. jahkyse profile image60
      jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lets not be mean,it's ok but Im talking about the to tight jeans that makes a butt flat or, give yeast infections

      1. brimancandy profile image76
        brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  5. workingmomwm profile image75
    workingmomwmposted 14 years ago

    So ... I bought some tight leggings the other day. But I don't think you need to worry about seeing me wear them.

    1. Ellarose92 profile image60
      Ellarose92posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ^^^ haha you made ma laugh!! But honestly people want to wear what they want!! no one told you to look and also maybe people dont like to see you to begin with!! So i dont see why it matters its fine that it bothers you but no one is going to change their clothing for you!! At the end of the day its just pants and as long as your not naked or flashing at a public school in front of little kids then its a good day!

      1. jahkyse profile image60
        jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        there ass is out all day long

        1. jahkyse profile image60
          jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          The talk is'nt about fitted jeans or boot cut jeans, lust about the to tight ones.

          1. Ellarose92 profile image60
            Ellarose92posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            honestly i think your just being overly dramatic people arent going to change their ways for you or do anything to make you happy, so really you could complain all day but people are going to be wearing tight jeans weather you like it or not. i never said fitted or boot cut jeans never mentioned that once but people will wear tight jeans forever because thats what they do.. i go to a fashion school and people wear tight everything sometimes and you would then hate to see tight jeans but it really doesnt matter because you cant do anything about it so theres people laughing inside knowing that it gets on your nevers o well so be it its their body!!

      2. brimancandy profile image76
        brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I once saw a boy about 14, with dreadlocks, riding his bike through our complex, with is ugly bare ass sticking out of his pants. More of the pants on the ground crowd. Some really border on disgusting.

        1. jahkyse profile image60
          jahkyseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          that the shit Im talking about

  6. Joan1 profile image60
    Joan1posted 14 years ago

    Nothing wrong with tight jeans.
    Too Tight, Too baggy, too low. All of that is bad.
    Tight jeans look great on the right body.
    But the fashion police doesn't have any actual jurisdiction so we can not tell people what not to wear.
    So best thing is to try to ignore it.

  7. johncimble profile image51
    johncimbleposted 13 years ago

    haha, I tried to buy some skinny pants but my legs are like stumps. I like the look to a certain extent though.


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