How to be Mobile with Mobile Devices use External Battery Packs to Extend Battery Life on the Go
Don't Feel Powerless if you Forget to ReCharge your Gadget
Small business owners and entrepreneurs such as myself often lose control of our time. Sometimes we sabotage ourselves but more likely than not there are outside forces that contribute to delays and frustrations. Running here and there taking care of errands and problems can cause us to forget to do the most simple yet strategic things.
The very electronic gadgets that make it possible for us to live at this quickened pace can just as easily become our downfall. We learn to depend on them as our sole contact point for family, friends and business contacts. It frustrates and angers us to be out of touch - it also frustrates and angers those that need us when we are unreachable. Something as simple as a dead battery can make you seem unprofessional and unorganized. While planning my trip to the 2011 CES in Las Vegas I was determined that I would not be caught off-guard and that I would be ready for whatever energy draining situation that might come up.
Now that it is nearly time for the 2012 CES I am still assessing what my needs are.
You have probably noticed that airports and other public buildings now provide electrical outlets for the weary traveler to grab a quick charge. How uncomfortable is it to sit in the floor to be close enough to plug in - and even if you don't mind the back pain only a few people at a time can take advantage of the hospitality.
Mophie Juice Pack
Some problems are difficult to overcome but fortunately drained batteries are not one of those problems. A multitude of ways are available to give batteries renewed life for at least a few more hours. At home, at the office and as mentioned before some public buildings we have access to power stations and electrical outlets at our fingertips. In our vehicles we have charging cables designed to draw power from the built-in lighter or power plug. If the vehicle is running - you get charging power. However, most vehicles shut the power off once the engine is stopped.
New Trent Battery Pack
Fortunately some talented people out there have turned their great ideas and motivation to solve our charging problems into reality. Portable batteries that are easily carried along at a value that is worth the convenience are available in multiple forms.
Great Examples of Battery Packs to Extend Battery Life of your Favorite Gadget
Extending battery life for one gadget at a time can be provided by Mophie. They are a fun company that communicates great deals and offers through text messaging as well as over the Internet. Their batteries often fit directly onto your gadgets much like a battery case. Cell phones and electronic tablets can gain a day's worth of power from their portable battery cases.
If you prefer an external battery that can charge multiple electronic gadgets, though be it one a time, the New Trent line of external battery packs are convenient and functional. There is a variety of models that vary in the number of hours they offer as extend battery life. Each battery pack comes with multiple tips that fit multiple electronic gadgets from cell phones, to electronic tablets such as an iPad or eReader such as a Kindle.
Best Reasons to Use Portable Battery Packs
They extend the use of electronic gadgets while on the go
They are easily transported - even through airports
They are small and do not add a lot of weight
They are reusable over and over again
I own both a Mophie battery case for my iPhone and a New Trent battery pack. I like them both very much because they are easy to use. Each one is easy to keep close and both provide the amount of extended battery life promised. I had no problem taking them through airport security and both performed well during my trip to the 2011 CES in Las Vegas.
UPDATE: I am still using my New Trent External Battery Charger. It is performing as well as ever and it will definately be part of my tech arsenal at the upcoming 2012 CES in Las Vegas.