How would your life be affected if the Internet were abolished tomorrow?

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  1. Gordon Hamilton profile image93
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 12 years ago

    How would your life be affected if the Internet were abolished tomorrow?

    I ask this following a conversation with a group of friends yesterday. One of my friends has never seen the Internet in operation, he has never sat behind the wheel of a car - never mind driven one - and he only has the standard TV channels (no satellite or cable). He made a hilarious comment yesterday to the effect that he knew technology had gone too far when they started using electrical pumps to pull his beer in the pub! The bottom line is though that he is happy! (The only part that concerned me is that he is a year younger than me...!)

  2. Jonesy0311 profile image60
    Jonesy0311posted 12 years ago

    I imagine that if the Internet went away tomorrow I would be sad for a minute or two. It is a powerful communication and research tool. However, it is seldom utilized for anything beyond entertainment and "social networking," which are both slowly destroying society as we know it. Honestly, I plan to retire to an off-grid home one day void of all media and communication. Until then, I will post on Hubpages and immerse myself at the library when I get the chance.

  3. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 12 years ago

    Funny that I was just thinking about that last week.  I particularly wondered if 20 somethings would know what to do.  It was a little comical to envision them walking around with blank looks on their faces.  Seriously, I do think people should have alternate, old-fashioned backup plans.

  4. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    We lived without mobile phones , videos,cordless phones,computers, automatic washing machines,microwaves until after I was married and live was fine !
    Life has become complicated as so many businesses make life hard when they ask you to do everything online .My husband is happy without the internet like a lot of others.
    I would miss the internet , hubpages , fast emails  etc yet we would keep busy in other ways !
    We love nature and there is no service at many of these places !

  5. supplies expert profile image60
    supplies expertposted 12 years ago

    I think that most of us would survive, I hope.  I know that I would find other things to do, and would have more time to do things I've been wanting to do.  With the internet it keeps you occupied way too long and you end up creating too much to do. 

    I personally would enjoy no more internet and then just live off the land.  But that's because I was raised to know how to live in the outdoors and appreciate the land itself.

    By the way I'm 22, not all 20 year old kids are addicted to the internet, just because I was young enough and lucky enough to grow up with the internet, and use it very proficiently does not mean I enjoy using it lol.


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