Is Google Chrome, or Firefox, better than Internet Explorer?

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  1. FaithDream profile image85
    FaithDreamposted 12 years ago

    Is Google Chrome, or Firefox, better than Internet Explorer?

    I'm wondering if I'm going to run into problems with these. Has anyone compared these search engines? Which is the best one to use with Windows 7 ?

  2. redwards01 profile image67
    redwards01posted 12 years ago

    I am a big fan of Google Chrome, but I keep Firefox installed for when I need it. If you want a good fast browser, Chrome is the browser for you. Firefox has many add ons that can make your browsing experience better. Internet Explorer is most useful for downloading the other 2 browsers. I hope this helps.

    1. teaches12345 profile image76
      teaches12345posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the information Redwards01.  Thanks FaithDream for the question, I believe Redwards has the correct answer here.

    2. FaithDream profile image85
      FaithDreamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the info.  I'm still weighing my options. One person I spoke to suggested I try them both and then ultimately use the one I prefer. I appreciate your feedback.

  3. Hyphenbird profile image84
    Hyphenbirdposted 12 years ago

    I have not compared them but I use Firefox and love it. I do not have problems like I did with Explorer, it offers instant tabs and lots more. I tried Chrome for a few weeks and did not see anything special enough to make me give up Firefox.

    1. FaithDream profile image85
      FaithDreamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Hyphenbird...Thanks for responding to my question. I appreciate that. It seems people like Firefox a lot where I've been considering Chrome. I might just try them both and see where it goes. Thanks for your feedback.

  4. bacclor profile image60
    bacclorposted 12 years ago

    They are not "search engines." Search engines include but are not limited to Google and Bing. Your question pertains rather to "Internet browsers."
    To answer the question though, they are both far and away better than Internet Explorer. I recommend Chrome for its ease of use, slick design and fast rendering ability. Customization is an area where Firefox was previously always supreme, but Chrome now has a full-fledged app store to rival Firefox's.

    1. FaithDream profile image85
      FaithDreamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the clarification regarding internet browsers. I've been doing a little research on this topic and your input is appreciated.

  5. profile image54
    gautams1posted 12 years ago

    I am all about Google Chrome. I have been disappointed by the development of Internet Explorer over the years. Microsoft has been a bit innovative in offering there outlook web application to compete with google gmail. I would not be suprised if Microsoft added new features to Internet Explorer to help them gain larger market share. They have been doing some great moves by acquiring Yammer, and Skype. Great question.

  6. profile image58
    spradligposted 12 years ago

    I have multiple Google accounts. So I frequently use all 3 - i.e. logging into a different account in each one. For the vast majority of websites I prefer Chrome. It is the fastest browser of the 3 by far. And it seems to have the smallest resource footprint on my PC - i.e. least CPU and RAM used.

    However, certain plugins seem to crash quite often in Chrome.  And some sites just plain don't work with Chrome. Firefox is my next choice when Chrome won't work.

    Firefox is the most stable of the 3 and used to be pretty fast.  But in the last couple of major releases (since about version 10 or 11 - it is now on 14 I think) it has gotten much slower. It also appears to have become more resource intensive.

    I also use Internet Explorer which is terrible in my opinion but there are worse out there - like Safari. IE doesn't adhere to all the HTML and CSS standards but instead sets its own standard and has for years. Thus making web developers effectively make 2 versions of their websites - one for IE and one for everyone else. As IE's market share continues to erode I see more and more sites simple say forget IE and they've put up notices saying - if this doesn't work in IE try a real browser like Firefox. IE is much slower than FF and FF is much slower than Chrome. To top it off IE isn't that stable with sites like Gmail.

    Also, given the very large number of developer plugins for FF I think most of the website testing is done in FF anymore. So FF is the most likely to work on just about every site not on the domain. Occasionally, FF will work better than Chrome on a Google site. I find FF to be the most stable and the plugins are prolific but will further slow down FF.

    On a side note...

    I've also used Opera (still do on occasion) and Safari (its been a few years now). Safari was by far the worst. Safari made IE look wonderful. Safari also doesn't follow all the standards but since so few people use it no one designs their website to work with Safari. So it crashes often and is a resource hog - at least this was true a few years ago on Win 7 (maybe it was Vista then).

    Opera is a pretty nice browser but not as well supported as FF and doesn't seem as fast as Chrome. Opera, as far as I'm aware, follows the HTML and CSS standards but there are different ways of implementing these standards and thus the reason there are slight differences in how Chrome, FF, and Opera display any given website. Almost no one bothers to test against Opera since it's market share is so small.

  7. dobo700 profile image59
    dobo700posted 12 years ago

    Google Chrome is the best search engine by a long way.

  8. keirnanholland profile image60
    keirnanhollandposted 12 years ago

    Internet Exploder as we like to call it in the Linux crowd, is Microsoft's attempt to get people to stop using the desktop interface to the computer and get into the web when they turn a machine on. They tried to do this in the late 90s, and the european software union slammed them with a lawsuit claiming that it was anti-trust law not to have that browser so closely coupled to the operating system. But Microsoft would have been slammed sooner or later for something as so many people were upset with their style of software sales that tended to send competitors plowing into the ground (example: if they couldn't buy your company, they'd buy your competitor, and out-market your product, software developers feared microsoft).

    The reason we have Firefox at all is because Netscape feared that Microsoft would pervert the HTML standard and monopolize the web. So they opened the source code to their Navigator line, and Mozilla was born. Being too large and loaded to be used for everyday browsing, a group paired it down and rewrote it from the base up to be reconfigurable in javascript. Note, Javascript was named afetr Java, not because it had the attributes of the Java language, but to coast in the tailwind of Java's brute force marketing that lead consumers to adopt javascript because it was more accessible to the average joe.

    Chrome is Google's attempt to have a more standard browser with a minimal interface, making it easier for people to access the Internet without getting distracted my interface elements that just get in the way. It is also more interactive than Firefox, which tends to look like a cyborg after you've added all the add-ons.

    There is another web browser, few know about, other than mac users, and that is the safari browser. The reason you might go with Safari is if you wanted to have access to better looking fonts, Safari supports a part of the HTML markup that permits a number of styled fonts to be used. And it's fitting that fonts are its contribution because fonts are what Steve Jobs (RIP) prided himself for having added to the Macintosh line. If you happen to use an iPad I'd suggest the "Atomic Web" app and the "Photon" web browser app. Photon has a special "lightening" mode that permits you to watch flash videos and navigate street-view google maps, but it requires you have an Internet connection (it uses remoting-tricks to access an amazon EC2 residing server-client  to run the flash content then streams the video back to the iPad. Surprisingly, it works remarkably well otherwise I wouldn't suggest it)..

    My choice of browser tends to be Firefox, mainly because it is open source, openly developed, it is industry backed, cross-platform compatible, and the whole browser is reconfigurable in javascript, and it hardly ever crashes.. The only time I use IE is when I'm on windows (surfing on Windows is like sex without a condom, you do it because you like the thrill of being dangerous, but real rebels surf the web on Linux). Microsoft is sales driven, it almost doesn't matter what technology they develop it tends to look like a joke. Microsoft surprises me from time to time, like that scroll wheel mouse, that was a great idea, but the windows key, paper-clip, bob, etc.. I think as many times as we've beat them with the aluminum baseball bat in forums, they'd be afraid to make any bold design changes to their products.. And  then you get that boxy touch interface... They never learn do they.. See in open source, that's w

    1. keirnanholland profile image60
      keirnanhollandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Argh I hate HubPages, these guys and their text limits.. These are the guys that like wearing chastity belts because it improves their looks.

  9. amandasozak profile image60
    amandasozakposted 11 years ago

    I would have to lean towards Google Chrome here, primarily because of how easy it is to create extensions for their browser, meaning more free extensions for you to use that other browsers cannot match. A more recent improvement to Google Chrome is Google tying their products together with one another, and Chrome is certainly no exception. For example, if you have an Android phone and use Gmail, you have the ability to sync your browsing preferences, such as favorite websites and bookmarks, to your Chrome browser on your phone. I would soon expect that Google's future baby they call Google Now will be hosted through the Google Chrome browser.

    If you happen to be a web developer, Firefox has quite a few great add ons that Chrome doesn't have, including Firefox FTP.

    Most importantly, performance for any of the browsers will only work if you have the ability to frequently update the browser, or have automatic updates set up. I would always recommend having two or three browsers to use as backups, or when needing to log in to two different Google accounts at the same time.

  10. profile image0
    Corolla98posted 11 years ago

    In my opinion, I like Google Chrome because it's faster than Firefox and internet explorer. It's even faster than Opera. All other browsers take forever to even load up.

    1. rodocop profile image60
      rodocopposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      But K-Meleon doesn't.


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