Just curious what browser do you use?

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  1. Just Ask Susan profile image91
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    Just curious what browser do you use?

    I have been using Internet Explorer and just recently have had problems with it. I did a virus scan, a spyware scan, and nothing seemed to work. I could only use IE in add ons disabled mode. At sometime I had downloaded google chrome. Tried it today and it worked. Just hope it keeps on working.

  2. kookoo88 profile image61
    kookoo88posted 13 years ago

    I use IE, but google chrome is popular.  Firefox is probably one of the best.  I've heard good things from everyone I know who uses it.

  3. AKdude profile image60
    AKdudeposted 13 years ago

    I've never liked Internet Explorer. I've been using Firefox for years and really like it. Very few problems. I've heard Google Chrome is good too but haven't tried.

  4. Richard Craig profile image60
    Richard Craigposted 13 years ago

    Well although I'm writing this using Safari on my iPhone, which works great, I use Firefox on my PC.  I used to use IE but it keeps getting attacked by viruses etc so I switched to Safari which worked fine for a while but then started to get slower and slower, so then I switched to Firefox which has the best of both.  And you can download add-ons to make it more suited to your needs.

  5. fxdaddy profile image60
    fxdaddyposted 13 years ago

    Firefox is the best, in my opinion.  Then Google Chrome would be my second choice. 

    Avoid IE like the plague.  I work in IT and have seen way too many problems with IE.

  6. Rimzim profile image59
    Rimzimposted 13 years ago


    Win 7 :  IE 8

    Win Xp : IE 7 & Opera 10.63

    Ubuntu 10.04 : Firefox & Opera

  7. Wombara profile image59
    Wombaraposted 13 years ago

    I'm on Win7 and chrome, or the iPad and safari.

    Don't use IE anymore.

  8. skisy profile image73
    skisyposted 13 years ago

    Google Chrome, although I still occasionally come across a few things on the internet that Chrome doesn't work too well for in which case I switch over to Firefox, but Chrome is my primary browser.

    Haven't used IE for years, it's a horrible mess.

  9. Peter Allison profile image81
    Peter Allisonposted 13 years ago

    I use Chrome at home and I like it a lot. I use Firefox at work and it is good for all the useful add-ons you can get for it (I'm a UI designer), but yeah, Chrome is awesome. You're going to like it!

  10. SEOWizKid profile image60
    SEOWizKidposted 13 years ago

    I use Google Chrome, it is super fast and they have recently added add-ons to make it even better. The second you click chrome it instantly pops up and the interface is pretty fantastic. But I know Mozilla isn't too shabby... also heard Oprah wasn't bad either

  11. Nick B profile image77
    Nick Bposted 13 years ago

    I use three:
    Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, but Chrome is my default. I need to be able to see web pages I design in all of them and since Internet Explorer is absolute crap with HTML, requiring programming work-rounds that I can't be bothered with, I need to know that the pages I create will work in all browsers.

    Having said that, none are without quirks of some form.

  12. rminela profile image68
    rminelaposted 13 years ago

    I use IE7 only when researching real estate as their sites work better with GIS mapping.

    But my default is Firefox. I'm thinking about tryng Google Chrome.

  13. MPG1 profile image58
    MPG1posted 13 years ago

    Firefox because it seems to be less prone to virus than Internet Explore

  14. Pcunix profile image85
    Pcunixposted 13 years ago

    I have Chrome, Safari,  Firefox and Opera that I use regularly and the order indicates my preference.  I also have versions of IE in several virtual machines which I use very rarely.

  15. R.Cruz101 profile image58
    R.Cruz101posted 13 years ago

    I'm using safari now  that my mac is working but I was using google chrome on my pc. Chrome is much faster and safer than firefox and internet explorer

  16. bogerk profile image71
    bogerkposted 13 years ago

    I use Firefox and sometimes Safari (Mac User). It seems like more often than not, if a browser is going to have problems, it ends up being Explorer.

    Not sure why that is?

  17. tom_caton profile image79
    tom_catonposted 13 years ago

    Chrome. It closes most loopholes that still plague the like of IE, such as browser history hacking, and it's very adjustable

  18. Who's Gonna Ride? profile image60
    Who's Gonna Ride?posted 13 years ago

    Firefox! For sure! I have had some major issues with IE, ugh! I hatttteeee IE! Definately try Firefox chica, they have built in spyware and ad-blocks to help you avoid all that mess...

  19. kids-toy-box profile image69
    kids-toy-boxposted 13 years ago

    Usually Firefox and Opera on the rare ocassion that Firefox is down.Have never tried Chrome-but form the positive responses in here I think I will give it a try.

  20. sgphilgoh profile image60
    sgphilgohposted 13 years ago

    I switched to Firefox several years ago after I experienced some problems with  Internet Explorer. More recently, I also tried Google Chrome. In terms of speed, I think Chrome is slightly faster than Firefox. However, I'm concerned about the the large chunks of memory that it takes up on my computer. As Firefox has never given me any problems all these years, I finally decided to stick with it.

  21. ErinElise profile image60
    ErinEliseposted 13 years ago

    I use Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Firefox.  I don't like IE and the only one I've never had freezing or crashing problems with is Chrome.  IE kept giving me problems too that's why I quit using it before they even upgraded to the new version.  Google Chrome has always worked for me, never given me any problems.  Plus, you can set a background picture on the home page if you get a log-in for google, which is really cool.

  22. alextsui profile image59
    alextsuiposted 13 years ago

    I love using Firefox. There are so many add-ons or plug-ins that you can install to extend its functionality. However, if you put in too many add-ons, it tends to take up your computer memory and slow things down quite a bit.

  23. internett1t3 profile image61
    internett1t3posted 13 years ago

    I been using since then Google Chrome and Firefox.

  24. umairraja51 profile image59
    umairraja51posted 13 years ago

    I mostly use chrome because it work fine.

    Sometime i also use IE 7 or IE 8.


  25. whaturmissing profile image75
    whaturmissingposted 13 years ago

    Firefox is my favourite.  Explorer is back up.

  26. atulhost profile image60
    atulhostposted 13 years ago

    I mostly use Mozilla Firefox due to high availability of so many useful add-ons

  27. molometer profile image82
    molometerposted 12 years ago

    I tend to use all popular browsers as Nick B pointed out, to make sure websites I create work on all of these browsers.

    Google Chrome is very good at spotting dodgy websites and links, so I tend to use that browser for sensitive transactions involving money or personal information.

    Firefox is also a very secure browser.

    I rarely use Internet Explorer or Safari in my daily work.


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