Anyone else running IE8 & Windows 7 having this problem?

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  1. Lily Rose profile image84
    Lily Roseposted 14 years ago

    I upgraded to Windows 7 with IE8 in September 2009.  After a while I started having occassions where the back, forward, refresh & favorites buttons would stop working after being online for a while.  It has continued to happen on a more frequent basis and now happens after being online for only 5-10 minutes - every time!!

    I can go back by using the right mouse button or drop-down next to the back/forward buttons, but none of the buttons work!  When you click the buttons, they still have the appearance of being clicked on, but nothing happens.

    I've done searches for help with this and have come across a whole lot of furums and such with people having this same problem, but it does not seem that it's actually being addressed by Microsoft.  As far as I can see, it's a bug with IE 8 & Windows 7 (?)

    I tried disabling add-ons and that did not help.  I tried resetting IE8 and that did not help.  I am ready to throw my computer through the window if I can't get this resolved soon!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Why are you using IE?  It's very simple to download Mozilla Firefox free, and you can get rid of all the problems.  You'll have a small learning curve but it doesn't take long - and you'll be much safer from viruses etc.

      1. Lily Rose profile image84
        Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I actually do have Firefox, but I've only used it a couple of times and I guess I'm just resistant to change - IE is all I've ever used and I'm so used to it.

        I've read in some forums that FF has its own issues, although I don't know what they are.   What makes FF safer than IE?

        I suppose I'll end up having to make the switch eventually because I can't handle this problem much longer...

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          IE is much more susceptible to hacking than FF, as I understand it - mainly because it's still the browser most people use, and hackers naturally go for the biggest target.

          There's a fair bit of malware that targets IE, but won't affect you if you're using FF.

          1. Lily Rose profile image84
            Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for that info - it definitely makes sense.

            BTW, I'm browsing with FF right now!  It's not as scary as I thought it would be to switch...

            1. samboiam profile image59
              samboiamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Me too. But the font is smaller and I don't know how to make it bigger. I guess I could go get my glasses. neutral

              1. Lily Rose profile image84
                Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Do you have a scroll on your mouse?  If so, try this:  hold down the 'ctrl' key and scroll up or down to change size...

                1. samboiam profile image59
                  samboiamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you. I now can see what I am looking at. You are my hero.

                  1. Lily Rose profile image84
                    Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Yay!!!  It's not often I can actually help someone with a computer problem - glad that worked for ya!

      2. Rafini profile image83
        Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm using firefox and having the same problems with the back/forward buttons.  Sometimes I even have problems with the 'submit' buttons for forum or hub comments....I thought it was just my computer. hmm

  2. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago

    only on HubPages. my back button doesn't work in forum threads. other than that, i'm fine.

    1. Super Chef profile image61
      Super Chefposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am having the same type of problems so for the short term I have reverted back to  mozilla firefox. Although it rarely happens but it really does get annoying after a while.

    2. Lily Rose profile image84
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's strange, but at least it's isolated only to that...

  3. Rayalternately profile image59
    Rayalternatelyposted 14 years ago

    Sometimes change is inevitable. Firefox and Chrome are both way better than IE, so much so that even normal people are using them, not just nerdy geeks like me! big_smile

    1. Lily Rose profile image84
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks - I think you're right....

  4. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 14 years ago

    i have faced no such problem, although I am using win 7 and IE8

    1. Lily Rose profile image84
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I had no problems either for the first few months; it started slowly and got worse and worse.  Best wishes to you that you don't experience this bug, too.

  5. samboiam profile image59
    samboiamposted 14 years ago

    I have the same problems with IE. I thought it was just my computer. I, like you, also have FF but have been reluctant to use it because I am used to IE. Guess it is time for a change.

    1. Lily Rose profile image84
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I actually thought I'd try online Microsoft online support and I received a quick response, but it was obvious that 1. the responder did not bother to read my whole email, and 2. the response I got from him was obviously cut and paste from standard "form" responses - did not address the problem or even acknowledge that it's a known problem, just went right into instructions to something that I wouldn't dare do due to fear of completely messing up my computer.

      I sent a reply email asking why my questions were not answered and received another bullshit response that did not address my questions at I replied once again and I wasn't very nice - 'nuf said!  That's when I decided I better start getting used to Firefox!

  6. samboiam profile image59
    samboiamposted 14 years ago

    I have been using Firefox for about 90 minutes. Good bye IE.

    1. Lily Rose profile image84
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you!  And next.....bye, bye Dell, hello Apple?  Well, that's a bit extreme - talk about a learning curve! - may be quite a way down the road...

  7. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 14 years ago

    I have a new notebook which was purchased in October 2009 but I did not use it until December 2009 when my desktops failed. It is HP pavilion and has IE 8 and Windows 7. I have had similar problems. Besides not being able to display the page 99% of the time, I find that I get the message IE is not working.When i get that message I can wait until it has had its siesta or shut down and try again.

    Well, after I heard so much about Mozilla Firefox I downloaded it with Google toolbar. My computer rejected it otherwise. Since I got it about a month ago, it has crashed or stopped working 55 times!At times i got Oops! messages; and sometimes it could not find Google! Thenumber of crashes is according to the record on my computer. I found out this information while browsing Control Panel because I was trying to figure out why I cannot download the drivers successfully for my Lexmark X3470 all in one which ran well on Windows XP. Well I got rid of Firefox; but it is like a ghost. I thought I got rid of Internet Explorer too; but that haunts me too.

    I have thought about throwing my computer away too during annoying/ frustrating times but it is a vital link to the outside world from this insular community. Like LilyRose I have gone to other forums but have found no suitable answers. Right now I am using Ask and Google; but Bing shows up occasionally during desperate times.


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