if you wanna travel in China, where do you get info for your plan?

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  1. ixbag profile image61
    ixbagposted 12 years ago

    if you wanna travel in China, where do you get info for your plan? what would you resort to?
    websites, books, magazines or travel agency? If you do, could you recommend some? and what kind of service do you want most? thank you very much.

    1. BobMonger profile image61
      BobMongerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      China is an enigma for most travelers. My good friend Gregg is an exploration geologist and recently spent some time there. According to him you are on your own when you get there. He was in China working for the Chinese government and they either didn't know or wouldn't say much about the areas he was going through.
      But if you want to have some fun-go to Google Maps and list China as your starting point and Taiwan as your destination. Instruction #43 will make you laugh-and also give you some idea of what you're dealing with.

      1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
        Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I'd also contact recommend1, a hubber here who lives in China and would not doubt be able to offer some good information.

        1. recommend1 profile image58
          recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't see this thread till now.  I can give you loads of info if you contact me and so can Fordie the other hubber mentioned here who lives just up the road from me - and his wife is a travel agent.

      2. SiddSingh profile image61
        SiddSinghposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Isn't it "swim across the Pacific Ocean"?

        1. BobMonger profile image61
          BobMongerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I saw that and thought, "someone at Google is either a frustrated comedian or a hopeless cynic."

    2. Borsia profile image37
      Borsiaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One thing nobody has mentioned, including me, is that you have to get a visa in advance to enter China. I think you can still go into Hoing Kong but in mainland China if you don't have a visa you can't enter and there is no way to get a visitor stamp.
      I don't think it is very expensive, about $100 if I remember right.
      It will take about 3 weeks.

  2. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    This hubber has some useful hubs on the subject http://fordie.hubpages.com/

  3. paradigmsearch profile image58
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    I hope it is ok to post this ad-free, travel info link.

    http://www.websitewithnoname.com/2011/0 … using.html

    1. recommend1 profile image58
      recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is a useful site for embassies etc,  another good place to start a holiday in China is at my place -

  4. profile image0
    fordieposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the plugs ...

    I see the op has been banned

    1. recommend1 profile image58
      recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Fordie - we were in your neck of the woods with friends in the national holiday week - on the very day it p!@@ed down with rain all day big_smile  It was just too much to think of doing anything except drink beer out of the rain.

      Next time -

      Is your hotel finished yet ?

      1. profile image0
        fordieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes - I stayed at home with the two boys and their cousins most of the week

        The hotel is open. You must drop by and take a look, next time ...

  5. cosmicdust profile image61
    cosmicdustposted 12 years ago

    China is a very interesting country and lots of history. For advisories, health and visa requirements, what to expect and updates of any country its best to visit travel.state.gov.

  6. Borsia profile image37
    Borsiaposted 12 years ago

    I lived in China for 2 years 2007+8.
    You can find everything online usually.
    Going to I suggest Cathay Pacific (upper end) or Air China (lower end)
    Most of the time you will either hub off of Hong Kong or Beijing. Both good airports HK is easier to understand.
    To get info for a particular end destination start by Goggling the city then look for local hotels. You will save a bundle since they are about 1/3 the price of the big chains. You do have to be careful so that you get good quality. The Chinese idea of comfort is far different but they do have great hotels.
    I have a couple of articles on my website SmartSafeTraveler.com If you know exactly where you want to go email me through the site and I'll see of I can find something in the way of a source.

    The biggest problem in China will be the language. Once you are in the mainland don't expect to find anyone who speaks much English.

  7. beijing driver profile image59
    beijing driverposted 12 years ago

    Hi,All of the concerned about China's tourist friends
    Traveling to China is becoming more and more popular and relaxed.
    China has more than five thousand years history and culture, there is a lot of world cultural heritage and beautiful attractions.
    Could you please tell me , Do you have any travel plan to visit China?
    When will you spent your vacation or holiday in China? Which City will be your prefer to visit?
    I would like to be your guide here .
    If you do not have any idea about how to visit Beijing China , please visit : http://www.bestbeijingtours.com
    I am sure you will get some fun.

    Ready to go?

  8. Edwin Clark profile image56
    Edwin Clarkposted 12 years ago

    I'm planning to visit Kunming China the coming February 2012. So far I've been checking with tripadvisor as well as heading to book stores and reading lonely planet. I'm really excited and can't wait to go because I've heard so much good things about visiting Kunming and will be reporting about it here on hubpages.

  9. beijing driver profile image59
    beijing driverposted 12 years ago

    Hi,Edwin Clark
    I knew a good travel company they can offer tours for you when you come to visit Kunming.http://www.yunnantrip.com/

    In China if you want hire a tour guide , you 'd better check out first .
    If you have other question , please let me know.

    Do the guide have certificated?

    Here is the sample of tour guide certificate passed by Chinas National Tourism Administration


    1. Edwin Clark profile image56
      Edwin Clarkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Beijing driver! I'll be sure to check out the website.

  10. Steve LePoidevin profile image60
    Steve LePoidevinposted 12 years ago

    Well, I have lived here in Wuhan, China for the last four years. Between myself and the friends I work with, we have visited quite a bit of the country. As already mentioned, the big problem will be the language but it is still easy enough to get around despite that handicap. Stay away from the big hotels and airlines. Head for the hostels and Chinese hotels, there are lots of good ones in all the major tourist areas. Shanghai and Beijing are nice but there are a lot more interesting places to see. Book flights in the country through elong.com, the Chinese equivalent of expedia. If you wave your mouse around at the top you will find the link for English menu! And don't be afraid to eat the street food, you'll save a ton of money on food!

  11. recommend1 profile image58
    recommend1posted 12 years ago

    Hi Steve - I lived in Wuhan for a few years, now in Guilin.

    The best place to start any Chinese tour or holiday is to spend a week or two with us at Guilin http://learningchinaholidays.com/ where you can learn enough 'get you by' language and how to get fed and around in China - before tackling the daunting prospect of railway and bus booking, finding your way around etc.

  12. beijing driver profile image59
    beijing driverposted 12 years ago

    For most foreigners, even though they live in China, but for a thorough understanding of the Chinese people's lives are not enough
    Surely this would require a long time, and depend on your Chinese level
    You may be a one-sided understanding through the one thing, but you want to further understanding of, must blend in the ranks of the Chinese people

    1. recommend1 profile image58
      recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I guess you are talking abaout getting to know China - the problem is that a foreigner is not likely to know everything and a Chinese is not likely to know what foreigners want and how they see things.  This is especially significant when a visit may only be a week or two in total.

      The answer is to start with meeting cultures in a friendly and co-operative situation rather than face to face in the street with no help or support.  With just a little understanding and language the new culture becomes easier to grasp through experience.


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