Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?

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  1. profile image0
    Mariah Charlottenposted 4 years ago

    I would travel alone to get a piece of mind. Just enjoy the breeze on my face. I would only want my boyfriend there to enjoy with me.

  2. TessSchlesinger profile image61
    TessSchlesingerposted 4 years ago

    I travel on my own. In March, I'm going to spend 10 days in London and then 5 days in Portugal.

    While I'm more than familiar with London as I have lived and worked there many times, I am not that familiar with Portugal (More familiar with Spain). So familiarity is not the reason I prefer to travel on my own.

    Why do I enjoy traveling on my own?

    1. I can change my mind at a moment's notice. Nobody to consult while I'm on the road.
    2. It's easier to meet new people when one is on one's own. This is particularly so as I always stay in dormitories in hostels. I've met wonderful people there.
    3. When making reservations, I don't have to consider whether someone else has work commitments, etc. I can just chose a date, pack my bags, and go.
    4. I have no love of tourist spots. I just love shopping, architecture, and walking. I spent days, walking 8 hours a day, looking at the architecture (why I prefer the old world to the new world). And I love shopping. And walking. Most people can't walk for 8 hours. Not sure why. I also don't want to eat out or party, etc.

    I have never had issues with safety. Then, again, I'm South African. We're a very self-sufficient people. If you live in the most dangerous country in the world, you learn to look after yourself. smile

  3. zahid malik6662 profile image60
    zahid malik6662posted 4 years ago

    i love travel with friends and enjoyed every moment traveling alone is boring for me

  4. erorantes profile image50
    erorantesposted 4 years ago

    I travel alone most of the time. I am used too. But if you think. The plane is full with strangers. I guess.  I am not alone after all. I said. In group is fun to travel for the same reason.

    1. Ranjan dhar1 profile image60
      Ranjan dhar1posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I like to travel alone when the purpose of my travel is to acquire knowledge and I want to be with the beauties and strangeness of nature!  But when the purpose of travelling is fun then it is better to travel with family and friends!

  5. alejandro89 profile image59
    alejandro89posted 4 years ago

    I always prefer to travel alone because it gives me more freedom to explore the things and enjoy the way I want

  6. aandcimmigration profile image59
    aandcimmigrationposted 4 years ago

    Depends on the traveler itself, if a person enjoys their own company than no need of anyone else company otherwise group traveler enjoys more i think..

  7. DominiqueCM profile image64
    DominiqueCMposted 4 years ago

    I've generally traveled with someone else, which is nice. There was one time when I did travel with my dad. He did have some meetings, which meant that I could do my own thing while he was in his meetings. It was nice.

  8. homelessbackpacker profile image40
    homelessbackpackerposted 4 years ago

    I love to travel alone,  i feel its a necessity to take a break from endearments, responsibilities and of course the society and  to be with ourselves. We have been bounded with monetary constraints and society and i am sure we all have lost ourselves to a certain limit and being with nature can only help in exploring ourselves.

    Keep travelling.. keep loving nature..

    Stay Strong Stay Stoked !!! .

  9. Rehab A profile image60
    Rehab Aposted 4 years ago

    I enjoy travelling alone because its give me a chance to do what I want to do at the suitable time for me . Also,I don,t like to wait any body .I think if you will  travel  with group  you should be  flexible ,patient ,accept any chooses

  10. profile image59
    sahaysagar1posted 4 years ago

    I also wanted to travel alone but was not sure how to plan things so I searched online and found these articles … oing-solo/ … aches-you/

    It really helped me

  11. hello123xoxo profile image61
    hello123xoxoposted 4 years ago

    i love travel alone it's easy do make every decision

  12. higggins profile image60
    higgginsposted 4 years ago

    As for me, I prefer traveling alone to the places that require my attention and a certain degree of slowness. Art galleries, museums, or some cities full of historical objects. When you're alone it's easier to feel the right atmosphere and to dive into your thoughts about the things you see. However, traveling alone can be boring sometimes as you still need to be distracted from time to time,  to refresh your thoughts. I usually deal with it by downloading a couple of music albums or compiling my own playlist (I download mp3 via so that I can listen to music anywhere) that I can listen afterward and come back to the place I associate it with.

  13. MPG Narratives profile image60
    MPG Narrativesposted 4 years ago

    I do enjoy travelling in a group but sometimes it does become annoying when everyone disagrees. Two years ago I travelled on my own and really enjoyed it. Now as much as possible I travel on my own. As a writer, I enjoy the time to myself and this is when I do my best writing.

  14. Victoria Greywing profile image80
    Victoria Greywingposted 4 years ago

    I prefer traveling in a group with my friends or my family, because I feel safer and more confident. Besides that, it seems to be more exciting

  15. Holiday Nepal profile image62
    Holiday Nepalposted 4 years ago

    I love to travel in group, specially with friends. However, I enjoy most while I travel solo. I love hiking and trekking in the Himalaya region.

  16. profile image50
    annaisposted 3 years ago

    my best vacation was to Prague last year with my childhood friends it was such a nice vacation, the city is really charming and stunning, we had such a nice time there, i googled about the city there and what places should i visit and this site helped me the most to discover this nice city, i also had a plan to visit Amsterdam before the pandemic but unfortunately it ruined all my traveling plans, my plan was to visit Rome, Amsterdam and London i have made all my vacation big program for these nice cities. I hope everything goes back to life really soon and also with my friends , i hate to travel alone.

    1. Prithviraj Shirole profile image71
      Prithviraj Shiroleposted 3 years ago

      Travelling in a group is more fun. Discovering the world with your loved one's is more cheerful.

    2. profile image0
      Sanketh Raikarposted 3 years ago

      I like to travel alone because traveling alone, you have freedom to do anything you want no ones there for stopping you.

    3. Ferd H profile image64
      Ferd Hposted 3 years ago

      I prefer travelling alone and being on my own in general. That gives me the freedom to go on weird or unusual adventures whenever I feel like it.

    4. Nan Hewitt profile image86
      Nan Hewittposted 3 years ago

      I prefer to travel alone. I can choose my own activities and if I want to spend hours sitting around in a nice setting reading a book, I can do that without being hassled to go and look at stuff. Hey, I am looking at stuff and I'm enjoying the atmosphere.

    5. alisamifarooq profile image60
      alisamifarooqposted 3 years ago

      I like to travel solo and also prefer solo traveling but some times if my friends are also with me than it is also movement for me. I don't like to travel with stranger person or group ~ Ali Sami Farooq

    6. profile image55
      rentaltraderposted 2 years ago

      There will be lot of learning while you travel solo. It will not be boring inspite you will get more time to speak with localities and explore more. You can stay in hostel and travel through local transport for cost cutting. Spend money on experiences rather than luxury.


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