How to handle stressful situations on the job?

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  1. celeb_prankster profile image59
    celeb_pranksterposted 12 years ago

    How to handle stressful situations on the job?

  2. Ms Dee profile image85
    Ms Deeposted 12 years ago

    It's really helped me to understand my own personality type and then what type the other personalities are--those who are involved in the stressful situation. This plays a major factor in the perspective each individual comes from, what stresses each individual, what each needs for bring balance back out of the grip of stress, etc. (I have a hub on this; Patterns of Anxiety and Stress Symptoms - Escaping the Grip.) There are, of course, other factors behind stress at work--unhappy with their responsibilities, health issues, stresses at home, baggage from the past, etc. So complicated! Often I feel we don't allow others to be human and make allowances. However, there is our own personal line our boundary that we must hold to in order to keep our own balance and sanity. May you find the wisdom needed to see what these are and hold a healthy perspective that takes care of yourself and at the same time allows others room to be human, without holding yourself to your own principles and values.

  3. professionalhub profile image60
    professionalhubposted 12 years ago

    Tips for stress management
    Put it in perspective. Jobs are disposable. Your friends, families, and health are not

    Modify your job situation. If you really like your employer, but the job has become too stressful (or too boring), ask about tailoring your job to your skills

    Get time away. If you feel the stress building, take a break. Walk away from the situation, perhaps walking around the block, sitting on a park bench, taking in a little meditative time

    Fight through the clutter. Taking the time to organization your desk or workspace can help ease the sense of losing control that comes from too much clutter. Keeping a to-do list -- and then crossing things off it -- also helps.

    Talk it out. Sometimes the best stress-reducer is simply sharing your stress with someone close to you

    Cultivate allies at work. Just knowing you have one or more co-workers who are willing to assist you in times of stress will reduce your stress level

    Find humor in the situation. When you –- or the people around you -- start taking things too seriously, find a way to break through with laughter. Share a joke or funny story.

    Have realistic expectations. While Americans are working longer hours, we can still only fit so much work into one day

    Nobody is perfect. If you are one of those types that obsess over every detail and micromanage to make sure "everything is perfect," you need to stop. Change your motto to performing your best, and leave perfection to the gods

    Maintain a positive attitude (and avoid those without one). Negativism sucks the energy and motivation out of any situation, so avoid it whenever possible

  4. twilanelson profile image60
    twilanelsonposted 12 years ago

    I take a couple of minutes and take a couple of deep breaths, in and out.  I relax my shoulders and mind for a moment or two and re-group for a moment.  I change the rhythm of the situation and reduce the pace, then I go strategically (if possible) and with full force to tackle all stressful situations at work.

  5. maverickserp profile image61
    maverickserpposted 12 years ago

    First, you need to relax. Relaxing is simple as breathing...inhale/exhale.

    I suggest, during working hours...take a few minutes break(5-10 minutes) and do some relaxation breathing, perform an inhale/exhale for that number of minutes.

    This will ease your tensions and can make you thing well and be more effective at your work.


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