Can we find out who votes an article down?

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  1. pagesvoice profile image74
    pagesvoiceposted 12 years ago

    Can we find out who votes an article down?

    It seems that no matter what neutral position I take on a topic there are those that lurk in the dark and vote my comment down. How do we know who these people are and why they are doing this?

  2. moiponetsoka profile image62
    moiponetsokaposted 12 years ago

    no we cant find out who votes down on your articles and comments

  3. ChristinS profile image39
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    you can't know for sure and it does happen all over on here.  I wouldn't worry about their pettiness too much as it doesn't really affect your hubs or traffic or anything like that in the long haul. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how well you have written something if people disagree or just don't like you they'll vote your stuff down.  For hubbers who tend to talk politics or religion - or lack thereof especially, you'll notice it happens more often.   People get stuck on their views and make it personal rather than keeping their objectivity.

    Think about it though, would you really want everyone to be able to see who votes what way? I think that would create a lot more problems than it would solve.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right. It is too bad people can't judge a comment or article simply on its merits without letting personal biases enter into the way they vote. Perhaps you are correct that revealing who is voting may create more problems.

  4. profile image0
    Kieran Gracieposted 12 years ago

    We need an anonymous 'down voter' to come forward and explain his or her reasons, but I'm not sure that anyone can be anonymous in HubPages so I suppose it will be a long wait!

  5. profile image0
    Hubert Williamsposted 12 years ago

    pagesvoice It happens to me too. I could say ice cream was cold and sweet someone would vote it down. We have to put up with it I suppose it's that way on the street might as well be consistent.

    1. pagesvoice profile image74
      pagesvoiceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You make a valid point...sad, but true.

  6. Cardisa profile image88
    Cardisaposted 12 years ago

    Let me first say, there is no sure way to know IF an article has been voted down. The drop in hubscore does not necessarily indicate that the article was voted down. The drop in hubscores has to do with traffic, response to your hub such as comments and feedback, search friendliness, your personal hubberscore and other factors. So saying, only HP knows which way a person votes and how many vote down or up an article gets.

    1. profile image0
      Hubert Williamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the gentleman is referring to remarks made on forums and questions. No matter what comment is made, good or bad on the same question, somebody goes up the line making down votes. It is annoying and counter productive.

  7. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    Once upon a time (several years ago) that info was visible but people got so obsessed with it, admin made those stats inaccessible.  They have since said that voting has a minimal impact on HubScore.

    I know of no successful author on HubPages who worries about votes or scores since those have no relevance on how search engines view a hub nor on earnings.

  8. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    It is simply a matter of people not agreeing with a post. The rule is to vote up if it contributes to the question and down if it doesn't. However it really works as Vote up if you agree with the answer and down if you don't. I'm atheist. By saying those 2 words in any answer I can almost bet I will get downed even if it answers the question. I admit I have downed those who I don't agree with and those I do agree with anytime the answer comes off rude. Even when we disagree there is never room for name calling or rude behavior. So I mark it down. I mark up far more than I mark down though. If it was made known who did the marking I don't think it would change much. It's the internet. The only place people can be themselves without caring what others think.

  9. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    It gets frustrating but it doesn't really affect your score.  Once I got over the fact that someone didn't like me or my comment - I stopped caring - mostly.

  10. Joan King profile image69
    Joan Kingposted 12 years ago

    If you knew who voted down an article what would you do? Would you be tempted to retaliate for example? Its best to pay no attention to that kind of activity. I was shocked to read a hubber's  well written, logical answer to a question only to find it was voted down. It wasn't even a controversial issue. I concluded that the person who voted it down had to be jealous of the skill of the writer. I voted it up. I was also surprised to find that no one else voted the article up. I think that those who abstain from voting up a good response is no better than those who vote it down. Its like not voting in an election and then complaining about the results.  While it is disheartening to realize that there are petty people in our midst who call themselves "writers", we need to rise above. and the best defense against that type of behaviour is to participate by voting.


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