One person stated that a hubscore of 60 or above is good, anything below, should

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  1. angela_michelle profile image95
    angela_michelleposted 13 years ago

    One person stated that a hubscore of 60 or above is good, anything below, should be deleted....

    What if you have a score of 62-63, and it never goes above or below, should it be deleted?

  2. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't delete it. Maybe you can rework it, add more content with some decent keywords, make sure your tags are relevant, if it's a topic you can add a news capsule to, that helps sometimes to have fresh content updating.  You have a great hubber score, so you're doing something right. try to look at it with new eyes and see what you can do with it.  ask yourself, what would someone searching this topic want to know?  or if they're not searching it, think of what you can add or change that will bring in some traffic. good luck.

  3. dabeaner profile image61
    dabeanerposted 13 years ago

    Hubscore is good, but not the "be all and end all".  What are you going after, just points?  Or readers?  Or AdSense, Amazon ... income.

    Will getting a 98 by maybe deleting your lowest score Hub really do you any good?  Maybe that low scoring Hub gets you a few bucks every now and then, either directly or by someone going from it to your profile to another Hub of yours.

    97 is great; don't sweat it.  Or was the question to get even more readers?  That works.  ;-)

  4. L3B0 profile image61
    L3B0posted 13 years ago

    Don't delete it, rather let it mature. It will eventually rise up sometimes after months even...from personal experience..

  5. suny51 profile image60
    suny51posted 13 years ago

    these scores keep on going up and down,depends on many counts do not delete them,some day you may find the one you wanted to delete placed right on top of your account index.

  6. Maria Cecilia profile image84
    Maria Ceciliaposted 13 years ago

    at first it will have an score of 50  but it goes up in time.. sometimes faster than you expected.. well I will not delete it, might just improve it by adding pictures and update stories

  7. Guy Collins profile image61
    Guy Collinsposted 13 years ago

    My hub scores are also a track record of my development as a writer on Hub Pages. I like seeing how my articles are received and watching the later ones get better scores.

    Deleting 60 and under hubs is kind of like throwing out your baby because it's ugly. Of course, if my score hovered in the mid 70's, I might think about getting rid of a low scoring hub.

    But it would be my absolute last resort and I haven't done it so far.

  8. Dave Mathews profile image59
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    I understand that if you delete a hub it is no longer counted in your total hub count. I would try to improve it to see if you can raise the score if you aren't happy with the score.

  9. M. T. Dremer profile image85
    M. T. Dremerposted 13 years ago

    I would agree with everyone else that you shouldn't delete them. You never know when an old subject will suddenly be popular again. And just because it doesn't have a high score, doesn't mean people aren't finding it useful. Maybe only one person read it that month, but it really helped them out, wouldn't it be worth it then to keep it up? If you are frustrated that one hub in particular is never over a 60, then I believe editing it would be the better option.

  10. Twins Mum profile image60
    Twins Mumposted 13 years ago

    Glad you asked as I was also wondering this.  Some of the less-read hubs I have written, which I thought were good, but have not attracted any attention whatsoever, I plan to re-hash by adding capsules as suggested by other hubbers.

    We should probably not delete anything, as there must always be room for improvement, and thus, a better Hub score!

  11. Tirzah Laughs profile image60
    Tirzah Laughsposted 13 years ago

    I just become active a few weeks ago, I had an account before but didn't use it.  I've just hit the 60's.  To delete under the 60's would not let you have new members.

    And does the score matter?   I mean just edit hubs that are weak.  My Chin hub I can see is not as clean as my others.  I am going to edit it.

  12. drmingle profile image60
    drmingleposted 13 years ago

    I generally don't delete Hubs...I do re-work Hubs and would recommend the same for others...

    Many times I found after re-working and letting individuals know the hub exists I can generally get my Hub scores up...

    Like anything else you have to feed and water for them to survive...Your Hubs are no different.

    Best wishes...

  13. R-J-T profile image61
    R-J-Tposted 13 years ago

    No. I would never delete a hub because that hub could turn out to be a good money maker, and if not you could use it to link to other hubs,  which will unturn strengthen that hub and the one's you linked it to.

    I think your best bet is to make sure your author score stays above 75, as I have read somewhere that if it drops below all of your links turn to no-follow, I'm not 100% sure this is correct maybe a more experienced hubber could confirm or decline this?

    Hope this helps.

  14. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    Never delete it. My hubscore is now in a range of 57 to 65. It is on my 1 unpublished hub. It earned its first 1 cent on December 28, 2010. It now have 946 ever views. It is of excellent quality hub. You need to be patient and just know within yourself that your hub is of good quality content. I wish you the best.


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