How Do Handle an Anonymous Who Comments On Your Hub, "No Offense Meant, But You

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  1. ngureco profile image79
    ngurecoposted 13 years ago

    How Do Handle an Anonymous Who Comments On Your Hub, "No Offense Meant, But You Sir, Are an idiot"?

    You Can Delete The Comment On Your Hub, But What Do You Do So That You Are Not Physiologically Affected By That Comment For Many More Days Into The Future?

  2. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    This is a tough one, but I suppose you have to learn to rise above it...because just think, you are writing to either make money, write for fun or writing as a stepping stone to achieve some other goal in your life and then so what are they going to achieve with their life, if they go around giving comments like that.

    It used to bother me, but now I don't give a monkeys...trolls are everywhere online and offline...the best thing you can do is to shrug it off like you're not bothered!

  3. wannabwestern profile image93
    wannabwesternposted 13 years ago

    I think the fact that they aren't willing to identify themselves and are posting as anonymous shows a high degree of cowardice. Everyone gets these types of comments from time to time--just ignore it!

  4. Sweetsusieg profile image75
    Sweetsusiegposted 13 years ago

    as waynet says, you have to let it go.  It is obviously someone who is either jealous of you or your success.  You may be making money or writing for the love of the craft, and you are following your dreams.  Can they say that?

    They meant it as an offense, to bother you, possibly to stop your creativity.  Give em' hell and write a Hub about it!!  Don't let it stop you!!

    Good Luck!

  5. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    I thought you had to approve comments; are they not deleted if you don't approve?
    If you are troubled by criticism, of yourself or your writing, you are in the wrong game.  Writing is revealing your soul to the world, it also means taking the knocks.

  6. becca storer profile image60
    becca storerposted 13 years ago

    I agree with the other answers. Don't let it bother you, and like sweetsusieg said write a hub about it! smile

  7. jrsearam profile image60
    jrsearamposted 13 years ago

    I sympathize fellow Hubber. Still you must do as your fellow Hubbers have suggested and let it go, feeling satisfied with the knowledge that unlike you, Anonymous is a coward who doesn't take responsibility for his words.

  8. Allan Douglas profile image58
    Allan Douglasposted 13 years ago

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion.  With so many different people living so many different lifestyles and holding so many different beliefs, it is inconceivable that everyone will agree on all issues.  So this guy thinks I’m an idiot.  Ok, that’s his opinion.  He’s entitled to it.  I don’t share it.  If 200 other people express the same opinion of me, I may need to revisit my statements.  At the very least, I’m talking to the wrong audience!

  9. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

    Just ignore the comment. People like that don't need your time and attention.

  10. Gerber Ink profile image89
    Gerber Inkposted 13 years ago

    I get these stupid comments now and again. At first, I was thinking I could write smart comments back to their snarky ones, then I decided to take the high road and just delete them. Deleting is so much easier, and once the comment is gone, you won't be tempted to get sucked into their little drama. They're just jealous of your superb writing skills!!!

    Good luck, and keep writing!

  11. profile image0
    Frank Sanelloposted 13 years ago

    There are a lot of angry people in the world who like to vent on anybody and anything. A writer I know who blogs about natural disasters told me she gets obscene hate (e)mail about her articles, which aren't offensive or even controversial. I put a positive spin on vicious criticism of my writing: At least it means people are reading my stuff. I'd rather be insulted than ignored. smile I don't recommend deleting negative comments. As Henry Ford, a notorious anti-Semite, said, "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

    Frank Sanello


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