I'd like feedback on my Hub: Original Song:

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  1. profile image0
    Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Original Song:  "Where You Are". What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. DasEngel profile image60
      DasEngelposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful poem. No idea why it didn't pass QAP.

      1. profile image0
        Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, DasEngel!

    2. Elsie Hagley profile image69
      Elsie Hagleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nice poem. Try changing the Italic to normal text, it is very hard to read.
      Also, add a nice large photo at the top, even add a poll - like "do you write your own poetry"?
      Just try to add a bit more text, hope this is helpful.

      1. profile image0
        Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Elsie!  I appreciate your taking time to respond.

    3. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Elsie to add more text (maybe a history of how you got into writing song lyrics and playing guitar). Also, adding some images would help - Pixabay dot com has some great photos/images for love, romance, maybe even some musical notes. Search under those topics and add at least 3 pics. A poll would help also.

      An image of musical notes at the top of your hub would look very nice. There is a really pretty one at
      https://pixabay.com/en/music-melody-mus … te-786135/

      Instead of italics for the chorus, type the Chorus ~ at the beginning of the chorus, such as:

      Chorus ~

      Where You are is where I long to be.       
      I cannot understand where else I could seek.
      My soul tugs at the veil hiding You from me.
      Where You are is where I long to be.

      Your song is lovely. It is hard to read, though, and the text could be larger. Can you edit and use the edit capsule to type in the poem instead of the text which looks like a copy/paste from another document? I think that would help a lot, too.

      Your video is a very nice touch.

      1. profile image0
        Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Phyllis!  Some useful suggestions here.

    4. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hello. Welcome to HubPages! I read the poem and took a peek. Truly beautiful and I received great meaning from it. BTW I like the approach with the original video too! Well done in my view. Kudos for the creativity! I think it is a great beginning. Firstly, it is obvious 'to me' it is a 'Creative Hub' and not an 'Information Hub'. But, what did the rater think? May I explain.

      Not Featured does not mean it is not available to the Internet. It is ‘Not’ available to Search Engines. It can be socially shared with the link like you did here. Success with traffic then is determined by a Social Network Strategy combined with the audience desired.

      HP Community → Followers → Friends, Family, and etc. by email → Facebook and etc Social Networks → and, then The Internet.

      The purpose for the QAP for  the Feature Status is access to the internet and discovery by an audience through a search firstly by the Title and then Keywords. That introduces Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A different subject to learn for traffic.

      Here is what I see while pondering . . . and is In My Humble Opinion (IMHO)

      → The Big Picture – Structure . . .
      ** Title: Original Song: "Where are You"
      ** Image – Divine Mother
      ** About the Song. → Pause a moment and read what is presented. What is the Purpose / Goal? With perspective it describes ‘How’. Or, it explained your Hub as a presentation and is brief. That is informational content.
      ** The Lyric of “Where are You” → That is Creative content
      ** The Video → That is Creative content enhancing meaning of the Lyrics with a visual/Audio presentation.

      For the QAP HubPages uses two different criteria – Informational & Creative. There are three main areas that are rated combining becoming a score; → Substance →  Organization → Grammar & Mechanics.

      Those ratings determine the Overall Score. I pretty much believe that determines the Feature Status. Here is a link to those with a Table for how a rating is determined for each area. The Link lands on the Creative Table. At the top you can switch between tables.

      What I do when I don’t pass the QAP is look at my score and jump to the overall rating using the first digit. EX: Score is 63, so I look at 6. I am not sure what is needed to be the rating to pass the QAP. Perhaps 5 or 6? A clue at the Informational Table is Spammy elements, which is a big No-No appears at the Rating 6, so perhaps 6 or better is used?

      The Hub leads the rater at the QAP. The QAP is a human process for the content of a Hub. Yes, HP does a crawl for mechanics of a Hub. At task is first deciding what category is the purpose of the Hub – Informational & Creative. Then using their choice for the Table to use as a guide.

      The first focus of your Hub is not creative in my view. It is informational. Did that confuse the rater? I simply dun’no? A suggestion is put that at the bottom instead of the top. Then it leads for being Creative.

      A point to remember is all Hubs are not Internet Articles. The aim of HP is for Internet articles in the nature of being like a Magazine Article. There main emphasis as an informational article is this quote at the Learning Center, "A 'minimum of 1150' words of truly informative, well-written, useful content".

      As a creative Hub there are many with great knowledge and experience that have passed the QAP. A consideration at HP FAQ is the subheading What does it take to be a successful fiction writer or poet on HubPages? A great article written by a Hubber, Cardisa, on How to get good to better traffic on the internet using SEO techniques is SEO Tips For Creative Content: Poetry, Creative Non-fiction And Fiction.


      ** Look in the Edit Mode at the Top Right at the Dashboard for elements of a Hub. There will be hints for the purpose of being a Magazine Style Hub. Plus, there will be style tips in blue above that.

      ** At HubPages Learning Center there is a Hub; Stats, HubScore, and Hubber Score, that offers more help.

      I hope this offers some clues. Best wishes on your ‘New Adventure’ here at HubPages! smile

      1. profile image0
        Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Tim, for taking time to offer help.  You've provided some useful information.  Blessings!

        1. tsmog profile image85
          tsmogposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Your Welcome and thank you smile

  2. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 8 years ago

    Beautiful song Linda. You do need at least one photo at the top though. Even just one of the images from the video would be fine.

    1. profile image0
      Maya Shedd Templeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, John!


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