How would you describe a person who has bad luck w/jobs, always gets fired, and

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  1. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    How would you describe a person who has bad luck w/jobs, always gets fired, and is somewhat...

    UNEMPLOYABLE(this person is highly intelligent and educated; h/she  doesn't have mental, emotional, nor psychological deficiencies-h/she just isn't job ready nor enabled)?

  2. Say Yes To Life profile image79
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 8 years ago

    It is easy to pass judgment on such a person, believing they're lazy, flaky, or self-sabotaging.  Job failure is currently a misunderstood, taboo subject.
    There once was a time when people believe rape victims asked for it, too; we now realize that criminals choose their victims according to their vulnerability, not by how sexy they are. 
    I wonder if job failure has anything to do with growing up as a chronic victim of bullying.  Another societal misbelief is that bullying ends with childhood, but that is not true; it continues well into adulthood.  It's just that rather than schoolyard fistfights, they set their victims up for failure in the workplace, or trash their home properties, or somewhere along those lines.  The reason for workplace shootings is most likely identical to the ones for schoolyard shootings - the victim can't take it anymore and lashes out before committing suicide.  Such events will continue as long as bullying goes on.

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I've worked w/ women in their 80s who were bullied at home/retirement centers. One, age 83, got a divorce & said she'd enjoy a few years now; collected from her ex-husband's big Soc. Security Retirement acct.  Other abused folks just take it &amp

    2. Kiss andTales profile image61
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I certainly appreciate your answer Yoleen,  I find your words very true.

    3. Say Yes To Life profile image79
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, you guys, for your comments. I noticed the other answers here reflect the common judgments people pass. I have dealt with workplace violence more times than I care to remember, and almost wound up in a shootout once, so my view is different.

  3. realtalk247 profile image75
    realtalk247posted 8 years ago

    People have to find the right career that fits their needs. I believe O-Net and other sites provide information about pay, career outlooks, and job duties. Steve Harvey was fired many times and look where he is now. Some people need different stimulation, freedom, or a career that interests them to really get them going. Some people may have ADD/ADHD which makes it difficult when it comes to structure and details but flourish in roles such as doctor or fire-fighter.  Chances are if this person can earn degrees but can't find the right fit they haven't found the career for them. No worries. Just keep trying until you find the right fit.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    I'd say they haven't found a career path or job that they enjoy.
    A lot of people graduate from college with no desire to work or build a career. They expect employers to simply plunk down wads of cash because they graduated from a university and then they'll kick back and receive steady raises and a corner office.
    Most likely any job they have is just something to pay the bills with. They're not looking to climb the ladder within the organization.
    Odds are they want to come to work, do what is required, be left alone, and go home with a paycheck on the 1st and 15th.
    They'd be content if things never changed until they retired.
    It's a "Living for the weekend" mindset.
    When one really doesn't care for their job they're not likely to invest a lot of their own time becoming an expert in the field. They're not going do anymore than is required. They're not going to show enthusiasm on the job nor volunteer to take on more assignments.
    They can't wait for Friday 5 O'clock to arrive!
    When you don't care it shows in your work efforts and your attitude.
    Both bosses and co-workers can spot dead weight or slackers.
    No effort was made to be #1 on the team or in the company.
    Most people (mentally quit) their jobs before they get fired!
    They never viewed their job as a "career" but instead it was something they kind of "fell into" and the pay was decent.
    Once they get fired they look for another "job" not a career and the whole cycle repeats itself until they finally retire or are forced to.

  5. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 years ago

    ALWAYS gets fired? How many jobs? This person must have some authority issues.  Doesn't have mental, emotional or psychological deficiencies?  This type of behavior is evident there are emotional issues that need to be addressed.  It's one thing to leave jobs and another to always get fired. It's not bad luck it's bad attitude. This person needs to look at themselves and realize their attitude is hurting them.  I've had to fire people, but it was only in extreme cases.  Most people who struggle to do the work can improve if their attitude is right.  Maybe they should start their own business.  Then they would see things in a different light.

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Second best answer, sorry........


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