
Jump to Last Post 1-7 of 7 discussions (12 posts)
  1. profile image55
    kissmygritsposted 14 years ago

    lust love and in love? Can someone please give me the definition of these three, in your own words. For I use to think I knew what they meant, now I'm not so sure I really ever knew. I really would like to hear your thoughts!

    1. hnbiz silhou3tte profile image53
      hnbiz silhou3tteposted 14 years agoin reply to this temporary physical desire.

        love... is respect..the shortest word i can describe it

  2. Sasha S profile image67
    Sasha Sposted 14 years ago

    Well, for me at least, tis something like this:

    lust: an intense physical desire for someone.

    love: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
    Thou art more lovely and more temperate." One of the most famous of Shakespeare's sonnets, sonnet 18 speaks of his love for a young man, however, it isn't a desire, it's an intense appreciation of the man's being. Love to me is a strong connection with someone - far stronger than friendship - the way they feel directly affects you, when they're unhappy you're unhappy, you will go out of your way to protect them, and do your best to make them happy. Love makes you want to see them and talk to them all the time, when you're at your lowest they're the one you turn to; love has so many manifestations that to confine them to a finite list would be a crime against love itself! (ooh, went a bit shakespearean there meself!)

    In love: when you're in love with someone you love them to such an extent that life without them seems impossible; you have a true connection to their feelings and you live to keep them happy. They are constantly at the forefront of your mind, the effect your actions may have on them is taken into consideration with everything you do. To truly know what being in love with someone means, it has to be experienced and will be different for everyone.

    Well, that's just my thoughts on it - I could ramble on forever about love but I'll leave you in peace!

    - Sasha

    1. profile image55
      kissmygritsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thanks Sasha S

  3. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 14 years ago

    'Lust' is physical desire.  Being 'in love' is romantic love, usually involving intense physical desire, but also spiritual and emotional attraction/desire.  'Love' is emotional attachment that could be present in any of a number of different kinds of relationships: familial, friendships, opposite sex.


  4. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    My wife and I may not see it like other folks do, but it does help that we're on the same page. 

    We don't see physical intimacy as love--to us, lust is a separate issue.  That said, the human female seems generally (there are exceptions to every rule) to need to experience love before really  getting the lust going....while the human male seems to feel the need to satisfy the lust to get the love going.   

    Source of much confusion between genders, but quite workable if both partners understand the equation. 

    You also mention "in love".  That's the part when your brain just plain checks out of the building and the emotions take over, at least for a while.  Lust can do that for some folks, but being in love will do it every time.  If you absolutely adore desert heat, your partner suggested moving to an igloo somewhere in the Arctic Circle, and you jumped at the chance, you're probably in love.

  5. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 14 years ago

    Lust is when you think "Oh I could do some naughty things with him"

    Love is when you think "My (insert friend family member, child etc.) is the most important thing to me."

    In Love is when you think "I have never been happier than when I am with you, I want to be the woman by your side forever, now lets go do some naughty things."

    1. profile image0
      Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Twice as clear with half the words of my post! big_smile

      1. Colebabie profile image60
        Colebabieposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  6. profile image55
    kissmygritsposted 14 years ago

    Thank you all for giving me your thoughts.

  7. europewalker profile image80
    europewalkerposted 14 years ago

    Lust - let's hit the sheets,now!
    Love - I really care about you
    In Love - I can't live without you

    1. profile image55
      kissmygritsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      short, sweet and straight to the point! I like that. thks


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