Do you fall in Love with your Spirit Guide!!!

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  1. profile image53
    tataycalixtoposted 14 years ago

    In April 21, 1990 a chosen group of students were in Hundred Islands in Lingayen , Pangasinan to performed a distinguished  initiation for Astral Travel. Luckly, I was one of the selected ones to became part of that significant activities for the next two days. After a long day of sacred channeling of our spirituality. I felt exhausted. So I decided to relaxed.. sat on those pile of bamboo planks and focused my sight along a deserted strand of the I gaze longer into the empty space ...gradually a hallow figure of a human like was walking towards me.Foot not touching the sand.I remember that lovely,soft, beautiful face wearing a long white knee length shirt like in white pants stand between 6 feet to 6'.4" feet high. It was the most beautiful sight I ever seen in my entire life! Suddenly I felt something good! but when I blink my faded away..I shouldn't blink!!!  Yes I fell in love!
    have you felt the same way like I did..???

  2. profile image49
    Tatet 1posted 14 years ago

    tell me more about tatay calixto

    1. profile image53
      tataycalixtoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Tatay Calixto is a real dwarft that I associated for more than 20 years..he is a White Dwarft and a King..he always thought us the real meaning of respect and believe in God above all ..he tought us how to pray in an Old Latin and oracles that we can use if we need to protect ourselves and our love one. He thought us the proper way to open our 3rd cleansing your mind, body and soul..even the food we should eat..loads of sacrifices to reach that level to become a Psychic..Guess what!!! Its not easy..coz you can see the good and bad stuff in another dimension

  3. tysonrss profile image61
    tysonrssposted 14 years ago

    I doubt it was a spirit guide. It could have been a succubus.

    BTW you fall in love easy.

    1. profile image53
      tataycalixtoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      have you seen Succubus?
      well if you do..I pitty you that you have no idea how beautiful and holy that wonderful figure  look like..falling in love is not necessarily means a desire or is something that people can only find word..and that how I find it..Yes I fell in love with Guiding Spirit the way I fell In love with the Son of God Jesus. same way I fell in love with my Guardian Angels, Mother Mary, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, Padre Pio and same feeling to fall in love with my parents ...most of all to love my enemies..can you do that??

  4. Kimberly Bunch profile image61
    Kimberly Bunchposted 14 years ago

    Your thoughts lead to the future. #1.) Thoughts of entities and #2.) Thoughts of passion, sexual desire! Equals/ = Your mediation and sexual desire intermixed.

    Just the thought you have alone of it may led one to believe that perhaps you actually have had a relationship with your spirit guide in a past life and you were just picking up on it but that is so hard for me to believe when your sexual desire is shooting through the roof!

    From a spiritual teacher (psychic medium)wink
    <snipped - stop posting links to your Hubs in the forums>

    1. profile image53
      tataycalixtoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Plese read below what I wrote and understand with your deepest thought the difference of love,to passion and desire.. the last two were lust !!! is that how you feel when you read my Hub??? Im impressed...???

    2. profile image0
      klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It might not have been lust, but it is possible that you may have had a vision of a loved one from a past-life. My Spirit Guides don't come in white gowns and floating in the air. In fact, they were a Pain when I first began to take notice of them. It took a lot of training for them to get used to me and work with me. ;-) You should meditate further on this vision and the answer will come to you. God bless!

  5. profile image53
    tataycalixtoposted 14 years ago

    I actually never  came across of any sexual passion when I wrote my authenticated experienced about this wonderful creature. Love is not only for passion or desire to fulfill your emotional or psychological needs..real meaning of always accompany of the highest degree of respect to myself and to my Guding Spirit. Im sorry to dissappoint you that Im not aroused at all with my Guiding Spirit..perhaps others will? because it is the work of a black you have one of them? Good luck with your affairs with them!!!

    1. profile image57
      Runicposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Friend, it is not so strange to feel a love for your spiritual guides. Often times they know you better than you now yourself, better than mother, sister, brother, or lover ever could. If you have felt such love for your guide, do not be worried, i doubt she will lead you astray.

      In Spirit,


  6. pylos26 profile image71
    pylos26posted 14 years ago

    ya might want to leave the acid alone.

  7. spiritloveblue profile image55
    spiritloveblueposted 14 years ago

    (from the mouth of babes)
    I am the last person to advise you on such things, because I am a novice at mediumship.  But I, too, share with you in this type of love.  And, yes, it is divine love.  A blessing.  First of all, one elementary lesson mediums learn is "trust" and "discernment".  Maybe I'm wrong.  Do you trust yourself?  Do you know what "love" feels like?  Is love from God?  Does like attract like?  I guess, being one that believes in God and believes that God is love, that I believe that your experience with this vision was your divine connection to "love".  I guess that spirit only communicate to us in our own language and with visions that only we understand.  Thus, this explains why people from all walks of life and from different cultures experience one and the same God but in their own language.  Perhaps, even if your vision inspired your being with a sexual-love, this was probably your ideal and probably God's answer to your need for a mate.  I believe there is nothing wrong with being in love with your "spirit-guide" who absolutely may be someone very precious to you.

    1. profile image53
      tataycalixtoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well ..I feel PITTY  for you that love in you understnding is some sort of sexual passion or  a mate..i do have a wonderful family with a lovely boy.When I  discuss about Spirit love . I struggle  with some misintepretation of people some can b a a fatal failure to the real meaning of interaction with our Spirit Guide ...remember our Spirit guide is just our plain Ange,l Angels who are looking after us..and of course we have to love them..and I am falling in love every second to them because of their wonderful things they do for me in my daily life..such as protecting me on the way to work..many time I encounteresd accidents but I was not hurt, many times I feel like cryin then suddenly a sweet smell and a warm touch on my shoulder not to say that even in dreams they appear to cheer me up..I pitty you NOVICE.. if you think that sexual connotaion is what  getting in your head your a fake!!!ARE YOU REALLY A NOVICE OR PLAYING LIKE A NOVICE TO GET ATTENTION..FOCUSED ON HOLISTIC APPROACH THEN  WANDER AROUND THE SUPERMARKET OF IDEAS OF SPIRITUAL CONNECTION THEN ENTER INTO A DEEP AND MYTERIOUS PLACES THE THE LORD WITH HIS GUIDING SPIRITS WOULD LEAD U IN DOWN THE TRACK...LEARN THIER SPIRITUAL QUEST..

  8. hanging out profile image60
    hanging outposted 14 years ago

    strong delusion.
    There is only one guide and that is jesus christ. You cannot take angels and apply them to any belief. God created the angels and he created the way humans get to himself (god). There is no other way, this is blatantly spoken about in the word of god. The father and son are quite alike and each represents the other.
    You will have to present yourselves before the real god or your path will be your destruction.
    Spirits do not love.
    You have much strong delusion.

  9. profile image54
    lindalufulposted 12 years ago

    I was in love with another person. Then one day this spirit guide came. He's actually someone I knew from real life. I actually thought he was real. He was coming on too strong and making me very self-conscious and wanting to escape but I had nowhere to run. He was extremely annoying. A couple years later, I finally realized I fell in love with him and that we were meant to be. Now when I see the word "angel" I would think of him immediately. You might say he's more of a spirit guide who helped me a lot with problems, but the word "angel" just makes me think of him. Now the real person that the spirit guide took the form of isn't talking to me. Now all I know what to do is to make wishes on wishing to never fall in love which I failed to visit 8 days for so now it's wishing that George Lu'd talk to me.


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