Looking For Confirmation on Question(s) Regarding AdSense...

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  1. LakeShow T profile image74
    LakeShow Tposted 13 years ago

    Hello there fellow hubbers! I completed my first hub a few days ago and just got approved for AdSense. Then I went into my affiliate settings here on the "my account" link and submitted the AdSense code and granted access to Hubpages.com. Everything is set there as my status is "active".

    My question is this. I noticed that the Google Ads appeared on my first hub even before I signed up for AdSense. Now that I have been approved for AdSense and have the code "active" in my affiliate settings, will I receive the revenue earned from each click on the google ads on my first and (only hub) from this moment on?

    I am assuming I do not have to go back and edit the code into the hub. I am also assuming that I do not have to ad any codes into future hubs and that everything is now set for me being that AdSense is Active on the "my account page".

    If these assumptions I am making are true, does that mean that google will automatically place whichever ads they want on my hubs? I therefore have no control over the ads they place?
    I only ask this because I have read a number of hubs with the Amazon ads (which I have not signed up for yet) and it appears as though people can choose their own ads for amazon, but not for Google. Am I wrong?

    I hope my questions make sense and are not "silly" by their nature. These answers can probably help out other newbies as well. Any insights on this topic is much appreciated! Thank you.

    1. Danteh profile image60
      Dantehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I just want to warn you that you may not see any AdSense income for a few months, it's a slow and difficult process but don't give up!

      I even have a hub which explains the basics of AdSense to beginners wink

      1. LakeShow T profile image74
        LakeShow Tposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Danteh! I'll definitely check that out here in a bit. I am aware that people do not make a lot out of AdSense until they have been doing this for a while and gain a firm understanding of all of SEO and all of the other tricks of the trade. Even then, it is probably hit or miss. Although it would be nice to make regular chunk of change, I would be thrilled to see $.30 cents in my first month. I honestly think this is just a really cool site where we are able to write about our interests along with a community of other great and talented people. It's also pretty cool to be able to do a google search and see a link to one's own article sitting there for the world to see. I am so glad I found this place. If I make a few bucks a long the way, that's just a bonus.

        1. Kidgas profile image62
          Kidgasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's the attitude to have.  Some people just write for fun while others have made it their main source of income.  Do whatever is best for you.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    The only reason Google Ads were on your hub was because of HubPages put their account in place, until you activated your own account.

    Now, you'll get 60% of the impressions and HubPages will receive 40%.

  3. saleheensblog profile image59
    saleheensblogposted 13 years ago

    you go and write hubs, once your adsense is accepted you don't need to do anything else with that. All will be done by adsense. You can now use analytics to track your traffic, clicks and income. Nothing else to do with adsense just never ever click on your own ads or influence others to do so.

  4. LakeShow T profile image74
    LakeShow Tposted 13 years ago

    Awesome! Thank you Cagsil and Saleheensblog for the great input, as always. You guys are great! It sounds like my work with AdSense is complete and that they choose the ads that will be displayed on each hub. I just need to start composing more hubs! I will admit the setup with Adsense was a little confusing for someone like me who is not very well versed in website terms. I just went with the default settings on everything and hope all works out all right.

  5. Dale Nelson profile image39
    Dale Nelsonposted 13 years ago

    Hi Lakeshow,

    Welcome to hubpages.
    Spend some time navigating your adsense account as ther is a function which allows you to block domains. You can do this by seeing the domain name of the ad and then inserting it into the blocked domains  in your adsense account. You may find that certain irrelevant adverts keep showing on your hub due to their low cost for display. This will allow google to show ads that are more relevant to your hub topic.

    You will need to post a few more hubs to get an idea of which ads show on any topic though. So do not worry to much about it now, but keep it mind when you tweak your work in a few months

    1. LakeShow T profile image74
      LakeShow Tposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your advice and warm welcome Dale! That sounds like some useful information to me, as it makes sense that google would post the cheaper ads.  I will certainly keep all of that in mind for the near future.


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