Need Advice on My Hubs

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  1. Burgeon profile image79
    Burgeonposted 11 years ago

    I joined 10 days ago, so much to learn. Just published 2 hubs. I know it takes a while. But the traffic is too low to be called traffic and it seems nobody is interested---I use google analytics, there are a few visits, but the average visit duration is almost 0, the longest one was 3 mins (my own visit doesn't account). I don't know SEO, but I tried google keywords tool.

    Is this common to newbie or something wrong with my writing or my topics? Please give advice.

    1. cynthiaalise profile image60
      cynthiaaliseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wish I could tell you.  But, my advice is just write what you love...then, you are never disappointed.

      1. Burgeon profile image79
        Burgeonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, keep writing what I love is the attitude. Thank you!

        1. cynthiaalise profile image60
          cynthiaaliseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          your welcome passion before payment

    2. LetitiaFT profile image72
      LetitiaFTposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Burgeon, I just read "Nature Inspirations for Building Envelope Design" all the way through and found it really interesting, but then again, I love this stuff. It's a fantastic hub, and your notion of driver relationships in the other one in equally fascinating. Beginnings are slow going. Don't worry yet.
      Here are a couple of suggestions that might help boost traffic:

      Write on related issues
      This way you can immediately link to your own work. Having read the article on Building Envelope Design, I think you could almost make two articles out of it. One on skin and one on the topic you began with. Maybe you could write an article on bionic road surfaces and link all three...

      It's important to bear in mind that writing online is not like writing for magazines. People have short attention spans. Someone suggested to me yesterday (I had a really clever title for a hub that I couldn't believe wasn't getting any traffic, I mean none!) that it is always best to put the core of the subject first, and the qualifier after, much like most languages other than English do. Although your title certainly is straightforward enough, maybe "Building Envelope Design: Nature Inspirations" would get the point across that fraction of a second faster that counts.

      Building Envelope hub content.
      It seems to me we may skip too abruptly from an introductory paragraph where there is no mention of natural inspiration, to 2 1/2 paragraphs where there is no mention of building structure. Consequently, we don't quite know where we're going. It might be more effective if you intertwined more of that information, either within the same article, or in two.

      Just a few suggestions. Keep up the good work!

      1. Burgeon profile image79
        Burgeonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, LetitiaFT, I really appreciate your time and your so detailed valuable advice on my hubs. I can't express how grateful I am.

        "Write on related issues"- this really makes sense. People who are interested in the topic would have more stuff to read on your page therefore will stay longer and may even come back.

        "Titles" - I  changed it a few times even after I published. I know the words in the title of building envelope one have low searching rate, that is why google analytics shows most of my visits were referred. I will try your suggestion of putting the qualifier after.

        "Building Envelope hub content " - Yes, you are very right to the point about the "abrupt " impression.  Actually, I developed this "building envelope" hub from one of my old school papers. I have been trying to make it more proper for internet reading and I guess I got a little impatient when realizing I might have to fill more background information into it.  The challenge is how to make it more interesting and easier for people  to follow especially for those who don't have background knowledge.  I will continue tweaking my published hubs.

        Again thanks for your help. I do feel lucky that I stumbled on hubpages accidently and this is really a great place for learning and communicating with people who share common interests

        1. LetitiaFT profile image72
          LetitiaFTposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Happy to oblige!

  2. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 11 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages smile I would suggest writing down key points in point form wink then write it into a chronological order. Makes writing it out way simpler wink as mentioned, if subjects overlap, create a new hub with the new subject and link them together. We all started out the same way wink next to no traffic, so don't fret, just build up your portfolio. Also, time management. Spend one day Hubbing, another day promoting smile makes the process enjoyable (somewhat) lol

    1. Burgeon profile image79
      Burgeonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the advice. Yes, for now, I should just focus on making a few good quality hubs. smile


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