Is anyone really making money here?

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  1. MAGICFIVE profile image66
    MAGICFIVEposted 11 years ago

    I'mcurious.  Is anyone really making money here?

    1. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 11 years ago

      What do you mean by "really?"  Do you think it's all just pretend?

    2. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

      People are.  How much, and how fast, depends on a whole lot of things; but they/we are.

    3. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

      Tempted to fool around here, but paradigmsearch senses danger...

    4. securityproducts3 profile image39
      securityproducts3posted 11 years ago

      Ya, Hubpages.

      1. tussin profile image57
        tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this


    5. Green Bard profile image72
      Green Bardposted 11 years ago

      Yes, but nowhere near as much as I would like!

    6. MAGICFIVE profile image66
      MAGICFIVEposted 11 years ago

      Oh okay, just curious!  Obviously, I'm not (ha)!  I just read some advice that went something like this:  Sales hubs make you the most money with Amazon, such as writing about  "Great Craft Kits for Girls" for instance, and then selling the craft kits you mention with your article.  What does everyone think of this advice?

    7. janesix profile image60
      janesixposted 11 years ago

      Yes. I made over 1 cent yesterday. And I'm not exaggerating.

    8. Norman Stein profile image60
      Norman Steinposted 11 years ago

      I think money can be made here.  I'm only here for 3 weeks now and with just 25 hubs I expect to finish the month at about $6.  I know, not much, but I more than expect to get payout next month and every month after that.  I'd say 90% of my hubs are product related, I also expect to have about 75 hubs by the end of next month.

      Sales/Product hubs do make more money, that's to be expected.  From looking at your hubs I think you have some excellent opportunities there assuming your current hubs get good targeted traffic.

      For example, you could write a few hubs about Gerbil products like one for new owners, toys for Gerbils even one about the best books.  Then you can link to those hubs from your existing Gerbil hub.  The same thing could be done with the hub about children's party games.  You get the idea.

      Also, no matter what the hub is about or it's intent you could link a book or relevant product about the subject matter in a sidebar Amazon module.

      I wouldn't go overboard with this though as you might scare off your readers with too many ads.

      The idea here is that once a reader is here, reading YOUR hub, you want to at least get them to click on something that makes you money.

      You can always continue to make informational hubs, I would just use them as a portal to your sales hubs.

      1. profile image0
        Teresa Higginsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Just lurking here, but, thanks for the advice Mr. Stein, I found it helpful!

        1. MAGICFIVE profile image66
          MAGICFIVEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Yes!  Thank you, also...that is very helpful advice!

    9. LeanMan profile image79
      LeanManposted 11 years ago

      Google do not like "gateway" pages, those that just seek to grab the traffic for "buy the best thingumy" and then send that traffic straight to the Amazon page for the best thingumy.. Why go through your page first? Google will just cut you out and send the traffic direct to Amazon, you need to add value!

      You need to have pages like "which is best, thingumy A or thingumy B?" or "my personal experiences with assembling the Whatsit 2000" or maybe ......  Not just "buy the XYZ online"

      Hope that makes sense..

      Oh, and yes you can really make money on HP and elsewhere online - if you work hard

    10. talfonso profile image84
      talfonsoposted 11 years ago

      Yes! And I expect to make $25 or more this month just like the last. I think that has something to do with evergreen content as well as seasonal. I have been writing on profitable topics, likes arts and crafts and health.

    11. MAGICFIVE profile image66
      MAGICFIVEposted 11 years ago

      Yes, Leanman, that makes sense!  In other words, don't just sell product, because that will annoy people.  Give them something interesting to read, too...maybe some personal experience and anecdotes thrown in.  I wish I could make 25 dollars...then again, with all the great writing we're all doing, and all the time we put into it...I think we should all be making more, don't you?  Or maybe we just do it because we like doing it.

    12. KCC Big Country profile image81
      KCC Big Countryposted 11 years ago

      Yes!  Some of us make more than others, but I get money every single month for doing nothing additional over what I established a couple of years ago.  I haven't written a hub in a good while.  Due to some seasonal hubs, the bulk of my income hits at one time and during that time it's more than enough to pay the mortgage.  For the rest of the year it pays quite a few bills each month.  Every hub counts.....keep writing!  As soon as things settle down a bit, I'll be back to writing again!

    13. wymyczak66 profile image86
      wymyczak66posted 11 years ago

      When I first joined hubpages, I would have been happy to even make $5/yr because that would be $5 I wouldn't have had before (plus I secretly just enjoyed writing hubs and would have done it for free anyways).

      Since Easter, my hubviews have been in the toilet, so imagine my surprise when I received a $52 payment this month! *fist pump*

      ^ Some hubbers would laugh at this payment, but I only have 17 hubs and hardly write or even visit this site for the most part, so to find a payment that was almost the same as my payment in April before the death of my hubviews was really exciting news for me.

      Like relache said, I'm not sure what you consider "really" making money, but I felt guilty after going to target and buying clothes, and that payment made me feel better because it paid for most of my clothing I'm a happy camper for now, haha

    14. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 11 years ago

      Today is HP payday. smile

    15. urmilashukla23 profile image65
      urmilashukla23posted 11 years ago

      The most I got $10.00

    16. Kangaroo_Jase profile image74
      Kangaroo_Jaseposted 11 years ago


      Making money on Hubpages can be anything from 1c to as much money as one can imagine. If I may take a leap and ask if your question is geared more towards, 'Can I make some significant amount of money to supplement or replace my current income', then thats a much more difficult question to answer.

      Its is always difficult to answer as it depends on one's circumstances and the needs for a particular (set or expected) amount of income.

      I may suggest that with what potential income you generate from Hubpages consider;

      1. Don't be reliant on income from Hubpages to always be there month in, month out.
      2. Don't rely on an income to pay bills.
      3. Don't be complacent once you start to earn a significant amount ($500+) or more.
      4. Don't only just write on Hubpages, spread around your work to other portfolio's as well.

      Most of us long timers here have learn't (some the hard way) that putting all one's eggs into one basket can be potentially disastrous (in terms of dramatic loss of income if one's work is banned or traffic drops by as much as 80%)

      Hope you consider my points above.

      1. MAGICFIVE profile image66
        MAGICFIVEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I get it - don't rely on Hub Pages alone...if I did that, i'd be living in a cardboard box and wouldn't even have my computer, so there would be no more Hub Pages, anyway!  No, seriously - I understand what you mean.  If you make some extra income here, it's nice.....but dont' count on it....I like Hub Pages - even if it wasn't a "monetized" site, I would still like it....but hey, if there's a chance to even make a little bit of money, I just want to know what I can do to grab that chance!

        1. Kangaroo_Jase profile image74
          Kangaroo_Jaseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          To grab that chance, take your time, be patient, write lots! But seriously, have lots of fun along the way !!!! smile

    17. Rimzim profile image57
      Rimzimposted 11 years ago

      Receive two cheques from hubpages total of $130 & also earning through adsense via hubpages.
      If I can earn money here then anyone can earn decent money here.

      Because I am not a good writer or English spoken person. smile

      1. Rimzim profile image57
        Rimzimposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I mean payment through paypal not by cheque ( hubpages earning program only support paypal account currently) & receive cheques from Adsense.

    18. Good Guy profile image84
      Good Guyposted 11 years ago

      You need to work very hard.  But it certainly does pay.

    19. yasir.creep profile image58
      yasir.creepposted 11 years ago

      Any one please tell me how can i earn more and more through hubpages ? hmm

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image79
        Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The key is to actually write a hub or two...

        1. 2uesday profile image65
          2uesdayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The clue is in the pages part of the name.


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