Building a Blog or Website to Work with Your Hubs

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  1. EricDockett profile image92
    EricDockettposted 10 years ago

    This is long, so here's the bottom line: Basically, my problem is I want to build a site around the same topics and keywords I've done well with here on HP, but I don't want to do anything that would damage the work I've already posted here.

    I have a couple of niche HubPages accounts that do okay. I'd really like to expand them out and build my own sites on these niches. 

    The general advice is usually to move Hubs to your website, but I think that's a terrible idea in this case. These Hubs get traffic and earn, and unplugging them in the hopes of something better just seems like shooting myself in the foot. Plus, I really like HubPages.

    Ideally, what I'd like to do is create a site or blog that works along with my Hubs. If that site has the potential to send traffic to my Hubs, even better.

    However, the stumbling block I run into there is that is seems counterproductive to create another web presence very similar to my HP account (a Blogspot blog, for example). I thought maybe I could post expanded versions of what I've written here at HP, but it seems like that has the potential to get me in trouble with search engines (spamming search results?)

    Or, another idea was to post short updates on the Hubs I post here with (nofollow) links back to my full Hubs. Maybe also some original content on interesting things that came to me while writing the Hubs that I couldn't included in the Hub itself. This blog would contain a whole lot of nofollow links, which seems like it would eventually mean trouble.

    Who would read it? I don't know. I'm surprised enough that people read my Hubs.

    The third idea I've had is simply to create a new website under a new pen name and rebuild (rewrite) many of the Hubs I've done well with here. That, too, seems like disaster waiting to happen.

    I've been pondering this on and off for almost a year, and I think I've posted about it before.  The conclusion I usually come up with is to give up and keep writing Hubs. I'm again close to giving up, but I thought I'd put this out there anyway.

    Any thoughts?

    1. OldRoses profile image65
      OldRosesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what NOT to do from experience.  I was writing a lot of hubs on herbs which were getting more traffic than my other gardening hubs.  Then I got sucked into that whole nonsense about how much money you can make online with your own blog or website.  I made the mistake of moving my herb hubs to my own website.  My earnings here on HP plummeted and I haven't made much money from the website.  I feel that I can't close down the website and move the hubs back here because so many people know about the website.  I'm back writing on HP on general gardening (no herbs) and slowly beginning to earn again.  My advice would be if your hubs are making money here on HP, don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs like I did and move them to a blog.  Blog about something else and maybe earn a little cash while writing hubs here and making more money.

      1. EricDockett profile image92
        EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yup. That's what I could foresee happening to me. I'm not moving anything. smile

    2. Act 3 profile image65
      Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I did something similar to what you are talking about. Two of my top performing hubs are somewhat of a niche topic. I started a related blogger site, but bought my own domain name for it. A couple of my early posts were shorter, different versions of the hubs with links back to them. My related hubs have links to my blog site. There is enough material in this topic that I can keep going for awhile. I post 2 - 3 times per month. I started about 6 months ago. It took about 3 months to get going, but I almost always get more traffic there than on all my hubs combined. The CPM rate is much more variable there than at HP, but I do have higher total earning there through AdSense.

      After the last Panda update, my HP views went down, but my other site stayed the same or got some improvement. My suggestion don't know unless you try.

    3. Cardisa profile image91
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have the same dilemma. I have a site that I want to center around topics I am interested in. The idea was to post my new articles there and just leave my hubs as they are. I hate rewriting articles so I am not undertaking redoing anything I've done. However, what I have found is that most of the things I write on can be expended somehow, so I'll take that approach.

      Good luck when you decide. Wish I could offer some advice, but I am seeking the same advice as you.

      1. EricDockett profile image92
        EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this I recall looking at one of your websites last time I had the urge to solve this problem. It seemed like it was going okay for you.

        1. Cardisa profile image91
          Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          The food blog is going great but when I had the urge to leave HP (momentary lapse in judgement), I decided to create my own content site. It's been slow going so far because I can't seem to find good new keywords I'm interested in writing to publish there.

    4. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree - don't move your Hubs.  They're established, they're getting traffic, they're earning.   

      I very much doubt it would.   A blog can only drive traffic that it receives.  Your brand new blog won't be receiving traffic - especially if all you do is post teasers to your Hubs, which will probably be too short for Google to value.

      Far better to do the reverse.   Start your blog, and add a link TO the blog in each of your Hubs on that subject.  It's not against HubPages TOS to do that.  They will act as backlinks but more importantly, the real people who visit your Hubs will flow on to your blog, so it will start to build traffic. 

      To make money from your blog, you'll need to work out how to monetize.  I have a Hub on the subject but frankly, these days you have to do more than display affiliate ads.  You need to build an email list and then eventually, market products to that list.  To collect email addresses from your visitors, you'll need to offer them a newsletter or ebook.  Use Mailchimp to manage your list.

    5. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Anything you write that is the same as something on HP - even if some or all of the title has changed - may bring up copyright dispute.

    6. lobobrandon profile image76
      lobobrandonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you could go ahead and try it out with a website. There are plenty of benefits as to creating a website of your own. For instance, you get to place links in the sidebar and manage the way you link stuff together.

      Here you're going to be limited. I wouldn't delete or move my hubs if I were you, instead just expand on what you have here and link from here to the site maybe? If you do go ahead and expand what you already have here, make sure that the articles/blogs you write also make sense when they stand alone.

      Basically what you have here and on your site needs to be unique (Don't waste time re-writing), complement each other and provide useful info. Adding more interactivity on your site is something else that you could accomplish. Maybe even a newsletter to subscribers?

  2. Victoria Anne profile image88
    Victoria Anneposted 10 years ago

    I am in the same position so I can't give any advice but I'm interested to hear what others have to say.

    The thought I've had so far is to start a website writing the same sort of things have that have done well for me on HubPages, but leave my content here alone and allow it to continue earning. If I was to do this I would post things outside my niche, so to speak, on my HubPages while keeping my website more focused.

  3. BobbySD profile image70
    BobbySDposted 10 years ago

    The content of the website shouldn't be the same as content of hubst but it can be in the same niche. I think this would not be a problem. You can also use HubPages to drive traffic to your new website. Especially in the beginning when websites ranking is not so good. The only problem may be that with two platforms you have twice as much work as with one smile .

    1. EricDockett profile image92
      EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      How about creating a separate site with similar content as I have here? I'm not talking about duplicate content, simply rewritten and expanded articles on the same topics, with the same or very similar keywords.

      1. easylearningweb profile image72
        easylearningwebposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think I have the answer for you (or at least a lot of suggestions for you to try). Most of us write about many different topics on hubpages, but for your blog, consider creating one about a topic that you love and that you know a lot about. In my case, eLearning is my topic, so I have a blog called Easy Learning Blog using google blogger. I write articles on my blog if it's something that's directly related to something in my field, or I may post an article about something to help others in my field (like adding Closed Captioning in Captivate).

        On my blog roll, I added links to some of my hubpage articles only if they are related to eLearning and technology. You might also consider having an informational website that offers free information on a related subject and then you can link your blog, website and hubpages together. I have a computer learning website called easylearningweb dot com . To make it more interesting, consider creating a Facebook for business (vs. a personal one) and then add links with little tag lines on your Facebook page that direct visitors to your hubpage or blog article. I also have a Facebook page called Easy Learning.

        Now to tie it all together, join Linkedin if you haven't already and then join lots of groups related to your field of expertise, which you are also writing about and then add posts for the groups to answer questions that others may post. Example: the other day, someone in one of my eLearning groups on Linkedin asked a question that I knew I had the answer to, and I already had some content typed up for the answer. I compiled a brief article on my blog then I linked it on Linkedin to the group.

        All this does take some time, but it's worth it and definitely increases traffic!

        Hope that helps. :-)


        1. Act 3 profile image65
          Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Great suggestions!

        2. EricDockett profile image92
          EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Amelia. I actually already have HP subdomains that are dedicated to niches, which function essentially as informational blogs would. I have social media accounts attached to them as well. I appreciate your suggestions and I will think about them.

          1. easylearningweb profile image72
            easylearningwebposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Your welcome, Eric. Sounds like you're already on your way to lots of traffic and increasing your online presence. Also, hats off to you for your hubpage score of 100! That takes a lot of activity and work.

  4. DreamerMeg profile image80
    DreamerMegposted 10 years ago

    The general advice given (I am quoting here, I do not know from personal experience) is to build a pyramid of sites within your niche. Just picking a niche at random, for instance coconut oil, will give you many, many small niches, all of which could be separate blogs, each pointing to one or another of your hubs. If you have 10 separate blogs, you could for instance have "coconut oil recipes", "coconut oil for dandruff", "overcoming acne with coconut oil", etc, etc. (I have NOT looked at keywords to see if those topics are being searched for.) You would focus each of your new blogs on a separate microniche within the coconut oil niche. Then one page in your new blog would provide a link to your Hub page. I have seen advice that suggests NOT to over optimise these blogs and NOT to add too many links, also to link out to other areas not related to your hubpages, eg a wikipedia site or other authority site.

    If you are willing to build more blogs, you could also get another tier of sites pointing to these new blogs. BUT do not link across a tier, because it provides a footprint showing that all are linked.

  5. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 10 years ago

    Congratulations for doing an excellent pre-visualization of what it means to just spin content, and realizing that it's a really bad idea.

    It used to be people spun content all over the place and raked in the bucks, but two years ago, that was the exact rug yanked out from under the Internet.  People savvy to Google don't do it anymore, but as you can tell by the content theft on this site, most of the world is still playing the game.

    What you need to do is experiment to find it what works best for how you write and the content you are creating, and then do that.  Might be a site, might be blogs, might be neither.

    1. EricDockett profile image92
      EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That right there is the confirmation I've been looking for. However, even though spinning content is what I may have ended up doing, my intentions were to create a site without losing the work I've done here, not to game anything. It doesn't matter in the eyes of search engines, I suppose.

      I plan to continue to create content here, but I get a little nervous about what would happen if the bottom fell out. Maybe the Edmondsons decide to pack it in and move to Hawaii one day or something. I need to build other web properties that perform as well as my work here.

      1. relache profile image67
        relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You should develop other web properties to compliment and support what you have here, and for "insurance" purposes, but just what will work most beneficially for you and your content can no longer be recommended or predicted with the certainty that existed pre-Panda and Penguin.  That's where everyone has to be open to experimentation, and figure out what works for what they write.

  6. Chinaimport profile image73
    Chinaimportposted 10 years ago

    How about your blog supplementing your work on the Hub pages.  Most of articles written on HP easily get good page rank (PR2 - PR3) which can support your weak blog pages by giving do follow links to specific pages of your blog.  For example - You can write on species of common North American birds, in this case many of your hub pages can give do follow link to your blog page.  Do not link back to the same page as it cancels out giving you no benefit.

    Expended version of the same topic is not considered a spun article.

    Your third idea about rewiring under a different pen name works well for real world paper publications.  In the digital world, search engines can sniff you out in many ways (same IP, same MAC address of your computer, associated email ID in contact list and more).  Moreover, in some uncertain time in future you may have to deal with Google authorship.  I would think it would be better to stick with single email ID and let Google know that you write on different platform.

    1. EricDockett profile image92
      EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I see what you're saying. All that linking would make me a little nervous, I think.

      I do want to reiterate though that my intention here was never to spin articles or trick search engines. In fact, I've been actively thinking through this to make sure I'm not doing anything that can be remotely considered spammy.  I just want to build a site based on what I learned here at HP so I have a backup plan.

      You know, the don't have all your eggs in the same basket thing.

  7. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 10 years ago

    This works for me, but because I started in the opposite direction - I have a niche website that I've owned for 12+years and I dedicated a few hubs to the topic of my website - but not spun - complimentary to the sites material.  I pointed those hubs to my website and put links on my site to those hubs.  They do well at cross promoting one another.  I earn from both, most from my own website.

    I did develop one blog around a hub I had written that expanded on the theme of the hub.  It makes a little money, but by far, the original hub that inspired that blog makes the most. 

    From my experience, if you have an already established website and do a few hubs with a site link it's ok - but like relache mentioned, the days of posting re-spun content on multiple sites is over. 

    If you do develop your own site - do it independent of what you are doing on HP.  I have a few sites now and most of them are in no way linked here, or my work here linked to them.  It takes time and patience for a website to grow. Google prefers older, established sites, so look at owning your own site as something that will reward you down the line.

    If you can deal without instant gratification and still put in the hard work I can tell you that you can get a very nice steady stream of passive income in time. My primary website pays the mortgage each month usually, but it took several years and a LOT of dedication to developing great, unique content and building a fan base to get it there.  It's all about what you put in and how willing you are to stick with it.  That, and knowing and understanding that at any moment Google updates can happen and slap you down.

    1. Solaras profile image83
      Solarasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Christin - How are you monetizing your own website. 

      I have a blog and my HP account that get very nearly the same number of views.  I reach payout here every month since Last October. However, my blog has reached the Adsense threshold of $100.00 just once. I earn one fifth of what I earn here with the same views.

      What am I missing out on??? Your input is very much appreciated!

      1. ChristinS profile image37
        ChristinSposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Every site will be different in what it earns due to the subject matter.  Some topics are more competitive than others and have more searches. My niche has "medium" competition for some keywords and "high" for others and I rank decently due to the age of my site, that's how I get the higher amounts.  It happens with time and patience.  I use Adsense, Amazon (just recently as it was not available in my state for a long time) and I also do some direct sales of advertising periodically and I have a couple of affiliates. Most of my money comes from AdSense though.

        1. Solaras profile image83
          Solarasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting - thank you for the reply!

    2. EricDockett profile image92
      EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My problem is it seems I have already mined out most of the quality traffic keywords for my niche. So, to start a website on that niche I would have to revisit all the topics I've already written about here on HP. I can continue to write Hubs on that niche using less prolific keywords, but they aren't popular enough to bring traffic to a new site.

      I think I either need to find a totally different way to come at this topic, or I need to come up with a different topic for a site.

      1. SpaceShanty profile image80
        SpaceShantyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with most of the answers here.
        My advice is to keep well performing Hubs here, traffic takes time to grow, even if you moved your most popular Hub to your own site it would takes months to start getting the same traffic.  Maybe move some of your poor performing Hubs to your own site, they might do better and you won't have to re write loads of content.  I would wait ten days between deleting your Hub here and publishing it on your own site so you don't get hit duplicate content.
        I see on this account you have lots of Bird picture related Hubs, I'm sure there are lots of niches you could explore around that, like wildlife photography, you could list a few $1000 cameras from Amazon and make a decent commission on each one!

      2. Solaras profile image83
        Solarasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Could you branch into marine fish or keeping pet birds?

        Maybe you could do articles on best bird watching spots for Birders to vacation at, tell what birds and other wildlife they can expect to find at each location.

      3. DreamerMeg profile image80
        DreamerMegposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It is highly unlikely that you have mined out the best search terms. Here is a list of top terms for aquariums  with the number of monthly searches for the USA:
        freshwater aquarium fish    9900
        maritime aquarium    9900
        aquarium plants    8100
        aquarium supplies    8100
        aquarium fish    6600
        fish aquarium    6600
        fish store    6600

        There is also every size of tank from about 5 gallons to about 500 gallons, going up in 5 or 10 gallon amounts. I have not even looked at all the search terms for particular aquaria in different parts of the USA, such as Baltimore, LA, NY, etc. There were thousands searching for those.

        In terms of aquarium supplies, there were searches for hoods, filters, pumps, heating, cooling, salt, lights, LED lights, gravel, backgrounds, 3d backgrounds, wall mounted, coffee table, corner etc.

        In terms of animals, there were searches for snails, sharks, jellyfish, seahorses, etc.

        In terms of setting up an aquarium, there were searches for sizes, dimensions, calculator, glass, plastic, acrylic, etc.

        Every one of these terms has a search volume in excess of 200 per month, except for turtles which languished at 90 per month. Some of the terms had 1,000s of searches. Most of the terms were fairly easy to rank for, though some had hard competition.

        1. EricDockett profile image92
          EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yikes! I guess I wasn't clear enough in my first post: The accounts I'm talking about building around are other niche accounts, not this one. I feel bad that you went and did all that research. I probably will add more Hubs here eventually, many on aquariums and birding, but its not my focus right now and I have no intention of building a site around aquariums. Sorry for the confusion, but I appreciate your help.

          1. DreamerMeg profile image80
            DreamerMegposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            No problem, I just picked a topic out of your list of hubs and it didn't take work, I just set the software going. I only did it to show that there are MANY more niches than we might expect.

  8. Susana S profile image94
    Susana Sposted 10 years ago

    No reason you can't take up more than one spot on the serps wink

    Why not make some videos on Youtube too and nick another place as well?

  9. profile image0
    spahi992posted 10 years ago

    If you want to make a website and write for HP combine the 2 of them. There is no doubt that HP gets a lot of traffic from Google, if you have a site, it probably won't rank that well, unless the niche has very low competition.
    This is what you have to do, write hubs about a certain topic and make your website the same topic.
    For example, you write about basketball, write a hub about it and put a link to your website somewhere in the hub.
    HP will rank in Google and get you a lot of traffic, that is certain, and you can redirect some of that traffic to your site. That way you can increase your earnings.
    Be sure to check their TOS or FAQ on what topics you can't write about, they have some but I've forgotten which ones they were.
    Also, (IMPORTANT) don't put teasers like "for more info click here" or "visit my blog for more info". HP will ban you without a second thought. My friend got banned that way.
    But if you go like "to play basket ball you need a lot of stamina".
    Now, you can put a link to your website there, to be precise, put a link in "stamina", if you have an article about improving your stamina, link it there, people will hopefully click it. Also, the good thing about this is that you can write short articles on your site, I have seen people put links to 200 word articles just because the word they've used was in the tittle of one of their articles.
    Well, I'm not using this tactic even though I have a blog, but I know people using it. My biggest problem is that I can't seem to find a word that I can put my link in it. Hopefully that will change some day, till then.
    Hope I could have helped.

  10. Joshua-C-Rarrick profile image42
    Joshua-C-Rarrickposted 10 years ago

    To all of you who have responded to this post: There is a way to put your hubs up on an outside site, without getting flagged by HubPages, without getting flagged by Google, and without any blackhat techniques. There is no need to trick the search engines. I can show you how to earn from your hubs in two ways, both from here and from any outside sites you may own. I build these sites for a living, and trust me, they work and they are Google approved.

    1. relache profile image67
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Funny you can't just say what it is, or haven't built a Hub about it.

      1. lobobrandon profile image76
        lobobrandonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Probably just a rel="canonical"

      2. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    3. Joshua-C-Rarrick profile image42
      Joshua-C-Rarrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I can not simply say what the method is for two reasons: 1. I build these sites for a living. If I simply told everyone what I would do, my client list would dwindle to zero....on the bright side, they start at just $99.  2. I signed a non-disclosure agreement that bans me from explaining how the sites work.

      I will be glad to give anyone a free demonstration of these sites, at no charge.

  11. Kaili Bisson profile image90
    Kaili Bissonposted 10 years ago

    Hi there,
    This looked like a good place to start...I am at a crossroads...

    I joined HubPages @2 years ago during a time of professional upheaval. I found community here, and wrote many Hubs for fun...and made friends along the way. I entered recipe contests and even went through the Apprentice program, where I learned a lot, especially about my ability to write to tight deadlines.

    I have never made any "real" money, nor have my Hubs received any kind of significant traffic. Not that the main point of the exercise for me personally was revenue...but, I must say that I have been disappointed.

    I have recently "returned" as I am preparing to retire from the full-time workforce (yet again), and I have been spending time evergreening my Hubs. I have also deleted non-performers and items that were timely in nature i.e. concert reviews. I think I am at @85 Hubs now, all of which are Featured Hubs.

    Maybe I just don't get how to build traffic. I have tried keywords etc. I have tried tweeting and have found that a day of doing this can increase traffic but translates into earnings of about .12 cents an hour.

    Can I simply delete Hubs and take them somewhere else? Would the bots not recognize text that had been published previously? I simply don't know what to do and would appreciate ANY and all advice. Be brutal...I can take it  :-)

    ty! Kaili

    1. DreamerMeg profile image80
      DreamerMegposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There is a LOT of good information above. I think the best is do NOT delete your hubs, use them as a way of linking to any web sites or articles you may have or develop (but be careful to follow HubPages rules on this).

      If you want to make money, you need to provide what is being searched for AND to provide something that the competition is not. But I am sure you learned this on the Apprenticeship Program?

      I see one of your subjects is "Golf". There is a LOT of competition in this area, so maybe you need to go for the long tail keywords that have fewer searches but low competition. Golf is not an interest of mine so I am looking at it from a definite "newbie" point of view, however, I have some keyword searcher tools and if I wanted to write on golf, this is where I would start. For instance, having run "golf" through the keyword searcher tool (it is still running), I have found that the term "golf handicap" might be a useful starting place, because in the USA, there are over 12K searches a month and only low competition and the cost per click exceeds $1, so there might be a chance of providing information that others are not. I have another keyword tool that only provides the actual terms that people are searching for, (no numbers) so I will put "golf handicap" into that and see if there are any long tail terms that come up. (I see you have IT experience, so am not explaining these terms.)  OK, I have set that tool going and the first couple of terms that came up were "golf handicap explained", "golf handicap calculator" and  "golf handicap tracker". I would now go back into my first tool and put those in, to see what the searches and competition are like and what CPC came out at. If I find one with lots of searches and low competition plus a certain amount of money, then I would write a hub on that. And I would make the title of my hub that exact phrase that came up in my searches. Alternatively, I would create a web site on Golf handicap and make each of these terms a page or post on that and then I could link to those pages from an appropriate term in one of my hubs. And I would monetize those web pages.

      I have just taken a look down the searches shown by the second tool and one VERY long tail keyword was "how to get a golf handicap without belonging to a club". I haven't searched to see what the number of searches is nor the competition, but it's a possible runner as a title for a Hub on golf.

      OK, have run out of daily allowance on keyword tool so can't do any more searches today but that is how I would play it.

      1. Kaili Bisson profile image90
        Kaili Bissonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Meg and thank you...and thank you Eric for allowing me to hijack your forum  :-)

        Funny thing about "golf handicap". Just last week someone asked me what it was, and I was able to explain it to them. I thought at the time, "Hey, since I am going to start writing again, why not do a Hub on it?"

        So, I will.

        I did delete a few Hubs that were old and got zero traffic. I "undeleted" a few concert reviews because I think it is possible to evergreen them with a little work. And, who knows, maybe some day someone will search on Gordon Lightfoot Songs and land on my Hub  :-)

        1. DreamerMeg profile image80
          DreamerMegposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          LOL, it's called synchronicity and when it happens, you are as well to go with the flow. Look forward to seeing your new hub on golf handicap.

  12. Barbara Kay profile image74
    Barbara Kayposted 10 years ago

    I have a website that is about the same niche as I have here on Hubpages. The site has different content than I have here. At this point they are earning equally well, so I say go for it. Just keep the content different and you don't want to compete for the same keywords against yourself.

    Within one niche subject you can create 100's of topics if you think hard enough.

  13. simplyrobin profile image60
    simplyrobinposted 10 years ago

    Great question and feedback.  Thanks!

  14. LeslieAdrienne profile image70
    LeslieAdrienneposted 10 years ago

    Consistency is the key... time in equals income out. And a lot of friends along the way...


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