Jealousy between dog and a puppy

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  1. Seeker7 profile image81
    Seeker7posted 11 years ago


    I've had my rescue Border Collie, Roy for about 3 years now. Recently we got a labrador pup - we've had her for about 3 weeks now and she is 14 weeks old. Basically Roy is jealous at times. Although I've had dogs for a long time, I've not really had to deal with jealousy issues before and any advice would be great.

    Roy is obviously getting loads of love and attention as usual. His routine is exactly the same and he is being fed etc., before the pup. Some times he's actually very good with her but at other times it like he just can't stand her. The pup herself - a labrador bitch, Kassy - this is one confident pup and if she gets the chance she will bounce in front of Roy and bug him just to get a reaction. The fact that he's nipped her a couple of times for stealing his toys hasn't dampened her spirits although she is learning to give him a bit of space.

    Anyway, sorry about the long-winded account. I would love to hear other folks stories about this issue or any advice. Many thanks.

    1. KarlawithaK profile image62
      KarlawithaKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's just their way of establishing pack order. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't change in a month or so. Key is to remind them both that you are in charge. So, if Kassy annoys Roy by taking toys etc. it's ok for him to correct her. However, anything past a quick reprimand shouldn't be allowed by you. She clearly wants to play and he's not interested, but that can change also. Especially if you are involved, like with outdoor ball play or whatever Roy likes best. Key is to maintain your role as leader, walks together may help also.

    2. profile image0
      DoItForHerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ideally, the dogs were introduced on neutral territory, but if they weren't, it won't prevent you from encouraging proper behavior.

      Separating the dogs using a gate or feeding them apart from one another is ok as long as that isn't the only method you use to prevent the behavior. Falling into managing the negative behaviors without training won't help in the long run. Managing is a crutch- a short term solution. Training is the true long-term solution if the dogs don't establish a proper relationship on their own.

      Also train your dog what to do rather than training what not to do. Instead of using negative consequences to stop negative behavior, focus on using positive consequences for positive behavior.

      Also liked Karlawithak's answer. Don't make a big deal out of it or it will likely become a big deal, but be ready in case you have more than a little flare-up.

  2. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I would not assume it is jealously.  Sometimes an older only-dog will find a puppy very annoying, especially a boisterous one.  The pup needs to be corrected as well as the dog.  She can't have his toys, and she shouldn't bother him all the time.  If you find it tediously to enforce these rules, imagine how he feels!  A puppy gate can help give the older dog some time away from the pup.

    1. Seeker7 profile image81
      Seeker7posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi psycheskinner,

      I agree with you and be reassured the pup is being corrected and is not allowed to perster Roy, but like everything else, there are the occasions when you're just not quick enough to stop somethings. On the whole, it's the pup that's being corrected most of the time, not Roy. I do like the idea of a puppy gate - I hadn't thought about that.

  3. Dee42 profile image60
    Dee42posted 11 years ago

    About 2 months ago, I brought a puppy home but I was going to give the puppy to my Mom the next day. I have 2 grown dogs, a chihuahua that is barely over a year old and a mut. The chihuahua was acting so mad and jealous it was almost funny. I even told her the baby was for Grandma. Ha. But she would sulk and even gave ME and the puppy dirty looks! She actually looked like Clint Eastwood!!

    Even today, I was over at my Mom's and Josie Cat could smell Skillet's scent on me. She became mad just a little. Ha

    1. Seeker7 profile image81
      Seeker7posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! You're lovely wee chichuahua sounds like a right little character! She reminds me of my friends dog - she has two West Highland Terriers - and when she first got Jack, her little bitch Sady was not a happy lady and would, as you have described 'sulk' - it was amazing to see this. However, after a couple of weeks things started to settle down and now they are the best of friends - although, Sady is very much the boss.

      1. Dee42 profile image60
        Dee42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I here ya, dogs 'think' they are human. And they act like it. Lol

        1. alexadry profile image95
          alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Dogs are not really 'jealous" but they may have a problem if you are giving this puppy( or any newcomer) more privileges ie giving attention first, feeding first, allowing to play with toys first etc. Since you mention you are already keeping your older dog's routine the same, I suspect your other dog is simply "correcting" the puppy for rowdy, behaviors. This is what adult dogs do, and it should be just a symbolic, ritualistic display, with no serious bites or harm done to the pup. best wishes!


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