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  1. Uninvited Writer profile image80
    Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago
    1. Mighty Mom profile image76
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This could be the craziest comment yet!
      Good find, UW!

      I remember when I was in elementary school a classmate wrote in to the
      mayor of NYC asking why the tunnels that link Manhattan to other boroughs (and to NJ)  don't have windows.
      No. I did not go to elementary school with Mitt Romney!
      lol lol

      The words "mentally ill" are being used more and more to describe him (and someone here also suggested same about Mrs. Romney).

      I'll preempt the comment I know is going to be leveled here.
      57 states is not the same as not understanding how airplane pressurization works.

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
        Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not a shrink, but I think Romney displays narcisisstic tendencies.

        "...except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, "narcissism" usually is used to describe some kind of problem in a person or group's relationships with self and others. In everyday speech, "narcissism" often means egoism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others. In psychology, the term is used to describe both normal self-love and unhealthy self-absorption due to a disturbance in the sense of self."

        From Wikipedia.

        1. Mighty Mom profile image76
          Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Agree there's something off there. The comments here offer some interesting clues.
          My fave is the psychiatrist who says, "The average person can tell you if someone's crazy. I just put labels on it."
          Not sure if it's NPO but it could be!

          http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/0 … ical-liars

    2. Credence2 profile image77
      Credence2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This article must be in error, NOBODY can be that dumb!  I expect my 10 year old nephew to ask more challenging questions, how can anyone be out of the mainstream so much?
      He is ridiculous!
      I like this excerpt from the article:

      Airplane cabins are pressurized to allow people to, you know, breathe and stay conscious and such at high altitudes — things that are important for everyone who isn't an advanced robot covered in a highly convincing outer layer of humanesque skin and facial features.

      A cybernetic/android organism, with nothing of the humanity shown by the Mr. Data character in the Star Trek Saga

  2. profile image0
    JaxsonRaineposted 11 years ago


    Glad that Ann is safe. Either Mitt doesn't understand cabin pressurization(who cares) or he was talking about while they were landing/landed.

    But really, anything to keep the discussion off of things that matter...

    Did you know that Obama skipped out on his bill for lunch once? Let's talk about something else that doesn't matter now.

    1. Mighty Mom profile image76
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What should we talk about that does matter?

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Why my traffic is so poor?  It matters to ME! smile

        1. Mighty Mom profile image76
          Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          We could have debates between the "high traffickers" and the "low traffickers" and see who among us fall into which camp.
          I'm a "lowbie" too!

      2. profile image0
        JaxsonRaineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The things that people here never talk about. Real issues, like tax rates, tax systems(worldwide/territorial), federal programs, federal/state rights, real social issues.

        Even more important, we should discuss current legislation. We should find earmarks and piggyback laws that we all don't agree with, and let our representatives know that we aren't happy with them.

        but that's a pipedream. So, back to your regular HP Programming:

        Go Romney Go! Go Romney Go!

        BOO Democrats!

        MY side is better than YOUR side!

        1. Mighty Mom profile image76
          Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well I'm sure you can find someone to discuss the finer points of tax with you.
          But not your candidate.
          He won't even reveal which deductions he plans to get rid of.
          As he so aptly put it, "the devil is in the details, but the angel's in the policy."
          In other words, "Hire me as your president first. Don't ask me how I plan to achieve any of these things I'm promising. Just ttrust me. I know taxes. I know what's best for you and everyone else. Don't worry about specifics. Vote for me so me and my buddies in Congress can work out the details of my "angelic" plan. Wink, wink."

  3. Hollie Thomas profile image60
    Hollie Thomasposted 11 years ago

    I, honestly don't believe he could be that dumb! I suspect he is much smarter, and now knows that the neocons will surely use him to do their dirty work, then dump him, when he has served his purpose. But hey, this is progress, even Mitty is getting wise tho them!

  4. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    I would so rather talk about sports then politics but when something this blatantly stupid comes across my screen I cant help but to scream!

    Hmmm....If you're sucked out of an open airplane window, why not just go to the emergency room.

    Just makes me look forward to this weeks episode of "Real Time"

    1. Mighty Mom profile image76
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have much better self-control than I, wavegirl.

      Only 3 hours to Rachel Maddow and I'm chomping at the bit.

      1. KFlippin profile image61
        KFlippinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Maddow . . . hmmm .... for certain she could not discuss the finer points of the tax code or any other code beyond one that is a one liner her brain can retain on it's own or via teleprompter . . . beyond that . . . she is milking you all with her liberal loud mouthed bent that is without a doubt the most disgusting and twisted talking head on american tv today . . . maybe she'll write a book when she's gone. . . I do hope so!!

        General Far Left Questions:  do you have an education in tax law? or you conversant in tax law?  Or you resentful of those who are conversant in taxt law? Or is it just a bunch of 'noise' you really don't wish to be bothered with?

  5. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    And your thoughts on this thread which is about Mitt Romney who doesnt seem to get why airplane windows dont open?

    LOL great title to the thread UW . .sooner or later the bait had to be taken!

    1. KFlippin profile image61
      KFlippinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No doubt Rachel Maddow will really enlighten liberal brain cells tonight,  really hit a hard left chord and explain just how the so-called quote from Romney and the airplane window really came to pass in a libs best dream . . . . zzzzzzzzzz night night smile   LOL UW/WG  . . . too bad I'm a mere saltwater catfish that knows it's place in the food chain . . . .   smile. . . but I also know what is up that food chain . . .


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