Looking to Relocate, Need ideas! Please! :)

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  1. Jo_Goldsmith11 profile image61
    Jo_Goldsmith11posted 11 years ago


    I am looking to relocate the first of the year. I am wondering how the housing market as well as the job market is doing in these areas.
    I figured I will begin my search with suggestions made and
    go from there. Should I land a job, this would be ideal.
    We are planning to put our current home on the market Oct 31st.
    We will be staying with friends and wish to go from there once
    our home is sold. Here are the areas on our wish list. Would appreciate any info and will reward the information with an interview on your work. smile

    Thanks everyone! smile

    1.) Chicago
    2.) New Orleans
    3.) Arizona
    4.) California
    5.) Nevada

    1. profile image0
      Sarra Garrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      New Orleans - below sea level and subject to hurricanes and flooding.  Housing is sparse and expensive.
      Arizona - beautiful however expensive and get ready to speak spanish
      Nevada - brown with no color, expensive to live

      You need to get on sites like Indeed.com to see if there are any jobs related to your searches.  A lot of companies will give you over the phone interviews.  Good luck in your search and move.  It's not going to be easy in the current economy.

  2. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 11 years ago

    Thought I'd point out that two of those places are cities whilst three are states.  Also, the states are all in the West or Southwest.

    Now, I'm an Aussie who's never visited the USA.  However, as a person who abhorrs long, cold, wet winters, I'd be giving Chigo as miss.   As for New Orleans...   Well, they did experience Hurricane Katrina.  They are in the tornado belt, I believe, and its probably as humid as hell down there.

    Nevada - maybe,  Arizona, maybe.  My pick would be California.  It's not by accident that it's the most populated state.  But it is a big state.   Yep, California would be my choice.   Though I would take a look a those other two states first, just in case.   Might be something there just right for you.

  3. ocbill profile image52
    ocbillposted 11 years ago

    1. Chicago - a large metro with many jobs and good logistics to others cities in the east and midwest
                        central time zone so your day starts ahead of west coast, It's very nice if you have a few clients out west and good for eastern clients. Yes, it is cold and windy in winter but you get used to it.

    2. New Orleans - a gulf state city, very humid summers, we know all about weather events, but a beautiful city. I lived in FLA and liked the drive through New Orleans and that TALL, TALL bridge.

    3.  Arizona  - for me, a west coaster, it is absolutely the hottest and driest place I have ever experienced. Many people got dry skin problems/ chapping and premature skin wrinkling, get ready. I didn't get dry skin but everything in the newer home had a spark when I or others touched it (due to dryness) ...a static electricity thing residents  get used to?? (same thing in Vegas homes).  Nice stores and people, with no lawns...If you like desert brown landscaped neighborhoods then it is for you. I like green and big fluffy trees.

    4. California - Some of the highest taxes paid in the country, gas expensive, traffic. The weather is somewhat constant but can have dry heatwaves like Vegas and Phoenix, along with bad smog (bad air quality). State Politics? nuff said.

    5. Nevada - cheap and affordable like Phoenix. There's no real difference except winters feel cooler than Arizona and it is more glamorous in certain areas.

    If you can take the dry heat & shortfall on green, then the southwest is fine as their is abundant shopping but you gotta make good money to live nicely in California otherwise you will be 60 miles from the coast and living in a desert just like AZ or NV. Chicago I have never been to but we know they everything that a big city has.


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