Getting absolutely no traffic right now

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  1. majida123 profile image78
    majida123posted 10 years ago

    I joined hubpages one month ago and started writing hubs on weekends because I am very busy on working days. I have published 12-13 hubs right now and they are featured (12 of them while the 13th is still under review). Though my score on each hub is above 50 but I am seeing no traffic coming on my hubs except from the hubpages itself. My question is how to drive more traffic to your hubpages  to get it some social exposures?
    Thank you

    1. Barbara Kay profile image74
      Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes it takes awhile to be indexed on Google. Are you using Pinterest? If you have good photos, that should give you some traffic. Do you understand SEO? If not, start reading the Learning Center articles here on Hubpages.

    2. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I assume you don't mean literally zero traffic? It is not unusual to get only a few visitors per hub per day unless that hub really finds an audience.

    3. formosangirl profile image79
      formosangirlposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have asked a question that we all think about. I have stayed away from Hubpages because my traffic was so low that it was depressing. However, seasonal articles do attract traffic, and around the holidays, these articles bring me cheers. Also, DIY articles are's. Finally, people like to read articles about saving money.

  2. majida123 profile image78
    majida123posted 10 years ago

    Yeah, I am using Pinterest already, I will trying pinning up all images of featured hubs, it's going to take awhile. I believe it might work. I am not a professional SEO though I have a knowledge on social bookmarking and link building. Would you mind checking my hubs just for an assessment whether they are seo-friendly or not. I would appreciate it.
    You are right. It takes a lot of time for Google to index your hubs on the search engines but I have been working for a month or so I guess but I don't think I haven't noticed any visitor coming from Google, Yahoo or other search engines yet. What about you? How is it working for you? In my opinion, 20 to 25 days are more than enough for a reputed search engine to index a hub or page that exists online, right?

  3. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    You would think that would be enough time, majida123, but it takes a lot of time with so many factors involved, to start getting really good traffic. It took me a good 4 to 6 months after joining HP before I saw traffic start to come regularly. By then I had between 25 and 30 hubs. I will say it took at least a year before I saw really good traffic come consistently. And even then, it's not for all hubs, only a very small percentage that are doing well. So patience is the key with a lot of persistence.

  4. Paul Rinkenberg profile image66
    Paul Rinkenbergposted 10 years ago

    For me, my biggest success to figuring out how to get my articles to get google search traffic was to follow a process. #1 ask a question I think I can answer. #2 see if anyone has answered it on google, if they have then can I answer it better or in a different way. #3 be sure to tie in key phrases and words through out the article repeatedly to emphasize the answer to my question.  #4 Tie in a product that may pertain to your question that people may also be searching for. never just answer the question alone with no product. Products draw in additional search terms outside your topic. This also allows you to integrate amazon products effectively #5 Make sure my title and url match search friendly terms i am after.

    Of course, if you goal isn't to get money, then there is no reason to sweat it if you get traffic or not. IMHO your bugs seem to be mostly "top" lists or just a statement for the title. This limits your content from ever reaching search terms. Try narrowing down the titles to more specific niche terms. It may be to late for your old hubs, but going forward you could get much more traffic.

  5. Hamshi profile image65
    Hamshiposted 10 years ago

    Getting your hubs indexed is one thing and getting traffic from search engines is another.
    All  your hubs are indexed but now it's a matter of competition between other pages fighting for the same keyword as you are.

    Some of your hub keywords have less than 200 global monthly searches, so if not many people are searching about it then it's highly unlikely that you will see search engine traffic for those hubs anytime soon.

    Some on the other hand, have high monthly searches but also tough competition on Google so that will also take some time until you modify the titles/content on specific topics rather than broader ones.

    For e.g. Your hub about "Nasty Dinosaurs", if you're shooting for those 2 words, it has only 10 global monthly searches but if you're aiming to rank for "dinosaurs" that has a million monthly searches and over 400 000 pages competing for it.
    So you're more likely to rank better for something like "tyrannosaurus rex facts" than for "nasty dinosaur facts" on Google.

    You need to write bout things that have a decent amount of monthly searches and low competition on Google. If you ask me what "low" means for me, I would say anything under 100 allintitle  on Google is good for sales articles and anything under 3000-8000 is good for informational articles. That opinion varies though but hey this is what has been working for me.

    Hope this helps.

    1. majida123 profile image78
      majida123posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts here. I am just wondering how to find good keywords before creating your content, I am not very good at seo so I would appreciate if you could help with the keywords. I used Google keyword tool but it's not suggesting some good keywords right now. I need to learn to do my work on keywords before putting down an article for the hub, I guess, You are right, My content is not seo optimised because keyword was a secondary thought for me and I didn't bother to run a search on the title or keyword I was focusing. It's my fault, perhaps.

      1. Hamshi profile image65
        Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Okay so to avoid the risk of others seeing it as self promotion, instead of directing you to read my detailed article on this very topic, I'm going to write down the key infos of how to use the new Google keyword planner and my method of keyword research here.  I may use this thread or my reply here to help others in the future too. LOL I don't want to write this whole thing down every single time.

        The Google keywords tool is now keywords planner and it is free. You just have to sign into your adwords account to use it.

        2 Cool things about the new keywords planner:
        -Exact Match: All searches are set to exact match type on the keywords planner which gives more accurate results for your chosen keywords.
        All devices: Monthly search numbers provided by the new Google Keyword Planner is more accurate than the old keyword tool because it includes all devices [Computers, Laptops, Mobiles etc] whereas the old keyword tool only included the computers/laptops by default.

        Now this is how you use it: 
        Step 1- Sign into your adwords account and go to the keyword planner tool.
        Step 2- There will be an option on the kw planner that says "Search for keyword and ad group ideas", click on that and type in the keywords you want to research about. I usually type in about 3-4 words to get the best results possible.
        Step 3- Move on to the 'Targeting' section of the planner and choose the countries you're aiming for. Keyword planner even gives you the option to choose specific cities etc. I usually select United States for sales keywords because that's where most of our buyers are from.
        Step 4- The language should be English by default, if it's not make sure it is. Select 'Google and Search Partners' next.
        Step 5- Right next to it, you will see an option called 'Customize your search', here you can select the minimum amount of monthly searches and the minimum CPC [Cost per click].

        For sales articles, I usually go for keywords that have anything above 100 local monthly USA searches and under 100 allintitle competition on Google. I won't go for keywords under 100 monthly searches unless it's for big ticket items.

        For informational articles, I usually set the countries option to all locations unless I'm targeting people from a specific country. I would go for anything above 500 monthly searches with anything between 1000-7000 allintitle competition depending on the monthly searches.

        Step 6- Once you have put in the minimum no of searches and cpc, skip the option underneath it  and move on to the include/exclude keywords where you can add in a few additional keywords to get the best out of it. This is optional. If you're looking for Christmas gift ideas and you don't want to see gift keywords about birthdays, you can type in words like "christmas gifts", "top", "best", "cheap" etc on that option to make sure you only get keyword ideas related to Christmas gifts.

        Step 7- Once you've done all of the above, click on get ideas to see what keywords the planner has got for you.
        You will get two options, one is Ad group ideas and the other one is keyword ideas, you have to click on the keyword ideas option to see the keywords.

        [Step 8- [/b]  There is an option to open all those keywords and then check for the competition or you can just take a note of the keywords that you want to check competition for and do it one by one.

        Method I use

        To check the competition for your chosen keywords, go on Google and type in the following:

        allintitle:"your keywords here"

        Hit enter and you will see how many pages have the same keywords on their titles.

        Like I said earlier, I go for keywords that have anything above 100 USA monthly searches and under 100 allintitle competition for sales articles and anything under 5000 for informational articles, depending on the monthly searches.

        I hope this helps you and others who're experiencing the same problem.

        1. Hamshi profile image65
          Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          On Step 8- , I meant, there is an option to open all those keywords on an excel document and then check for the competition or you can pick and check as you scroll down.

          1. Hamshi profile image65
            Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            A tip for faster indexing: Submit your articles on [free] and also on Google+.

          2. isaacasante profile image83
            isaacasanteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You broke it down really well, Hamshi. Unfortunately, there's no "Like" button in the forums smile

            1. Hamshi profile image65
              Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              ha Thank you. smile

        2. profile image0
          Zaid Al-khalidyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          believe Me you are the best
          wow i take everything i was searching for from you in 10min's ..
          really Thanks..

  6. jrpierce profile image68
    jrpierceposted 10 years ago

    Thanks for that information Hamshi, it makes good sense!

    1. Hamshi profile image65
      Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You're welcome. smile

  7. 2besure profile image80
    2besureposted 10 years ago

    Hamshi if it can help someone and is on target with the comment, you can leave a link.

  8. Hamshi profile image65
    Hamshiposted 10 years ago

    I did once and it was removed. It was pretty embarrassing to see it removed when my intention was to help someone out genuinely. Now that I've written it all down here, I doubt I will need to use the link any more. smile

  9. majida123 profile image78
    majida123posted 10 years ago

    Thanks Hamshi, you have been a great help to me. I am using Keyword tool right now and let's see how it turns out to be. I hope it would be beneficial for my future keyword research. I should really appreciate you for helping others this seriously.

    1. isaacasante profile image83
      isaacasanteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I use Google Keywords, but my hubs apparently are still new so they've yet to be indexed. But Hamshi's right...

    2. Hamshi profile image65
      Hamshiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My pleasure. smile

  10. Suzanne Day profile image93
    Suzanne Dayposted 10 years ago

    Follow this thread:

    I have also asked similar questions....especially as I AM getting search engine traffic....but revenue isn't performing as expected. You might want to submit a sitemap to Webmaster Tools and keep an eye on it to see what's happening regarding indexing.

    1. isaacasante profile image83
      isaacasanteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm aware of the "Fetch" tool in Webmaster Tools. But how do you submit a sitemap for your HP site?

      1. Writer Fox profile image33
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this
        1. isaacasante profile image83
          isaacasanteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Writer Fox. I think I need at least 10 articles, right? The link formula Glenn Stok provided in the thread link you pasted isn't working right now for me.

  11. kenoung profile image60
    kenoungposted 10 years ago

    Hamshi provided plenty of detail on keyword analysis and that's great, but maybe you might want to start looking at your niche selection first. Your "Top 10" series of hubs are generally informational, and seem to be more helpful for students doing research so I wouldn't expect too much traffic for those.

    Go instead for topics that solve someone's problem (e.g. relationship, finance issues), and you might have an easier time driving traffic to your hubs.

    If you're wondering about SEO, Hubpages is quite a strong domain so you tend to appear on search engines automatically. If you want to give it a push do some simple social bookmarking - submit the hub on reddit/digg.

    Lastly, I notice that you don't interlink your hubs. Adding links to other related hubs can help increase overall traffic and provide some seo effect as well. (start with your Adsense-theme hubs)

  12. smartknowledge profile image84
    smartknowledgeposted 10 years ago

    I have to admit, my best performing hubs are those written on 1) my own experiences, and 2) my passions. I didn't worry about keyword research too much, and they're doing great.

    1. majida123 profile image78
      majida123posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am also not focusing on keyword research and long tail keywords but the truth is if we continue to write content without keywords, search engine won't be able to find out articles and our efforts will go in waste. The purpose of composing hubs is to get some exposure, of course we all want to get readers for our articles to get appraisal and appreciation, we are not writing for ourselves, we are creating hubs to share info and doing it is meaningless if you don't have traffic. When I started writing hubs two months ago, I picked wrong subjects and gave my 100% to the content but it was not rewarding. I changed topics and started writing content on different yet general topics to see the response, surprisingly my hubs began to receive some traffic from se even though I did not include too many keywords. I really believe that it's somewhat incumbent upon us to use keywords to make content search engine friendly in order to make our content to be found on the internet otherwise the whole idea of writing is just nothing but an insensible approach.


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