Should I delete or approve?

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  1. lady rain profile image93
    lady rainposted 9 years ago

    Non-hubbers have been leaving positive comments on my hubs but the problem is they are using lazy text lingo like: "Really awsm tis s super.... I juz luv it ... n tq soo much!!!" I have approved some of these comments in the past, though I was not even sure if they were worthy of being approved. Now I am getting suspicious these could have come from a spam site. Does anybody here get comments written in text lingo? Do you delete or approve them?

    1. dhimanreena profile image64
      dhimanreenaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I would advise you to delete those comments that look too good to be true. If the comment doesn't relate to the hub then it is advised to delete them. You may be astound to know that there are some hubbers which are only commenting and following other people. They have score above 75 but still do not publish any hub!!

    2. Maina Ndungu profile image94
      Maina Ndunguposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My advice is if they are legible, don't delete them. Some words like 'thru' instead of through are recognised by search engines.

    3. Seasons Greetings profile image67
      Seasons Greetingsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      A great question. I'd want to leave the relevant comments but... I'd have a hard time overlooking the grammar and spelling when it's that awful. In a way, the comments don't seem truly sincere when they are so careless and casual. But, it is great to have positive comments. I guess I would just have to close my eyes and post them, being grateful to have the good feedback.

  2. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    We will probably start seeing a lot of that since HubPages has gone mobile. It would irritate the heck out of me because I do not do text lingo nor do I like it. But, it is a personal choice. Whether or not it is spam, we have to decide that with each message received.  What a dilemma !

    1. lady rain profile image93
      lady rainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Phyllis, it is a dilemma. The comments were all positive, but the text lingo makes them look out of place on a hub with proper text and grammar.

  3. OnAngelsWings profile image59
    OnAngelsWingsposted 9 years ago

    I don't know if it's just me (kind of doubt it is) but I can't use text lingo. All of my texts are full sentences and punctuated. I don't like trying to read the abbreviations. You may want to do a little research if possible before approving....just in case.

  4. Nell Rose profile image90
    Nell Roseposted 9 years ago

    If it does make sense, sort of...I tend to keep it, but never answer the comment.

    1. lady rain profile image93
      lady rainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I did in the past. I approved the comments without adding my own comment, and I think some of my hubs are starting to look like they are being spammed!

  5. word55 profile image70
    word55posted 9 years ago

    A response is a positive thing if you can understand it. This is an opportunity for us to see and understand what the young texters are saying and doing. I advise; don't blow it.

  6. word55 profile image70
    word55posted 9 years ago

    Don't think I've ever received spam.

  7. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    If the comment isn't lucid and on-topic, I delete them.

    1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
      Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. What the OP quoted is too generic and doesn't even show that the hub was read.

    2. lady rain profile image93
      lady rainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I have deleted the off-topic comments. The "nicer" comments with bad spelling and grammar are all in limbo!

  8. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    As long as comment is not spam, garbled text or English, nor nasty, I let them stay.  Having non-members of HP is a good sign of our traffic coming from other sources than in-house.

  9. word55 profile image70
    word55posted 9 years ago

    You have a high score, many followers, good titles and good content. For goodness sake, leave well enough alone!

    1. lady rain profile image93
      lady rainposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your kind words. It's hard to leave those comments alone when they are popping up everywhere.

  10. tirelesstraveler profile image61
    tirelesstravelerposted 9 years ago

    I delete.  Too many of my hubs have been stolen.  Almost everyone began with a sub par comment.

  11. tom yam profile image61
    tom yamposted 9 years ago

    I'm new on here (joined a long time ago but never really started)  Just wondering how and why would hubs be stolen. Also, how did you know they were stolen?   Please forgive my ignorance if the answer is more than obvious.

    1. tirelesstraveler profile image61
      tirelesstravelerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Statistics drop like a rock. Recently Hub Pages has began to put a red c next to your titles when copyright infringements occur.  Most of the hubs stolen were high traffic and stolen to draw traffic to other sites.

  12. stuff4kids profile image60
    stuff4kidsposted 9 years ago

    I would flag them as spam and then, after a few days, delete them.

    Google crawls your pages and 'reads' the comments section, too. The comments, if they are on topic with naturally occurring keywords, can be a boost to your page as they keep it fresh and updated to some extent.

    Bad grammar, spelling errors or simple nonsense is frowned on. Google bots won't distinguish between the content you have written and the content you have simply permitted.

    In any case, there is some evidence that would-be thieves first leave these kinds of comments to test the activity of the page before stealing the content. Flagging it up as spam and then deleting is at least some warning that they have found someone who might take action against them.

    Three of my pages currently have copyright notices (ie they have been copied) which I am trying to resolve but sometimes locating to whom you can send a complaint isn't easy. Traffic is still bearing up well. I think that Google is able to judge which version was the original and which is the copied content, so my pages top the search results and still get the traffic, but it remains unnerving.

    You've put a lot of work into your hubs and you're doing well. Why put all that effort in jeopardy?

    Just my two pennies worth.    smile


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