No Can Comment

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  1. Arachnea profile image65
    Arachneaposted 9 years ago

    Has anyone noticed more than a few hubs for which one cannot leave comments? I came across a few this evening. Is there a bug going around or is there a preference option somewhere? BTW, none of the hubs were from the same Hubber. I didn't want to post in the tech thread yet unless it's not only happening to me.

    1. kenneth avery profile image79
      kenneth averyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      SPECIAL REPLY: I love to get comments on my hubs. It is very much like getting Christmas cards prior to Christmas. So to all of you, DO NOT cease commenting on this old guy's hubs.
      God bless you.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's your choice whether you allow comments on your Hubs or not.  Some people don't allow them for a couple of reasons.

      They may not be active on HubPages, but have left their Hubs published to continue earning.   They don't want to have to come back to moderate comments - and allowing unsupervised comments is a recipe for disaster - so they simply don't allow them.

      They may have been traumatised by a rush of nasty comments and they have reacted by disabling them all.

  2. VladimirCat profile image70
    VladimirCatposted 9 years ago

    You can choose to set them for no comments - or no more comments

  3. profile image0
    LisaKeatingposted 9 years ago

    You have a choice to allow comments or not.

  4. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 9 years ago

    We have a choice to approve comments first. Give people time to approve the comments, it could take some people minutes, hours, days or weeks...

  5. Elsie Hagley profile image70
    Elsie Hagleyposted 9 years ago

    I'm not sure what is happening Arachnea. I do know that when I remember to check my comments, I can approve all of them on the same hub, but only comment on one, then there is no comment box. I have to close the hubpage and load it up again on the same hub,and the comment box is there, then I can comment on it, then to comment on another do the same thing again.

    Hope you understand what I'm saying.

    1. Baby-Boomer-58 profile image73
      Baby-Boomer-58posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Elsie. If you drop down to 'My Account' beneath your user name, and then click on 'Comments', you'll be taken to a place where you can approve (or deny) and reply to all comments on all hubs. There is no need to reload the page. Approve one, then reply to it. Move on to the next one down the list. smile

  6. Arachnea profile image65
    Arachneaposted 9 years ago

    Thanks. These folks must have their posts set for no comments then. There isn't a comment box to begin with so I doubt the hubs in question are pending approval of any comments.

  7. Beth Eaglescliffe profile image94
    Beth Eaglescliffeposted 9 years ago

    On your account page ("hubs" then "comments") you can set the default setting for all your hubs under "global comment capsule settings". I like to moderate all comments before they are published. However, there are some topics that seem to attract a lot of spam and on those I remove the comment box completely.

  8. profile image0
    Colin323posted 9 years ago

    It is a pity if Hub writers have not left space for comments, as I like to leave a note to say I enjoyed reading a particular article, learned something from it, give an opinion etc.  It makes writing more a two-way communication if there is the chance to do that.

    1. Elsie Hagley profile image70
      Elsie Hagleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      @Colin323, I agree I love reading what a visitor has said about the hub, in most cases I always reply.

    2. Arachnea profile image65
      Arachneaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I set my comments to require approval before they are visible to readers. I can always delete the spam. Besides, I'm more than happy to report spammers anyway.

      Marisa Wright, that's a thought. I'd not considered persons who are inactive just leaving their hubs w/o the comments option. It makes sense, however.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image87
        Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        There is another reason.   At one point, there was a mini "war" on HubPages about comments, and some Hubbers were cowed into removing their comments boxes, unjustifiably I think.

        The thing is, some Hubbers are convinced that it's the height of rudeness if you don't thank each and every commenter for their comment - whereas others disagree.   I'm one of those who disagreed!   And I was told that if I wasn't prepared to thank commenters, then I wasn't entitled to use the comments box.  I disregarded that instruction, but I know some others who succumbed to the pressure.

        My view is that I don't provide the comments box to fish for compliments, and I never ask for comments.  I don't play the "I'll-comment-on-your-Hub-if-you-comment-on-mine" game.   I provide the comments box so people who feel strongly can express their opinion, or that those with questions can ask them.  In that regard, you could say they should thank me, not vice versa - if I didn't have a comments box, I would be denying them their right to a voice.   

        At the end of the day, that's my way of using HubPages and I'm entitled to it.  My Hubs are there to earn an income - I keep the social chit-chat for the forums.  If others want to be social on their Hubs, that's their right too.   It's a case of respecting each others' way of doing things.

        1. profile image0
          Colin323posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I can see how the motivation for writing Hub articles would affect this decision. If the predominant reason is to generate income, then comments are secondary, or even superfluous, to the number of Adsense hits gained.  If the main motivation is to communicate with other writers/readers - with sales secondary, or unimportant, to this - then comments are invaluable to this process. I'm in the latter camp, so enjoy commenting on others' work, and receiving feedback on my own. Vive le difference.

  9. mickey1985 profile image59
    mickey1985posted 9 years ago

    Hello. I'm new and tried to reply to several comments...nothing

    1. Writer Fox profile image31
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Since you don't have any Hubs yet and haven't commented on any, I presume you are trying to make another reply to Q/A posts you've been asking.  You can only reply to a post there once until some one else makes a comment.

  10. Arachnea profile image65
    Arachneaposted 9 years ago

    Interesting to see how different people have different uses for HP or any other platform wherein one interacts or not with other users of the site.

    I'd not really intended to start a debate or encourage soap box orations. My question is answered however, regarding the possibility of a bug preventing me from leaving comments.

    For me, what ever floats the boat of anyone concerned is fine so long as it's in keeping with established rules and causes no harm to others. I'd prefer not to gag on someone else's idea of how something *must* be done if it's not a hard and fast rule of the powers that be.


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