True way to earning on Hubpages

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  1. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    Well, I've made plenty of money through Adsense before, however I am new to Hubpages. When I joined I thought it was as simple as, write several hubs a day and be consistent and in the end earn big. As I kept writing O.K. Hubs most of which rank from 60-75 and a few in the 90s I realized

    1. If you write a hub good enough to make it to the front page of Hubpages (I've had two get their, 1 of which took 15 minutes to write and is about a lame game =P ) than you will get 100-300 or so views from hubpages alone each day it is their, and if you write quality keyword rich content, your hubs can rank for virtually any term you wish.

    For those who don't know, I am starting in December really be pushing hard to start saving money to pay off my college. I have a LOT of plans that will take place in December and after that to do so, but one part of that is to pull in $10+ a day from adsense to help cover the basic costs (Gas,Food, maybe help rent).

    So it came to me. If I tread each individual Hub like the niche websites I used to create for money, and take several days to write quality articles on different aspects of it, and then link them together... You can earn REALLY well from Hubpages.

    basically I'll do what I used to do.

    1. Find a problem with 2,000 + monthly searches and keywords paying $.75+

    2. Buy books on the subject or print out articles and do research until I am comfortable teaching others about it.

    3. Write individual articles about the subject like if I was making them for a website page.

    4. Link the articles together to form my hubs

    5. Find 1-2 relevant videos to add

    6. edit it all, make sure it meets the standards of what I am aiming for and post it up.

    sure it can take days to post 1 hub, but the hubs produced are great.

    None of the hubs I created so far are really that good at all, yet earn me $1-$3 a I am hopeful this plan could work starting in December when I have the time.

    Any thoughts ? think it will or will not work ? advice ?

    thanks, sorry it got so wordy...just happy I realized I've been using Hubpages in the wrong way.

    1. Lissie profile image73
      Lissieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes thats a good start - but you will need to build backlinks to see the real money - your hubscore or being on the front HP won't make you money - being #1 in google for keyword will

    2. darkside profile image65
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How long were you on the front page of HubPages for and how many visitors did you get?

  2. profile image48
    badcompany99posted 14 years ago

    If you hit the Number 1 spot it helps, my Google Adsense hit Number 1 and stayed there for 3 weeks, in that time my traffic was well over treble and my earnings from that hub alone was over $50 so yes go for it !

  3. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    yea I have to wait a few months to start when I will actually have time to be hitting this full on.

    But basically even if Hubpages failed it would only be part of my plan. I said it once and I'll say it again...I've worked minimum wage and I've worked fast food, and I'm not doing that to get through school and even if I did it wouldnt cover the school its self or half the living expenses so I figure I'll take advantage of the internet smile

    1. profile image48
      badcompany99posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      With your knowledge and some patience you will make good money from hubpages, just one word of advice and this is just me ok. Dont write so many hubs in such a short time, let them build up a good rating as this gets them spotted by google, good luck, I am bored now and am off to have a bet smile

  4. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago

    I think that sounds a like a really ambitious plan that could definitely work. It's really important to know about stuff that you're talking about in detail. (Plus, it's so much easier to write about stuff you are really familiar about).

    Definitely link related hubs together, it really works well.

    Don't forget your keyword research and you'll do really good. Also remember that the CPC displayed in G's keyword tool is NOT what you will receive. If it says .75, you'll only get around 25% of that (.18 cents). I try to aim for CPC of $2.50 so I get at minimum, .60 cents a click. Of course, many hubs, even if they pay .18 cents can add up. For example, I have lots of little earners under this account - alone, they'd be nothing, together, they are substantial.

    Good luck! big_smile

  5. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    thanks for all the advice so far smile, yea I like words that have a cpc of $5+ to be honest, however, those can be hard to find. For me personally getting 25-30 cents for a click is fine. The other day I got a $3.00 click, gotta love keyword research.

    and I like the idea of less hubs in a short time, I won't be able to write even 4 per week most likely once I start in December so that shouldn't be a problem

  6. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    Alrighty I'm going to make my first hub with the new style, I'll post it when its ready.

    It is going to be around 15-20 pages worth of content I think so I hope there is no limit to how much you can post on a hub. I'm doing my first one on making money online, because I already have a lot of content on that I can combine.

  7. Netperking profile image61
    Netperkingposted 14 years ago

    I am interested in knowing how this will work...I wondered if having several different hubs on a topic or keyword would help earnings?

    1. Cls1321 profile image61
      Cls1321posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I often thought the same as you, maybe more was better. But then I realized ... if you make really high quality hubs than you can have each hub perform almost as well as a niche website.

  8. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    thanks to anyone who posted.

  9. Cls1321 profile image61
    Cls1321posted 14 years ago

    yea I would definitely value that advice. I'm aiming to treat each hub similar to a website. So I will be mainly forgetting about hubrank and focusing on search engine ranking. However, with talk of "Google Caffeine" and how it is going to effect rankings, I find myself wondering right now if I should wait before going out and performing hours of SEO.

  10. finsofts profile image39
    finsoftsposted 14 years ago

    Its a good thing and as am new to hubpages am also trying to do these steps as well...


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