Site Update

Jump to Last Post 1-26 of 26 discussions (30 posts)
  1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    As you may have noticed, we deployed a site update a few minutes ago.  You may have seen some errors for the last 5 minutes or so.  Everything should be straightened out now.  Please let us know if you notice any more problems going forward (holding down shift and refreshing the page might help, if you do see errors).  Thanks.

  2. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Umm.. is there a way we can "hide" hubtivity?

    Or maybe put it below things like  the tag box?

    I think most people who find hupages are looking for info and don't care about what Ive just posted in the forum..

    And I think a lot of people won't scroll past that to see all the tags that might otherwise interest them..

    Can we have an option to move or turn it off completely?

    I like the idea, I think its clever.. but I think it clutters a bit in its current format.

    Im sorry!!! I feel so bad saying that! sad

  3. stubbs profile image64
    stubbsposted 16 years ago

    I Like It!

    people who have just found hubpages and are not signed up see the same page but we see hubtivity, which i really like.

    1. Isabella Snow profile image85
      Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It doesnt look bad on your profile, cos you don't really have one. If you had more written, it would add to scrolling and make it look too busy.

      Besides, the latest hubs are already on that page to begin with.. why do they need to be in hubtivity too?

  4. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Or is there already a way and I just dont know how.. I might be that stupid.. wink

  5. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    I think Isabella meant on the user profile page:

    We wanted to give Hubtivity some visibility coming out of the gate, but as with everything it is still a work in progress -- we'll take your opinion under advisement Isabella.  You don't have to feel bad about having an opinion.

    1. Isabella Snow profile image85
      Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I did.. now Im confused about where Stubbs meant??

      Ok thanks for considering it. I just mean the profile page and thats it. For people like me with a lot written in the profile it does make it a bit busy.. and the rest of that info is already there..

      I kind of am a little creeped out by my every move being in a public list, but I'm a wink

      If we could have an option to turn it off for profiles that would be really awesome. smile And the rest wouldnt creep me out too much. wink

  6. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    You can see your latest personalized hubtivity on the home page or all of your hubtivity here.  The hubtivity on the profile page are your actions, the personalized hubtivity is a way for you to track what is happening with authors and tags that you are a fan of.

  7. stubbs profile image64
    stubbsposted 16 years ago

    yes i meant the homepage sorry

  8. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Ok, i see now, I logged out and looked at it.

    So the non-hubbers dont see it on the main site page - but they *do* see it on personal profile pages.

    I dunno.. I guess I have to stick with my original opinion, because my latest hubs are already listed, and I dont think my forum posts are terribly fascinating. smile

    Im mostly concerned about how *long* it makes the profile.  Like many surfers, I have a short attention span, and seeing those forum posts listings would not make me keep scrolling to see what was under them, whereas the tags would definitely get my attention.

    If we can't turn them off, maybe could you move the box to the right and put it under the page tags maybe?

    And Ill stop complaining now.. sorry.. smile

  9. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    I like the idea of hubactivity showing on the profile, but I do think it should be moved under the tags or fan list. I seems to be out of place.

  10. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    brain overload, too much information on one page, i think the hubtivity should be placed as a link on a page of its own.
    tag fan, does this mean i could be joining someones fanclub without having read a single hub by that person?
    I love hubpages but there is a point where making things "easier" actually makes it more confusing for everyone.
    my two cents but maybe it will eventually grow on me.....jimmy
    p.s can i have the option please to turn hubtivity off for my account?

  11. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    Becoming a fan of a tag allows you to see in your hubtivity whenever someone publishes a new hub or request with that tag.  It doesn't mean you are joining anyone's fan club.    Also, you can always customize your personalized hubtivity feed to not show certain kinds of activities, just click on "edit preferences" on the main hubtivity page.

  12. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    thanks Paul,
    I do like hubtivity but it would be better with a page of its own, It just doesn't sit right on the profile page or the home page.

    one more question about the tags, I read and write hubs on all kinds of subjects and couldn't pick out just one or two, if i tick all of the boxes will it clutter up the page or will it only select a few per page?.....thanks again.....jimmy

  13. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    If you select a lot of tags it will mean a lot more items in your hubtivity (unless you configure your preferences not to show items based on tag), but it won't show them all in the home page box.  What is displayed will rotate each day.   Just give it a try, you can always remove tags from your favorites if you don't like the result.

  14. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    Thanks again Paul, lol as i said earlier it might grow on me take care.....jimmy

  15. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    Let us know what you think again in a day or two Jimmy.  It sounds like a several people don't like where we placed it on the profile page.

  16. profile image0
    Lisa Bargerposted 16 years ago

    Well, I actually like it.  My first thought was this:  I always try to reciprocate comments and "fanship" with other Hubbers but, honestly, I don't have a whole lot of time some days and I'm sure several comments I've meant to make or votes I've meant to cast have gone undone just because I forgot.  I *like* having the hubtivity upfront where I can see it immediately.  smile

  17. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Yes but thats a social thing, and you have the option to do that regardless, on the hubtivity page. Ideally, for adsense, we should be aiming to attract people from google, who are likely not to be hubbers yet - cos if they were, they would have already seen the hubs. Well, in theory, anyway.

    If they land on your page you should be advertising YOU, not everyone else whose fan page you just landed on, or who youve made comments about, or forum posts like this one, etc.

    You want them to go right to *your hubs* - not right to other people and their hubs which youve just commented on. wink

    1. profile image0
      Lisa Bargerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  I didn't realize that unlogged visitors could see it.  I thought it was something I could see because I was logged in.   hmm   But I still don't think it's a big deal.  How many Google visitors are going to land on your author page, anyway?  When I create a new web site I don't even bother with an "About Us" page anymore because it's consistently among the least-visited pages on every site I've ever had.

      I get what you're saying and it WILL crimp my forum participation but I still like the at-a-glance aspect.

      1. Isabella Snow profile image85
        Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        When someone goes from google straight to your hub, they will often then click on your photo, to see whose article theyve just read. Hubbers do this as well. Which means they will still be seeing it.

        And personally, my profile page gets direct traffic from my blog, which has the same effect.

  18. darkside profile image67
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    Looking slick!

  19. Robin profile image87
    Robinposted 16 years ago

    I love hubtivity, Paul.  Great job!  I think hubbers will start to get the hang of it; change is always a bit hard.  There were two things I noticed:  when someone becomes my fan it is posted twice; and I'd like to see on hubtivity when someone leaves me fanmail.  I would also like to see hubtivity in the top bar next to forums.  wink

  20. jimmythejock profile image83
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    Although I love the concept of hubtivity, I was a little dubious of where it was placed on the site, I have tried it over the past few days and I have found it a very useful quick reference centre for my hub and forum activity. I am still a little concerned about the positioning of hubtivity on the pages it inhabits, I personaly think it would be better positioned on the right hand side of the page above the capsules for latest, hot and best hubs on the profile page.
    On the main page hubtivity could be moved down 1 capsule to below the featured hubbers capsule.
    I think the initial shock has worn off and having given hubtivity a few days to sink in I welcome it to the site, A GREAT ADDITION..........jimmy

  21. SunSeven profile image61
    SunSevenposted 16 years ago

    Publishing a new Hub appears in Hubtivity.
    Does deleting a Hub or unpublishing a hub appear on hubtivity? (another silly question from me!)smile

  22. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    No, we don't show delete on unpublish actions in Hubtivity, except that when you unpublish or delete a hub it will remove all existing hubtivity events for that hub.  We also only announce a  hub into hubtivity the first time its published, so it is best not to publish a hub until its done.

  23. SunSeven profile image61
    SunSevenposted 16 years ago

    Thanks Paul. That means editing, modifying and republishing an already published hub will not appear in hubtivity. I also would like to know how I can turn hubtivity off.

  24. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Is hubtivity going to be moved from its current location in our profile?

    Its kind of a bummer right now, having them obscure the tag boxes. I think people would be more interested to click on tags, than read about whos joined our fan clubs. sad

  25. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 16 years ago

    I'm going to move it below the tags for people that are not logged in (ie. passers by), and leave it above the tags for logged in users.

  26. Isabella Snow profile image85
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Cool - when ya think that'll happen? smile


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