Wierd comment left on my hub

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  1. Dorsi profile image83
    Dorsiposted 15 years ago

    This is the first truly strange comment that has been left on my hub. I think this guy needs a lawyer, not a hubber!

    (Comment in its entirety:

    I'm looking for someone to help me, represent me. It is on record that there was a Preliminary Hearing. But I didn' experience one. No evidence or witness(s) were presented. Thus my charges should have been dropped. My Public Defender has been changed 3 times. With the most recent one being just to busy to talk to or see me. My charges have gone from a Misdemenor to a Felony and then back to a Misdemenor. I am not satisfied with the outcome I'm being forced to accept.

    I do seriously feel that something should be changed. My Civil Rights and my Constituational Rights have been violated.

    I'm looking for representation to proceed with this. An Advocate, Pro Bono, payment plan, low income, etc. Just someone to talk to to see if I have any legal recourse. I would prefer representation outside of Butte County, if possibly available.

    I am on S.S.I. and Social Security, and am a client of Far Northern Regional Centers, of Butte, County.

    I have much more detailed information apon request. Please contact myself or my wife. Our contact information is: johntmacomber@yahoo.com; pattyamacomber@yahoo.com. Our FAX # is 5305333008. Phone: 530-533-3008.

    Thank You for any consideration rendered on my behalf.


    John Macomber and Patricia Macomber.

    To whom it may concern: Jan. 12th, 2009

    John started out with all the legal persons involved with this case, not know-ing he was diagnosed developmentally disabled. I don’t know if this information has any bearings on this matter.

    I know, we, John and I, are only trying to what is right. Persons involved with the law and legal personal should not have to judge anything but the charges in question. Also to be treated with respect, and not as being unintelligent, inept person, and/or his criminal history.

    We should not have to retain help outside our living area. We have been made to feel as if these persons would not be able to judge this case on it’s own merit. Because it is their fellow Public Defenders and Judges, etc. at question for their unethical procedures. And they don’t want to cross or have to judge their own piers. There is extreme, prejudice being displayed. To some degree, by each legal person involved.

    This is a perfect example of people or circumstances falling between the cracks. It is also builds mistrust in the eyes of the disabled. It makes those of us helping them look as if we failed them too.

    John needs someone to give him some leads to follow as to how to handle this matter. He feels that the charges should have been dropped.

    We need Pro Bono assistance, or access /referral to a payment plan attorney. John’s income is SSI and Social Security.

    Thank you for any consideration rendered on John’s behalf.

    Sincerely, John and Patricia Macomber




    Dec. 20, 08

    To whom it may concern:

    RE: Civil & Constitional Rights

    John’s assault on an officer charge.

    Law Enforcement was at the hospital for another person. A person still in the lobby. John was there to see a friend that was waiting in the ER to be seen. They didn’t arrive together.

    Law Enforcement Assumed, Insinuated and Accused john was whom they were called to see. Thus acting accordingly.

    John not knowing what was happening, because he is Mentally Disabled. Acted in self-defense. Acting out of an “irresistible impulse”.

    John was not allowed a Preliminary Hearing, or to speak in his own defense. He was to be appeased by the court dropping his charge from a Felony to a Misdemeanor.

    Assuming they would satisfy John with a lesser charge. But John knew enough law to know that a Preliminary Hearing is for him to face his accusers, or charges should be dismissed.. John knew that because this did not happen, his Civil & Constitional Rights were denied. He left the court room feeling discriminated against because of past criminal history and being Mentally Disabled.

    Also no supporting evidence was even submitted, at what should have been his Preliminary Hearing court date.

    John can’t be expected to have much respect, appreciation or acceptance of Law Enforcement persons or persons involved in court proceedings. And this alone is a sad thing. Because persons with disabilities should be able to, at least, trust people of these professions.

    I think this may be called “being exploited.”

    Sincerely, Patricia Macomber

  2. Lifebydesign profile image65
    Lifebydesignposted 15 years ago

    That was the comment! Good grief. You're probably right re a lawyer. I hope he finds what he's looking for.

    1. Dorsi profile image83
      Dorsiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah that was the comment. Obviously it got denied- I think the comment is longer than my whole hub...lol!!!
      They left it on my hub about the Oscar Grant shooting ( the Bart station New Years Eve Day shooting by the bart cop)

  3. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Dorsi, do the HubPages community a favor and the next time someone spams you, don't repost it to the forums.

    1. Dorsi profile image83
      Dorsiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well normally I thought it would be spam but they left it on the Oscar Grant hub, which was the hub about the shooting by the cop, and the comment was about some type of civil rights things too, but yes, I guess it's just spam...
      Sorry,,,,(walks away in shame)..........

  4. shashigai profile image60
    shashigaiposted 15 years ago

    i think it is not appropriate for hubpages but i am not sure it is spam. i have seen this behavior before in autistic people who do not understand social interaction. spamming is a subset of social interaction and i have had autistic people "spam" websites i ran or belonged to in the interest of finding friends or assistance.

    as i said, good to deny it, but i wonder if after all the writer too was developmentally disabled.

    i googled this guy and they posted on wordpress but not anywhere else that i could find.

    1. Dorsi profile image83
      Dorsiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well this was my concern, It sounded like a genuine plea for help, and I thought maybe he was posting it in this hub because he was really trying to get help. I had to deny it though because of course it isn't the appropriate place for the comment.

  5. profile image0
    C. C. Riterposted 15 years ago

    OOPs! poor john. hope they find some one to help.


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