by Michael-Milec 7 years ago
Since 21 December I have not received any notification emails for any HP activities: New articles, responses on comments, etc.I see some others may have the same problem -- not receiving any emails.I checked my Email notifications and they are all set the way I would like them to be.Does...
by Terishere 13 years ago
I noticed yesterday, I wasn't receiving any notification of a new comment on the hubs I am following.I have to manually check them.I thought it was strange that the volume of emails I receive from Hubpages team was reduced drastically.I checked all my email settings and they're fine.Anyone else...
by Glenn Stok 5 years ago
I’m wondering if emails from HubPages are being lost. I confirmed that I have all notification settings set to “Always” for “Instant Email” and “Allow HubPages to contact you” is enabled.1. Whenever I get a new follower I don’t get the email notification as I used to in the past. Just got one...
by Christopher Hundley 5 years ago
Hello,I signed up for an account a couple of years ago but only recently became active. I checked the "Notifications" section and my settings are set to receive emails from HubPages. But looking at my past emails, I have never received a copy of the weekly newsletter, and was wondering...
by Joni Douglas 14 years ago
To the HubPages staff, I have received ugly and obscene comments emailed to me via HubPagesby a new hubber. To report them to HubPages do I need to do more than click on the abuse link at the bottom of the emails?
by Daniel Baker 9 years ago
I've had to go back to my account and review each and every Hub to catch up on all the comments I missed because I am not getting the notifications in my mail. Anybody know why?