Well, not quite just me, as tested it by asking my boyfriend to have a look too, on his own computer.
Some hubs have 4 Google Adsense blocks on them. Only 3 are allowed by Google Adsense program policies (plus 3 text link ads).
Can HubPages' be banned from using Adsense, and all of us too, because of this?
I'm not mistaking the smaller (468 x 60) banner size text ads (two small text ads appearing alongside each other within a 468 x 60 area) for some form of text links that Adsense has that I didn't know about, am I?
When I say text ad I don't mean the text LINK ads, which are just links placed either in a horizontal or vertical list. When I say text ad I mean the ones that have a linkable title, a line or two of text, and a URL beneath them.
Or, are Adsense revenue sharing sites allowed to show more than 3 Adsense blocks, while sites that are one's own (and don't offer Adsense revenue sharing) are only allowed 3?
It makes me nervous - I'd hate HubPages to lose their Adsense account - or be banned from Adsense myself because there are 4 Adsense block ads on my pages here.
Anyone know anything about this?
HubPages is allowed to display the number of ads they have by AdSense. This question has come up in the past, and admin has assured us things are all good.
It's a benefit of being such a large site and what we can presume is an extremely good advertising customer.
That's great news, relache, thanks for the reply - I did try search for if somebody else had asked the question before, but I obviously did not spend long enough doing it! Thanks for replying.
Four in HubPages share of impressions, three in ours (unless I'm mistaken).
Ive never seen mention of such a specific formula - also if your not logged in another banner ad appears up top - so 5 adsense blocks can display if HP doesnt have an alternate network in their share
I'm pretty sure I'm right (although I'm certainly not above being wrong).
About a year ago HubPages made an announcement regarding the additional ad blocks being made available to all hubbers, and they were for about a week. Several weeks later however I noticed that the additional ad blocks were only displayed every now and then, and no mention was ever made of it again by HP. leading me to believe that they cocked up and that their agreement with Google and the additional ad blocks only applied to them and not us. And in our impressions only three ad blocks and two link units appear.
I may be wrong, but I don't think I am.
p.s. They may be allowed to show five blocks, but I'm almost definite that Adsense doesn't in our share of the impressions. Just three, and two link units (as per standard publisher guidelines).
you are mistaken I think, All google advertisements should be split 60/40.
Wheres Mr Deeds when you need him!
Would be nice for official confirmation on this one!
It would be. But this question never gets answered.
Even the original official announcement appears to have vanished (or perhaps I just can't find it).
I've almost always seen 4 ads at all times.
One of those links just talks about how HP tests on their impressions. Doesn't mean that the extra ads now and then are Google. Could be others via YieldBuild.
Maybe I'm wrong then, or it could even be a geographic thing, perhaps the additional ad units weren't available to UK residents. But they never appear in my share of the impressions.
True, the second of those threads does go on to discuss the testing of alternate advertisers, but I'm not sure that was the intention behind the original post, which queries the presence of five ad units.
Either way, I'm not complaining (I just like mysteries) and was answering the OP as per my understanding, I'm happy without the additional units, too many can make things look messy (in my opinion).
I'm not sure who's right or wrong... Maybe HP will comment. I do know that I just checked one of my hubs and it has 5 ads on it right now, all say "Ads by Google."
Sometimes the ad block on the right within the table doesn't say 'Ads by Google,' which is why I'm not sure if those times it's a different affiliate HP is tampering with.
I appreciate that. But are you saying that you see all five in your share of the impressions?
I've logged out, refreshed numerous times, etc. and haven't had five ad units in my share of the impressions once.
Not necessarily, as I've been logged in and seen the 5th ad. I saw it while logged in when I posted last.
A particular page view is either in the HubPages' share or it is in a user's share. When it is in a user's share we run at most 3 regular AdSense Ad Units and 2 AdSense Link Units, which is what Google's standard limitations allow. The layout of the the ads is chosen with revenue maximization in mind (within those limitations).
In our share of impressions we do sometimes run more than 3 AdSense units. We have permission to do this but for business and technical reasons, we can only do it using the HubPages AdSense publisher ID (we did ask if we could do it in the author's share, but no dice).
We are, however, always thinking about and experimenting with ways to bring additional revenue opportunities to authors. One idea that we've been kicking around for a while is paying authors directly. Doing so would mean us collecting a big pile of money from ad networks that aren't normally available to small publishers, dividing that money up based on traffic, and then paying it out periodically. If we had a system like that in place (no small task), we'd replace the Link Units with larger ads and fill the currently empty spots in the user share of impressions with ads, and pass the revenue they earn on to you. We're finally getting big enough that this may be practical. I won't make any promises, but it wouldn't surprise me if something along these lines was in testing sometime in the fourth quarter.
For the curious, there are currently 7 possible ad locations on hubs:
1. above title - Only appears to signed out users, and only runs in the HubPages share. Can be as large as 850x250, but often runs a 728x90 AdSense unit.
2. below title - 468x60, runs AdSense in the user share, runs mostly AdSense in HubPages share, but occasionally other networks. This unit and the halffold are the two that attract the most clicks.
3. halffold - 250x250, only appears in certain hub layouts in the right hand column. Runs AdSense in the user share, runs mostly AdSense in the HubPages share but occasionally other networks. (If your hub layout doesn't include this unit near the top, you may want to adjust your capsules a bit - it's a strong performer)
4. fullfold - 468x60, can appear in almost any hub layout and usually somewhere lower down in the hub. Appears as a 468x15 link unit in the user share, runs mostly AdSense in HubPages share but occasionally other networks.
5. footer - up to 300x250 - runs a 200x90 link unit in the user share, runs mostly a 300x250 ad in the HubPages share (rarely AdSense).
6. sidebar - up to 300x600, appears as a 300x250 in the user share, but may be a 160x600 or 300x600 in the HubPages share. Never runs AdSense in the HubPages share.
7. sidebar bottom - 300x250, only appears in the HubPages share. May run AdSense or may run another network.
wow i am impressed he arrived, like when you rub the lamp and the genie appears...
@ pauldeeds - thanks so much for your reply - I'm grateful for all the other replies here too, and that your reply has solved the mystery for many.
That extra income idea of possible future direct payments would be super!
If it goes through, I just hope that posting a cheque in the mail is one of the payment options that hubbers can select, as some people/countries have difficulties with the most popular method Pay Pal. Looking forward to hearing more about this!
Paul said:
"One idea that we've been kicking around for a while is paying authors directly. Doing so would mean us collecting a big pile of money from ad networks that aren't normally available to small publishers, dividing that money up based on traffic, and then paying it out periodically."
Hi Paul,
Do you mean in addition to AdSense - keeping AdSense as it is, using our own AdSense accounts, but being paid directly by HubPages only in regards to the other ad networks?
Or do you mean AdSense, too?
I mean in addition to AdSense. You'd continue to be paid directly by Google, and AdSense would probably remain most author's number one source of income on HubPages. It's speculative, but I think this change could result in a 10-25% revenue increase for a typical author.
Some advertisers aren't as concerned about clicks and conversions. Authors with a low AdSense click through rate would probably see more benefit from this change than authors that have a high click through rate.
So, it would be like Squidoo? Where the affiliates pay them, and they distribute to the writers?
Yea, not fond of that idea... Please leave it as is so that Google, Amazon, and Ebay, all pay us. Near begging for things to stay as is.... Please *whimpers*
Like you said, those with a high click through rate wouldn't see any benefit... I do really well with Adsense, and don't want that to change... I don't want a few months of no revenue before it's decided that it doesn't work. I depend on that revenue, as it earns twice my regular job.
It would be on top of your usual Adsense/eBay/Amazon revenue (which would all operate as normal).
A cherry on the cake.
I'm with you Whitney, this type of thinking has me really concerned that it will lead to other things that are more like Squidoo. I work really hard to get conversions and clicks and am a little upset that the benefit would accrue most to those that don't.
And like you, this isn't a hobby, it's how I pay the bills. I read this and reached for the Maalox.
And how would it be paid, paypal, direct deposit, check? Some of us don't use paypal, so I hope not that.
That is not what I said. I said those with a high click through rate would likely see less benefit. I believe that nearly everybody would earn more. You'd still be paid directly by Google, Ebay, and Amazon, and you'd still be paid based on the revenue that your hubs actually generate.
To me less benefit is about the same as no benefit.
I'm totally with Nelle and sunforged... I work hard. I don't want to share my benefits... I'm sorry if that sounds bad, but I put a good bit of effort into most of my topics and what I put into them. I have many, many topics in a notebook that I'm getting to once my unpublished list has been completed; most of those on the list were researched via niche size and searches. Why should I have to share with low quality hubs and hubs with nothing but partially clothed women?
Sunforged, most of the sexy women hubs get good traffic but no click through. It sounds like their traffic would then be earning them money where it normally wouldn't. Great for them, but the way it sounds, I'd feel like it's taking from me. It's a Squidoo concept, which paid very little for me on Squidoo, and why I left. I want my earnings to be directly what I earn, not split from a large pot.
been up all night..so my punctuation is poor - I was suggesting that I can make in 1 hour with 10 visitors what a "sexy actress" hub can make in 10k views.
But Im following HPs possible plan and am supportive - Im also capable of accepting every form of payment from direct deposit to moneybroker and eGold.
@Paul Deeds
Thanks for the detailed and transparent explanation. I was starting to think that I couldn't even trust my own eyes.
The new idea sounds interesting. Additional ad revenue is always welcome, especially if it comes from at least semi-relevant ads (not a fan of the whole 'yellow teeth/lose belly fat' spammy ads).
I believe this is an important detail:
"Doing so would mean us collecting a big pile of money from ad networks that aren't normally available to small publishers"
I would read that as meaning all your current relationships, which are obviously available to small publishers would remain unchanged - and the better alternative performers from all the testing they do in the HP impressions would be available in the "pot"
I also have a great clickthrough and targetted traffic, so wouldnt be interested in sharing based on impression (w/ the current programs)with the "sexy "insert starlet" hubber who is amassing 10k views a day and earning what I do in 1 hour from 10 visitors ..but that doesnt seem to be what is being referenced here
That's correct.
I believe even with well targeted traffic you'd be very likely to earn more under the plan I described. We aren't going to be paying anything like a fixed amount per hub view, different types of traffic and different subjects have different value to advertisers and that value will certainly be reflected in how the revenue is allocated.
You can sort of think of it as though we added a new affiliate option called the 'hubpages ad network'. You'll be able to see daily reports that show impressions and revenue, just like with any other network.
Hi Paul,
Wanting to ask of you, after you have looked at the potential for testing your additional ads in the 4th quarter. After this process, from a Hub users point of view, would this be offered to us as ads displaying straight away that we can turn on/turn off within our accounts, or will there be a trial use period first to get an idea of Hubber feedback?
Thank you for the clarification. How would we receive payment for the HP affiliate program? Again paypal doesn't work for everyone - like me.
I can't tell if what your saying is that we would get more money directly from google or if you'd pay the extra.
I'm also hoping there would be other payment options, other than Pay Pal. Waiting for a cheque in the mail may seem a little irritating to some, but works well for me, and perhaps many others too.
I think it would be a great addition to the existing affiliate system, especially as I rely on only two of the four affiliates - adsense and amazon (can't get an ebay account and don't want a kontera account.) I'm thinking of those juicy microsft ad network clicks!
At the end of the day hubpages could say b*ll*cks we'll keep the extra ad revenue for ourselves, but they actually want to share it. Can't see a problem with that!
So the sharing would be based on content.
So, I might get extra money from my computer hubs and not for my political ones or vice versa.
Sounds fine to me. Bring it on!
I received one answer I was happy with, then return 4 days later to see all the discussions going on here, and even a mention about a possible new form of income from HubPages in the future. Thank you everyone for your replies and input!
This sounds like a good idea to me, we would still get teh benefits from our current advertisements, but would also have mroe ad slots available on each hub to create further earning opportunities through a 'hubpages ad network'.
One quick question Paul (If you are still hanging around this thread!) when it came to these earnings would we again be receiveing 60%, and would this 60% be an after tax amount, since I assume that as with Squidoo you would be liable for tax on earnings.
This is very interesting and if it means I can earn more I am all for it! I would also like the current affiliates to stay the same though so Google and Amazon still pays us directly.
However how would you work out who should have what amount - views, impressions, clicks, hubscores?
If this was done carefully though I like the sound of it - could we be able to add the extra affiliates of our choice to each hub or would it be done automatically?
by rancidTaste 15 years ago
How does Google AdSense pay for page impression? I amn't clear about that and so I ask it? Would you please help about that?Thanks
by Nathan Bernardo 7 years ago
Some people have said they've turned off HP Ads and just use Adsense and actually make more money from Adsense. I'm considering trying that out and was curious how much more some of you are making just through Adsense. Fifty percent more? Twice as much? Triple? Quadruple?
by Daniel 12 years ago
Here's something for you guys to consider, and I am simply reiterating a comment I made on another post. You need organic traffic to your Hubs! Why? If you are using adsense, or any other monetization method on Hubpages, you will not, I repeat, you will NOT get credit for clicks on your ads from...
by Tim Nichol 14 years ago
I have so far put up one hub page. Before I signed up for AdSense, there were already several ads on the page.After I had my AdSense thing set up and active, there were just as many ads as before. How do I know which ads I'm (potentially) earning money from?Do I have any control over...
by Louie Jerome 15 years ago
I have been a bit puzzled about the way Google Adsense pays. There is reference to page impressions and clicks. I know that clicks get paid for at various rates, but I am not sure about impressions. Does the number of page impressions bring in any revenue. For example, some of my articles get...
by Barbara Fitzgerald 2 years ago
Okay - It seems there was an update to the definition of our earnings. I cannot say when it occurred.Basically we are paid for pageviews. One payment per view of article, regardless of how many ads are delivered to the reader, unless they back out before the first ad is actually viewed. Then we...
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