How to stay asleep at night?

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  1. D22314 profile image60
    D22314posted 11 years ago

    How to stay asleep at night?

    Lately, I've been having trouble staying asleep through the entire night, and find myself waking up multiple times during the night. Has anyone else experienced something similar, and what, if any, solutions do you have?

  2. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 11 years ago

    Sometimes there are multiple reasons for not sleeping all night. Chief among those is having things on your mind that won't allow you to easily fall back to sleep should you awake in the night. When I was still teaching, if I woke up in the middle of the night I would have a million things running through my mind that I wanted to do the next day.
    Another is too much caffeine in coffee, tea, or soft drinks.
    Not getting enough exercise can also be a cause.
    I find that if i go for a walk in the evening it helps to relax me enough so I can sleep like a baby all night long.
    Some say drinking warm milk helps...that only gives me another problem!!
    Hopefully you will begin to sleep soundly soon.

  3. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 11 years ago

    I used to have that.

    Previously, I am always working late in the nights with my computer. Now I stop using it before 9 pm. Also, I do not drink after 9 pm. Doing this, I manage to overcome this issue.

  4. urmilashukla23 profile image65
    urmilashukla23posted 11 years ago

    Drink warm milk, 1 hour before go to  sleep. Limit on your soda and other caffeinated beverages. Meditate before sleep. You will be sleeping like a baby. Good Luck.

  5. ar.colton profile image80
    ar.coltonposted 11 years ago

    Just wanted to let you know that on average a healthy adult wakes up 2-4 times a night as tehy come to the end of sleep cycles. Most of the time it is so breif that we don't remember it so we aren't aware. If you're falling back to sleep and you're staying asleep for 3-5 hours at a time it's not really a problem. However if you're feelng tired during the day or aren't getting that much sleep you'll want to take action.

    Everyone else had great suggestions. The only one that I can add is that excercising on a regular basis can help you sleep at night, just don't excercise within and hour or two of sleeping. Excercising for one day won't help you sleep right away but people who are active tend to sleep better.

    But, if all else fails I would talk to your doctor about medication. Sleep is a vital part of life. You need it. It's definitely something worth seeking medical attention for.

  6. Tonipet profile image82
    Tonipetposted 11 years ago

    My mother used to tell me in cases of sleeplessness, drink a glass of warm milk. It induces sleep. I'm not sure if it works really well for others as well, but it's a good help.

  7. willismiller profile image60
    willismillerposted 11 years ago

    If you wake up because you are stressed about something, keep a notebook and pen by your bed so you can jot down some notes to yourself before going back to sleep.  Your brain may be waking you because you are worried you might forget something on your agenda the next day.

    If you sleep in a room with or near your computer, turn it off before falling to sleep.  The blue light of the power button or the glow of the screen prevents may people from getting a good night's sleep.  Your room should be dark to help you stay asleep.

    Also, if you have wireless devices, cell phones, a router, etc., make sure you turn them all off before bed and don't keep them on your nightstand or even in your room if you can help it because they emit RF radiation that could interfere with your normal brain activity. 

    And, lastly, check the outside of your home or apartment building to determine if your power company has switched you to a new "smart meter."  If so, you will want to be sure your bed, esp. the head of your bed, does not share a wall with the smart meter.  They can transmit data continuously and the signal may be strong enough to cause interference with your sleep habits.

    Good luck!  Oh yes, and if you take daytime naps, STOP, because that will make it much harder to sleep through the night (or at least that is how it works with my 5-year old!  ha ha!).


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