Do you take naps during the day?

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  1. thumbi7 profile image63
    thumbi7posted 8 years ago

    Do you take naps during the day?

    I  need at least 10 minutes nap after lunch. My father used to discourage this telling that it will become a habit. But I find thee ten minutes nap energizing

  2. Evane profile image63
    Evaneposted 8 years ago

    As for me, no. I don't know why but it's hard to take a nap especially during the day.

  3. choneycutt profile image66
    choneycuttposted 8 years ago

    Within American culture, naps is largely viewed upon negatively as a sign of laziness or lack of motivation.  Sure, for kids, naps are seen as a good thing.  But, once you reach a certain age, naps are seen as a bad habit. 

    However, I see naps as really beneficial to increasing productivity.  Studies have shown that creativity and intelligence rise drastically with a regular sleep schedule of about 8 hours a night.  As long as nap for about 30 minutes, you should see an increase in creativity and intelligence.  If you nap for over 30 minutes though, you are likely to become drowsy and lethargic.  Breaks are overall a good thing because they allow you to recargar tus pilas (recharge your batteries).

    1. thumbi7 profile image63
      thumbi7posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I do agree. The nap should not extend more than 15 minutes for me. Then I will wake up tired.

  4. blessedp profile image80
    blessedpposted 8 years ago

    Yes I take naps in the day. Just 5 minutes makes a world of difference.

    1. thumbi7 profile image63
      thumbi7posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I can think clearly and work faster after a short nap

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image95
    FatFreddysCatposted 8 years ago

    Not usually, but dang, there are a lot of days when I wish I could!

  6. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 8 years ago

    No, and I really don't understand them. I've seen the result of naps in myself, my husband, and even my older children. It seems no matter if they take a 20 minute nap or an hour nap the result is always waking groggy, more tired, or no improvement at all. I've read the studies that show it is beneficial, but I simply haven't seen it myself. Personally I just don't do good with sleeping during the day, never have. Really I want to enjoy every minute I can of the day.

  7. padmendra profile image50
    padmendraposted 8 years ago

    I am not very sure, if a nap can energise you or make you feel more tired . Every body and the way we live has a great impact on the habits that we grow. A nap can only be possible, if you get a break from your work or if you are lucky enough to be at home. However the habit of nap with a busy schedule might proof to be dangerous. Thus it is important that we grow our habits as per the situation and have the capability to shift them as required.
            Otherwise, personally  a nap for 10 minutes also does wonders,by refreshing  my mind and get back to work.

  8. liesl5858 profile image84
    liesl5858posted 8 years ago

    Personally, I don't take naps in the daytime. I find it hard to sleep during the day unless I am really tired, then I have to take a nap but most of the time I really can't sleep during day. I can only sleep about 3 to 4 hours during the day if I am doing a night shift.

    The Spanish people have siestas but I think that is part of their culture so they are used to it. Some people find it productive to have a nap but some people also find that the more tired they become when they have a nap. I think it depends on each individuals body or habit really.

  9. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 8 years ago

    If I got to bed in a timely manner, then I usually don't need one. But I do think it helps on days where I got too little sleep. I try not to push it longer than an hour because then it gets into super-groggy territory, which negates its benefits.

  10. peachpurple profile image81
    peachpurpleposted 8 years ago

    nope never, I get bad headache after a nap

  11. Flipsgeraldine profile image63
    Flipsgeraldineposted 8 years ago

    I use to nap, but not necessarily after lunch.  It was a great energy booster for me and helped with my studies.  I was working, going to school and raising a toddler. Of course my naps were on the weekends and my off days.  I did not have much of a choice because at certain times of the day my body would demand a nap. I enjoyed napping, it was like a restart button for me.

  12. ChitrangadaSharan profile image92
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 8 years ago

    I do take naps and they are very refreshing to me. They do not last for more then 10 minutes. Usually its in the afternoon.
    However a  nap should not turn out to be a long sleep, especially in the day time. Then it will make you feel lazy.
    But it depends on person to person.


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