Did you ever feel like going on a vacation alone ?

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  1. swapna123 profile image59
    swapna123posted 13 years ago

    Did you ever feel like going on a vacation alone ?

    Ever felt like taking a short break from your job and family and going on a vacation on your own ?

  2. Alya rose profile image60
    Alya roseposted 13 years ago

    Oh my gosh do I!a little bit of time away on your own is what everyone needs once in a while^_^

  3. nicregi profile image64
    nicregiposted 13 years ago

    Hmm! I do like going for holiday but going alone? I perfer going with my love ones or family but this really struck me that maybe one day I will do it alone smile

  4. profile image51
    danick123posted 13 years ago

    Yes, because other people can cause stress and i just like to get away and just relax  a bit

  5. bushraismail profile image58
    bushraismailposted 13 years ago

    a big yes. when i am sad or when life is too boring, i feel like travelling alone.

  6. Tusitala Tom profile image65
    Tusitala Tomposted 13 years ago

    I have been on a number of short holidays; I'm talking a week or so, alone.   Usually, though, I choose to stop in and see people, perhaps even staying with them a day or two.   Travelling this way is a great way to catch up with old friends who live a long distance from your home town or city.   You have to enjoy your own company, of course, for you spend a lot of it in travel, maybe at the wheel of your car.   Yes, I'd recommend a vacation alone from time to time.

  7. wytegarillaz profile image60
    wytegarillazposted 13 years ago

    Not now I am happily married and we have an amazing time together!!
    However if I ended up on my own I would go on holidays alone as I would stay single.

  8. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 13 years ago

    I have done it several times, and I loved it!  It's a great feeling to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want.  But mostly, it's a great way to reconnect with your own thoughts and contemplate where you are in life and where you want to be.

  9. katie54321 profile image60
    katie54321posted 13 years ago

    Every day! But then I realize how much I would miss if I did go off by myself and change my mind.  Some of the best joys in my life come from watching my children experience things for the first time.  There's nothing quite like the look on a child's face the first time they see the ocean, go on an amusement park ride, go camping, or whatever.

  10. Bale Brakeson profile image60
    Bale Brakesonposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I've travelled by train and bus to Yosemite several times.  I love the solitude of the valley, yet there are plenty of international travellers to talk to when I feel like conversing.  I have also stayed at the International Youth Hostels in San Francisco for the same reason.  Lots of fun to wander the city alone, and then it's nice to relax in the lobby with an international crowd.

  11. Lady Wordsmith profile image74
    Lady Wordsmithposted 13 years ago

    Yes, and no guilt attached to this desire either smile  I'm a mum of three small boys, and I have just been away for a week to Barbados (it was for my brother's wedding, so I wasn't alone alone - but I was without my kids and my partner).  I barely thought about my children, and when I came back I was recharged and ready to enjoy my time with them again.  It's not something I'm going to get chance to do very often, but if I get the opportunity to go on holiday truly alone I will seize it, definitely.  Alone time is precious to me - some people don't need it, but that shouldn't mean that those of us who do should feel guilty about it.

    I do eat in restaurants alone, and go to the cinema alone.  I love it.  Total freedom!


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