What would be YOUR reaction if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency?

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    What would be YOUR reaction if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency?


  2. Austinstar profile image85
    Austinstarposted 8 years ago

    Well, it will be business as usual. Hillary will carry on the policies of Obama and Bill. Which means that we will continue to be prosperous, pay down the debt, and work toward universal health care.
    The right wingers will still try to persecute Hillary at every turn, they just can't let things go and move forward. How many times will they keep attacking her with any and all accusations? Oh, right, they will never stop. And therefore, they will be seen as the sore losers that they are. I'm pretty sure they will never accept an "inferior" woman as their Commander in Chief. Just like they refuse to vote for equal pay for women or provide funding for Planned Parenthood, or support a woman's right to govern her own reproductive organs.
    Those who oppose Hillary for president are really cowards and liars. They attack her over and over again for scenarios that they cook up in their little heads. They have no proof of any wrongdoing, but they are going to sling that mud until they die.
    I would prefer to have Bernie be the next president, but Hillary is a good second choice. She and Bernie are both supportive of progressive (not regressive) issues.

    1. Tusitala Tom profile image67
      Tusitala Tomposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What's this 'inferior women' stuff.  You know full well that some of the most efficient and inspirational leaders have been women.  Presidents and prime ministers in India, Israel and the UK.  Even old Burma now has a woman leader.

    2. Austinstar profile image85
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ok, quote the percentages for me. I agree that it is getting better, but old ways of thinking die hard. And women being equal to men is a relatively new idea for many.

  3. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 8 years ago

    Like Austinstar says, it will be business as usual.  Basically she would be an extension of Obama.  She would carry out his agenda.  Maybe even be worse.

    1. Austinstar profile image85
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So, tell us, Loli - how has your life gotten worse under Obama? Yea, be SPECIFIC if you can possibly do that.

  4. Old-Empresario profile image72
    Old-Empresarioposted 8 years ago

    I wouldn't care. Things wouldn't change much from the way they are now and I've done ok under the stats quo. But she'll catch hell from the right constantly--probably worse than President Obama did.

  5. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 8 years ago

    My reaction, and I'm an Aussie not an American, would be "About time."  Not because I particularly like Hilary Clinton, but because the good old USA continues to be one of the 'Western World's' most conservative nations.  Not one woman president since 1776, when the nation came into being.

    Don't expect any big changes whoever gets into power.   The 'Business Machine' of America will continue to roll ponderously on.   However, it is now getting some real challenge for the first time from China.   Both nations will continue to waste billions on armaments at the expense of the infrastructure and social welfare of their citizens, but that is the way we human beings continue to be.

    1. Austinstar profile image85
      Austinstarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think you may be on to something here. Money controls our government. Who would have ever guessed? Even Trump thinks he can buy his way into the presidency!

  6. jksouthard profile image62
    jksouthardposted 8 years ago

    I would be OK with Hillary as president.  I would not expect any great new programs...ie, a race to the moon or Mars.  She will have her hands full with foreign intrigue, keeping us out of WARS,  and playing politics at home with the economy, education, and justice.  Her big contribution will be her blasting the glass ceiling as Obama did...paving the way to a more responsive politic, ie, women in governance.

    1. bradmasterOCcal profile image49
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Obama didn't pick her for VP, he went with the old white dude.

  7. Neil Sperling profile image59
    Neil Sperlingposted 8 years ago

    If folks looked at the current monetary system they would realize no matter who wins the election nothing will change. There are flaws in communism, socialism as well as capitalism ---- the monetary system is the only common thread - it is the problem. We need Thrivalism. I wrote about it.

  8. NMLady profile image75
    NMLadyposted 8 years ago

    A huge sigh of relief.  Our progress will be protected.  And glad that a bully or a religious zealot will not be taking away my religious freedoms.  I would be fine with Bernie too.  VOTE BLUE is my motto.  We have come too far to let bad politicians suck us back to bigotry, sexism, and hate of others.


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